Nightshifter sounds like a new account of BJGenious. I call bullshit on this story. If hes not BJGenious, hes probably just another player who lost their bankrolls or something and are looking for an excuse because a lot of what he says sounds like ploppy voodoo and selective memory of bad beats.
Im not dismissing cheating in general as everyone already knows how I feel about this industry, but in this case it sounds like utter B.S. If there was cheating going on, pit bosses wouldnt be whispering in the dealer's ear to gaff the game and there wouldnt be this many people 'in on it'. That would cause too high of a chance for someone to blow the whistle on the casino. It would be a very tight knit group that only the highest of managment of a very select few that would know about it and not the lowest of the low being the dealers. Give me a break. A billion dollar corporation spilling gaffing secrets to dealers and shift managers/floormen? LOL