Need Advice from a Pro- Another Police Story


Well-Known Member
Some may disagree, but:

- Put chips in pocket and no talking - just keep walking
- You may very well be blocked - do not touch anyone
- You may be touched - do not resist anyone. Do not wave your arms, raise your voice, or do anything that looks like you are antagonizing anyone when/if the video is reviewed
- Even if you've done/not done the above, if the police are called, you may/probably will be arrested. Cops rule the street and can arrest you for anything - they don't need a reason. That's for you to sort out later in court with your lawyer.
- If you are arrested and have done nothing wrong (but have been touched by casino personnel), have your attorney supboena the casino's video tapes ASAP. They have a way of disappearing. In Nevada, I don't think there is a law requiring casinos to keep surveillance video.
- If you've never been, going to jail for the night is not the worst thing in the world. If you have a clean record and get DC'd, you'll probably walk on your own recognizance.
- Learn the legal definition of Probable Cause. Do not shout it from the rooftops when someone violates your rights. Save your bullets for court.
- Don't expect anyone to stand up for your rights. That's your responsibility.

Rinse and repeat.....


P.S. If I didn't say it, follow the above advice at your own peril - don't blame me if something goes horribly wrong.



So why do cashiers ask for ID's.. When cashing in chips $5K or higher , cashiers ask for ID. I'm just wondering why they need ID. Is this some way to track your winnings or plays..


Active Member
It has to do with the tracking against money laundering. Large transactions are tracked on the Multiple Transactions Log by each casino. This is not specifically tax related.


Well-Known Member
airfree said:
So why do cashiers ask for ID's.. When cashing in chips $5K or higher , cashiers ask for ID. I'm just wondering why they need ID. Is this some way to track your winnings or plays..
They take your player card # when cashing in $5K or more to prevent people from structuring to avoid the 10K CTR threshold.

I'll structure to avoid the 5K limit, but will not exceed 10K in a day.


Well-Known Member
(Don't know if I missed this in the thread)

From the original post, it sounds like the OP was playing unrated, without a player's card.

Assuming that one was playing with a player's card, I surmise that the establishment may not have asked for ID, and simply brought out the barring form filled out with the info from the player's card, then demanded a signature.

Anyone with this experience playing under a card?


Well-Known Member
LVBear584 said:

Guide to Minimizing Risk of Personal Injury During Casino Backoffs and Barrings

(Dead link:
Would love your read your Guide to Minimizing... but the url is not working.