looking for a mentor


Active Member
hello hello

Good evening all. My name is cowboysnaces and and I have finally registered on yer message boards. No time to tall but ill be back later. Just wanted to say howdy.


Active Member
Evening boys and girls,

For those of you that don't know me, you will soon know me. This is only my second post, but I have been using the black jack school here for a good.while. I have reached a point where im not.sure that I can teach myself efficiently beyond what I know. By the way, totally here on my touch screen cell phone so if the words are messed up, my apologies. Here's are the skills I feel comfortable with: bs, hi lo counting, keeping said count amid distractions, doing the math for true.edge conversion, betting according to.my br.

I would.like.to.actually meet someone who is an expert in this craft and train with them. Ya know have them test me and size.me up. Basically verification that i am training correctly and that I know what i think i know.

Your replys are much appreciated.

Solo player

Well-Known Member

You should get in contact with the "genius". Look in the blackjack stories section.
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cowboysnaces said:
I would.like.to.actually meet someone who is an expert in this craft and train with them. Ya know have them test me and size.me up. Basically verification that i am training correctly and that I know what i think i know.
What is your anticipated BR (when ready) and max bet size? zg


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
Every time we get a newbie i keep thinking genius found a new alias.:laugh:
paddywhack said:
You're not alone :laugh::laugh:
I'm quite impressed with how quickly some of the sharper minds around here have been able to pick off a "ringer". I must admit; after re-reading the original post, there certainly ARE some striking similarities to the "genius's" writing style.
Although I'm not really sure..... Maybe just a coincidence? :eyepatch:


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry that I bought several blackjack books and wasted my time reading them, for such information as indices and ramps.

It would have been much simpler to join here and waste everyone else's time asking questions which are answered in any number of books. The time I saved not having to read books could have been spent at the tables.

Not a +EV strategy on my part. My bad.


Active Member
Wasn't necessarily talking about any specific game, but for those curious a local yet very small casino offers a 4d h17 das 70% penetration that I go from time to time to practice. I was mostly wanting help with the acquisition of blackjack skills in general. In august I wil have the oppertunity to go to vegas, which I guess is like mecca for card players. I wanted some way of finding out if I'm ready for vegas before i go and risk my hard earned money in a game in which the reality might be that I may not be skilled enough to walk.away with profit. I understand neg flux happens, but id like to know that i can play a winning game.

And why the texan joke? Is.3k not enough? I could make it 5k if its needed,but I think 3k is.enough to start with at low minimums. By vegas time, with just saving from.my income alone I can throw together a 6 or 7k br. Nevermind my possible winnings from live training at my local casinos of which there are at least 3. And seattles not that far if a good game can be found there.



Well-Known Member

Well there is there not one of us willing to take on an underling? Seriously though I don't think you really want to pay someone to mentor you do you? I have heard a few aps here will do it for a price because time is money. My advice to you is read your eyeballs red and practice your cc and idexs til that just about all you think of. Then take your bankroll and without vareing your bet practice your cc under live conditions. Your bankroll is a good start but your risk of losing your butt is high because of inexperience. Good luck!


Active Member
Someone explain why y'all have been so rude thus far.

I've read some books too. I'm.looking at blackbelt in blackjack right.now. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time playing kitchen table blackjack and at the.kithcen table everything goes fine. But when I get to the casino everything goes wrong... eventually. Last time I played I took 250 bucks and doubled it in a half hour. I looked.at my chips and I thought, "ya know. This is.about the best I'm gonna do isn't it? I'm.up 50 units and for tonight I should.walk outta here victory in hand." But I didn't. I wanted to "put in the time" for my training. I ended up down 10 units which ain't a huge loss, but I wonder now if over a half hour.at a time is the way I should go. Is.staying too long asking for trouble?

And stop with the genius doofus. After following some of the other posts that others who used to be new posted, like easy rhino (awesome reading btw) I had thought y'all would be all too willing help.But I see rude remarks and cracking jokes is more up somes alley.


Well-Known Member
cowboysnaces said:
Someone explain why y'all have been so rude thus far.

I've read some books too. I'm.looking at blackbelt in blackjack right.now. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time playing kitchen table blackjack and at the.kithcen table everything goes fine. But when I get to the casino everything goes wrong... eventually. Last time I played I took 250 bucks and doubled it in a half hour. I looked.at my chips and I thought, "ya know. This is.about the best I'm gonna do isn't it? I'm.up 50 units and for tonight I should.walk outta here victory in hand." But I didn't. I wanted to "put in the time" for my training. I ended up down 10 units which ain't a huge loss, but I wonder now if over a half hour.at a time is the way I should go. Is.staying too long asking for trouble?

And stop with the genius doofus. After following some of the other posts that others who used to be new posted, like easy rhino (awesome reading btw) I had thought y'all would be all too willing help.But I see rude remarks and cracking jokes is more up somes alley.
Attitude on the board cycles. Mostly helpful... though it seems we're in a downswing. :flame::whip:


Active Member
No i wasnt necessarily looking to pay for.a mentor, although it would be.nice to meet another cc face to face and compare notes. Seriously though, why the rudeness? Granted this IS the internet and everyones rude on the internet, but why the sarcasm from friendo and others? Hey guys there's no need for that. Just somethings about the way people treat each other that I'll never.understand. My membership.to this forum may be.short but that doesn't mean my time.in training has been. I may be new to you guys, but I still read and study till I see cards in my sleep