Need Advice from a Pro- Another Police Story

Solo player

Well-Known Member
alwayssplitaces said:
Wonder what the EV from a lawsuit would be. If it's greater than your EV playing blackjack, then try to get falsely backroomed.
What are the chances of that happening? .0001%
alwayssplitaces said:
Wonder what the EV from a lawsuit would be. If it's greater than your EV playing blackjack, then try to get falsely backroomed.
It's high variance. The casino is going to try to fabricate a criminal case against you. They are liars cheats and criminals, they know how to do this, and once you are in jail facing criminal charges you'll be amazed at how uninterested the free world is in your story. You could be the one who ends up paying out money, for criminal defense and in the price paid for having a criminal record.

It's possible the local courts and attorneys aren't going to want to get involved, at least not on your side. Too much work and trouble for a lawyer, they want easy money and if they know the casino fights back and has a history of winning these cases, they're going to tell you to just forget about it. Unless you already know a lawyer who has suggested to you that he is interested in suing a casino, I wouldn't go shopping for abuse from casino security.


Well-Known Member
Solo player said:
What are the chances of that happening? .0001%
Try getting under their skin. Make fun of their ethnicity, weight, job, etc., pretty sure one of these low IQ, low impulse control security guards will overreact. Not that I suggest anyone do this, high risk, high reward.

LV Bear

You are not dealing with rational people


Guide to Minimizing Risk of Personal Injury During Casino Backoffs and Barrings

(Dead link:

Iron Man

Weekend in jail

FLASH1296 said:

However, you need to be arraigned before a judge or justice, and cannot have bail set or (more likely) be released on your own recognizance, before appearing before the bar.

Heaven help you if you are arrested on a Friday night on a holiday weekend. The reality is that casinos merely up the level of their intimidation if you make a reappearance on their premises (or at a "sister" property).

Even on the weekends there is usually a magistrate on duty to hear bail amounts. You should request to have bail set by the magistrate on duty, or have a good attorney who should be able to get you out on the weekend on your own recognizance.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
This seems to be a new intimidation procedure being used around the country.

First off you live in a free country that many men died to keep that way and you just buckled under a sleight threat from some HS drop out in a uniform.:(:rolleyes:

Was this in a state reg. casino?

In a native casino it is a little more iffy but you still are protected under the US laws.

I really want to say you guys better grow a set and fast!!

Do not show ID unless it is for cashing in $10,000 or more!!

We are not fuc#ing criminals!!! Hear that guys!!! Stop acting like criminals, act like free men with rights and dignity and pride and be ready to fight to defend those rights.

I have way to many friends that have ben abused in this way recently and it has got to stop,,,so again I say,,,GROW A SET!!

Just say no!

Horse Johnson will soon have his law license and I am sure he would be happy to take on any cases steeming from this type of abuse.:cool:

Well put CP and I agree with you. Although, I have never been in that "backoff" situation as of yet I will at least be armed with the knowledge of what my citizen's rights are when the time should come. Thanks

BTW, do I eat corn flakes, drink beer, kick casino butt or please explain how us gals should "grow a set"? Just kidding, you rock. Thanks to you and everyone for all your great comments!


Well-Known Member
Never lose sight of the fact that your rights as a citizen, vouchsafed to you, as a citizen of the U.S.A.;
but you voluntarily surrender your rights upon setting foot (or tires) on Native American "sovereign land".

A common English definitions of "sovereign" is:

[attrib.] (of a nation or state) "fully independent and determining its own affairs : a sovereign, democratic republic."

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
The Chaperone said:
-Do not color up.

-Do not cash out.

-Do not let the goon engage you in any conversation.

-Do not hand over ID.

-Do not sign anything.

-Do not pass go.

-Do collect $200, albeit at some point down the line.

I'll give you an F+ because at least you didn't sign the form.
I felt it was necessary to have this appear again. Bingo.
yesiamred said:
Well put CP and I agree with you. Although, I have never been in that "backoff" situation as of yet I will at least be armed with the knowledge of what my citizen's rights are when the time should come. Thanks

BTW, do I eat corn flakes, drink beer, kick casino butt or please explain how us gals should "grow a set"? Just kidding, you rock. Thanks to you and everyone for all your great comments!
You already have a set. Recommend you keep them well-visible at the casino. Even more so when there are AP's around. :)
LVBear584 said:

Guide to Minimizing Risk of Personal Injury During Casino Backoffs and Barrings

(Dead link:
OK, I see...

"...Based exclusively on the verdict in favor of Romanski on her § 1983 claim, the jury awarded $500 in punitive damages against Brown, and
$875,000 in punitive damages against the casino...


"...The verdict was swift Dec. 13, less than three hours to decide that the guard and the Luxor should pay $203,230 and Mandalay Bay, which evicted her from her room after the incident at the Luxor, should pay $100,000. Then jurors went back to discuss punitive damages.

That's when the resort's lawyers came up with a better settlement offer, which was accepted but is not public.

Since Nevada law limits punitive damages to no more than three times actual damages, the maximum Frabotta could have received in punitive damages would have been another $900,000. So she received no more than $1.2 million, maybe less...

I don't know Bear, I've been punched in the face and hit with a club for a lot less than 6 figures, are you absolutely sure I shouldn't provoke those morons?


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
They are fortunate that you didn't go fully Automatic on them. zg

AutoMonk on
full-tilt automatic

Why can't some AP be more courageous than Cho doing in Virginia Tech campus? It would be awesome to see such a casino massacre on prime time news. I suggest Automatic Monkey do it!


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Why can't some AP be more courageous than Cho doing in Virginia Tech campus? It would be awesome to see such a casino massacre on prime time news. I suggest Automatic Monkey do it!
You've made plenty of stupid comments on this forum, but this one sets a new level of stupidity.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
You've made plenty of stupid comments on this forum, but this one sets a new level of stupidity.
Don't shoot the messenger. If you watch how the follow-ups evolve, you know this is the logical conclusion what WABJ11 and many want.


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Don't shoot the messenger. If you watch how the follow-ups evolve, you know this is the logical conclusion what WABJ11 and many want.
No, I don't think I want anyone shot.
BJgenius007 said:
Don't shoot the messenger. If you watch how the follow-ups evolve, you know this is the logical conclusion what WABJ11 and many want.
Screw you. I'm one friend removed from a person killed at at Virginia Tech and that's one reason I think what you said was stupid. My second reason is that I'm a Second Amendment supporter and deeds like what happened there tarnish us all. Third reason is that I'm an AP, we are being observed here by casino personnel, and we are all judged by the things that are said here. I do not believe anyone here has any desire to shoot in a casino or harm casino personnel, and you harm our reputation by suggesting that.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
You've made plenty of stupid comments on this forum, but this one sets a new level of stupidity.
Does this surpass me expressing my fantasy of becoming a ploppy serial killer?

Would it be even worse if I said I recently had a fantasy of flaying a ploppy's skin, painting it green, making them into a blackjack table top, splitting my tens over and over on them after switching to two hands and raising my bet, and then ask them if they'd still like to loudly proclaim "Why did you raise your bet all of a sudden"?


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Why can't some AP be more courageous than Cho doing in Virginia Tech campus? It would be awesome to see such a casino massacre on prime time news. I suggest Automatic Monkey do it!
You are just the worst kind of person.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
You've made plenty of stupid comments on this forum, but this one sets a new level of stupidity.
No, he's said a lot of stupider things...nothing quite this mean though.