All of You Need to Man Up
Said with all the love in the world. All of the following is assuming one is a skilled player.
I just read the entire thread, why all this Narcissistic handwringing? Matt21 you are way to concerned over what your results are. I see you staring at your sim screen agonizing over what misfortune the next bet will bring like Narcissus staring into the pond. The sims will tell you what you should make moving forward. Quit looking back, your personal play is to small a sample to determine much of anything. Also, as you have mentioned the real world variables make it very difficult to track real play.
Should you play or do something else. It's a fairly easy answer. One needs to make over twice at bj what they would make at a regular job due to the risk. If considering another investment or business opportunity, then you should be able to quantify and compare to bj.
If you are behind in expectation instead of curling up with your inner child go play and get your money back!
If one is unhappy with variance then bet more conservaitvely. Once at a nice level of play and if you want to stay there, then don't raise bets on wins but let the bank grow so you can stay at the level you are happy with
Forget about short term variance. Sim out the variance and ev for a NO and you will know where you will stand in time.
What has Syph stated? 500 hrs to be 90% certain of half of win rate? This is a very good rule of thumb on expectations. Here is a shorter term way to look at expectation and risk. Are you willing to bet $100 for a chance to win a buck in time?
If you must track something figure out the hours to be at some certain % of expectation and count the hours.
CC is a hard way to make easy money? Seriously, standing in Iraq in 120 degrees waiting for an IED to go off next to you is hard. Low level construction and factory work is hard! A nuclear worker in Japan is hard work.
Terrified of barrings?, when a cop pulls you over are you terrified? Then keep all bets below $100. A barring is not as serious as what a soldier, cop, firefighter or nuclear worker in Japan face, including some factory and construction work. Never forget being a CC is legal.
Playing a game for more money then many make working! Oh save me from my bj "mortal coil"
matt21 you seem highly skilled and intelligent you just have to toughen up! This endeavor is not for the faint of heart, especially at higher levels of play.
Man, what got into the Avenger!:whip: