Once again, my frustration flowed over this past weekend, and for that I apoligize. I mostly blame myself for defending these personal attacks and continuing to engage in discussions concerning such nonsence. It shows a definate lack of discipline on my part, for which I hope to do better by limiting my participation to blackjack related topics and away from personal discussions.
It seems a couple member's don't care for me and continually hint at or state outright that I am a fraud. This confuses me a bit and I suspect deep down they know this isn't true. I mean what have I claimed on this site? That I am some AP superstar who has taken the casino's for millions? Hardly. :laugh: In 2007, my first year of posting, I made roughly 20 grand or about what a fast food worker makes.

Last year, I had a little more success mostly because I was finally able to grow my bankroll to a level which supported larger wagers. My income was still pretty modest, in the mid 5 figure range, far less than most full time AP's would find acceptable and as Kim Lee stated after we communicated, I spend far greater time acheiving these results than most AP's would find reasonable. So if telling tall tales was my thing, I think I could do a bit better than this. :laugh:
What other members think of me or choose to believe doesn't affect my bottom line one bit. It just taints my name when I participate on this site.
I am grateful to Ken, Sonny, Icount&track and other moderator(s) that I may not know by name for providing this site, from which I have learned and continue to learn volumes. My AP skills and efforts are very elementary still, consisting mostly of just counting, but I am sure my efforts and results have benefited from the knowledge I have received from this site and it's members.
Concerning the recent 'BJ Bash thread'. As stated, I think the Bash is a tremendous opportunity for those that choose to attend. Make some blackjack aquantances, learn some new skills, have some fun and maybe visit a location that you otherwise wouldn't. I personally have a handful of attendees that I would like to someday meet. There are a variety of reasons why a players might choose not to attend though and I don't think that indicates anything other than that player has some concerns that for him or her outweigh the benefits at this time.
It saddens me to see someone have an agenda to divide the membership into those who attend and are the
real deal and outsiders. I am glad to see that no other attendees shared that view, at least publicly.
I don't understand all the politics, agendas and attacks on this site. Other than maybe not sharing some sensative information about a juicy game or opportunity, (greed :laugh

I like to think we are all on the same team. Let's all stop the backstabbing and personal attacks (myself included) and unite against the common enemy.