You are correct that members have a right to express their opinions, yourself included.

I think it becomes problematic for the moderators when someone substitutes their opinion for fact and states said opinion as absolute fact, when of course it is nothing more than one's opinion. I will use Jstat as an example, although their have been many other
opinions stated as fact recently. To allow that flies in the face of the intent of this site. Might as well rename it
You seem to have a different agenda than most on this site of improving their knowledge and game. You seem to want to take control of this site and make the decisions on who posts here and turn it into some sort of good old boys club consisting of only your friends and aquaintances. The members who you know and have personally met are welcome and you heap praise on and kiss ass like a fraternity and those that aren't part of your little cirlce aren't welcome. So go right ahead, hijack the site. I am tired of these games and your many backhanded comments directed at me. It is counterproductive to my game and goal.
I suppose you will counter about how sensative I am and that your comments aren't directed at me, but just read through the comments of the past couple weeks. Many members have picked up on it. Hell, just yesterday, a member, HockeXpert, expressed a positive comment about me and you tried to talk him out of it. :laugh: You really are a very small and disappointing person.