sagefr0g said:
i defer to your French.
essentially dealing with uncertainty, no? for us at least, right? perfect or what ever that God set up, we're allowed to deal with it. no?
free will, right? that's all i want, the freedom to deal with uncertainty with out some moralizing agent decreeing how i choose to do so as long as i don't break any moral decree in doing so. just as any scientist or mathematician goes about the actions of the scientific method and logic with out pause for moral principles.
sagefr0g said:
for blackjack and for physics stuff i don't know what God's inclinations or presuppositons may or may not be. personally i doubt He cares much about all that stuff. me thinks it's the morality stuff He's into. but i would agree with the idea that He probably set it all up with our best interests in mind.
regardless i can't see how His loving provision would predispose us to not have an interest in dealing with uncertainty. assumming that is incorrect then i fail to see why we would bother to have an interest in anything that we are initially ignorant of.

Yes. For us it is dealing with uncertainty. From our perspective, it's as if nothing is preordained. If you snooze, you lose! (Well, you may lose.)
sagefr0g said:
but yes, it's been my experience, at least it's the outward appearance to me that He has things set up so as one pretty much has to go about doing things just so or wham it just don't work.
sagefr0g said:
this part is simple. it doesn't require not ascribing to His Omnipotence and Omniscience to ascribe to God the ability to transend Himself. He could in His Omnipotence and Omniscience choose to be "bound", choose to create a physics of His creation for which not even He could predict. in short if He can do anything then He can do anything. that would mean He could even know the skinny while being ignorant of it.:cat:
edit: but what ever the case, it's a good bet He's got a reason for what ever He did.
Up until now I have been in agreement with you. But.......
This idea that God could fix it so that He knows and at the same time He doesn't know. You're blowing your mind! Omniscience says that He does know. It is not double talk, except perhaps from our perspective. The reason we are seeing eye to eye and yet not eye to eye is that you are taking man's point of view and I am taking God's point of view (which I know is reality, only I can't understand how it is reality). I am taking it on faith, while you are trying to figure it out. It cannot be figured out. It is like the story of Peter in fable that one day he was walking along the seashore trying to figure out the Trinity. How could God be One God and yet at the same time be Three Divine Persons, each Completely God in and of Himself? He came upon a child digging a small hole in the sand. He asked the child what he was doing. The child replied that he was digging a hole into which he intended to drain the entire sea. Then Peter realized the folly of his contemplation. He had been trying to comprehend the Infinite with his puny finite mind. It was no more possible for him to succeed in his deliberations than for the child to actually drain the sea into that tiny hole.
There is one thing that God cannot do, in a manner of speaking, and that is to contradict Himself, His very nature. In short, He cannot be not God. He may take on our nature, but He cannot contradict His own nature, He can become both true God and true man (Jesus), but He cannot not be God--that is Who He is. (I AM WHO AM). God therefore cannot be evil, cannot be weak, cannot be unseeing, cannot be uncompassionate, cannot be not unknowing. It's a contradiction in terms. Words in our language have finite meanings. We must keep to those finite meanings, limits if you will, or all ability to communicate is lost.
God cannot transcend Himself, because outside of God there is nothing (by definition). Assuming "all" means "all" there is nothing left to transcend the all-knowing God. He cannot hide from Himself. He cannot say "No" to Himself, He cannot deny Himself. These are all definitional terms. I guess in the final analysis, even the definition of God must be taken on faith.
Another way to look at it is that God exists outside of time. Think about that for a while. The past and the future are all compressed if you will into the present moment. He is. Our future is as present to Him as our now. This is why quantum physics keeps getting wrapped around itself and declaring such things as the ability to go backwards in time. Science is now beginning to grapple with the reality of all things, with the infinite, but by and large it does not know it. All of a sudden it is contemplating things that a few years ago it would have dismissed as rubbish. Now it is a victim of its own efficient quest--the quest for truth, the meaning all that is, the theory of everything. Science is butting its head against infinity and all it will get is a headache. At some point one must make the leap of faith. Otherwise, bring plenty of Advil.
In sum, it is all fixed, yet as you point out, we must act as if it were not fixed. But at the same time we can take solace in the fact that it is all fixed with out best interests in mind even when it seems that everything is conspiring against us. Faith is the name of the game. Christians are advantage players who know they will win in the long run. So my advice is that when you know a certain course of action is the right thing to do, do it. Take the shortcut and do what is right. Quit the rationalizing. Quit the double agenda. Quit being double minded. Choose the straight and narrow. It's the shortest distance to the Truth. As the Bible says, "All things work unto good for those who love God."