MGM back-off. How long to stay away?


Well-Known Member
Last month, I was backed-off at Mirage, while playing anon. The shift manager asked me to step away from the table, introduced himself and politely said "You are permanently banned from playing blackjack at Mirage." For how long would you stay away from that shift and/or Mirage altogether? Any concern about other MGM properties?
What drew their attention to you? How long/often were you playing there?
I likely wouldn't go back at all, unless you have an obvious edge with their casino, sort of need more info.

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member

In Burning The Tables, Anderson says he'd stay away from the shift in question for about a year (after a related confrontation - p. 65).

By the way, you might ask Ken to move this post to either the General or Card Counting section (I think it's being overlooked here and it's an important post--and a lot of us could benefit by getting everyone's input).

Best regards,

Finn Dog


Well-Known Member
Why were you caught in Vegas anyways? There are literally dozens of casinos within walking distance. Just play shorter sessions.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Last month, I was backed-off at Mirage, while playing anon. The shift manager asked me to step away from the table, introduced himself and politely said "You are permanently banned from playing blackjack at Mirage." For how long would you stay away from that shift and/or Mirage altogether? Any concern about other MGM properties?
As was said to me once upon a time... "What part of permanent did you not understand?" :laugh:


Well-Known Member
If you were playing anon, and not slaughtering them, they probably don't have you flyered or anything. If it was me I'd just avoid it for a few months, if thta, and wouldn't worry about the other MGM props. Just change your appearance if you're worried.

I have been hearing a lot more about MGM backoffs these days. Crackdown in a tight economy?


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
Why were you caught in Vegas anyways? There are literally dozens of casinos within walking distance. Just play shorter sessions.
I was asked to step away from the table after 10 minutes of play. I was there, on a different shift, 2 days earlier and played for 45 minutes. I was not doing anything paricularly noteworthy. Perhaps surveillance was bored and tuned in on me. Sometimes, **** happens. It was my first backoff in 2-3 years.


Active Member
When I was backed-off at MGM I stayed away for about 6 months. Haven't had a problem since. As for the other MGM properties, I stayed away for about a week or so.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Last month, I was backed-off at Mirage, while playing anon. The shift manager asked me to step away from the table, introduced himself and politely said "You are permanently banned from playing blackjack at Mirage." For how long would you stay away from that shift and/or Mirage altogether? Any concern about other MGM properties?

He didn't read you the Tresspass Act? Maybe it's not an enforceable thing.
21forme said:
For how long would you stay away from that shift and/or Mirage altogether? Any concern about other MGM properties?
Desired sabbatical depends on your overall heat situation and goals, but if the incident was both unremarkable and anonymous, I wouldn't worry much. Be courteous, give them a few months if you can spare that. By "them" I mean the shifts where you had face time with heat. (So if the previous session - the session most likely to have generated this backing-off - was on a different shift, avoid both shifts for the same token period.) Alter your gestalt upon return. I doubt other MGM properties will be an issue.


Well-Known Member
tribute said:
He didn't read you the Tresspass Act? Maybe it's not an enforceable thing.
No, and I was playing anon, so they have no idea who I am.
I went back about 2 months later, avoiding the shift of the back-off, and had no problems.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
No, and I was playing anon, so they have no idea who I am.
I went back about 2 months later, avoiding the shift of the back-off, and had no problems.
I want a Card that says "Anonymous" :laugh:
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Well-Known Member
Doofus said:
Pull one out of a machine (people leave them in all the time) and voila!
We really should consult an attorney about this. I think you'd be ok, but that may be illegal.


Well-Known Member
daddybo said:
I want a Card that says "Anonymous" :laugh:
Just found a card in Vegas with the name "Chance Blackman" on it. Actually kept it as a souvenir :laugh::laugh::laugh:.......


Well-Known Member
Homeschool said:
Just found a card in Vegas with the name "Chance Blackman" on it. Actually kept it as a souvenir :laugh::laugh::laugh:.......
Honor Blackman played Pussy Galore in Goldfinger. Maybe a relative?

When I was a kid, I had a summer job at the NYC Board of Elections. One day I was cleaning old files, and came across a voter registration card for Butterfly McQueen (GWTW).

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
Doofus said:
Pull one out of a machine (people leave them in all the time) and voila!
Wouldn't you have to see the guy who leaves the card (to make sure you're reasonably close in age)?

Also, do they scan in pictures from driver's licenses or are they not that advanced yet?

Thanks in advance,



Well-Known Member
Finn Dog said:
Wouldn't you have to see the guy who leaves the card (to make sure you're reasonably close in age)?

Also, do they scan in pictures from driver's licenses or are they not that advanced yet?

Thanks in advance,

It's not illegal to use another person's card to get rated. Now if you tried to get a comp on that persons credit, or committed some other type of fraud.....

Some places (MGM in particular) DO scan your DL when you sign up, but when the PC pulls up the info on his computer he does not have access to the pic.
I have a friend who got caught using someone's card, only because the age difference was 30 years. He explained that it was his uncle's card. It didn't work - he DID get barred.