newby looking for direction/ books


Well-Known Member
Warlord said:
hell no, I will not throw out any possibility.

I can count pretty good and having to calc true count is more of a pain than I thought it would be. But I will just give it time and see where things go.

I think after reading the next 3 books that I just ordered (blackbelt,blueprint,blubkII) I will have more understanding and my BS should be stronger, then I will have to settle on and focus on which system I use.
Blackbelt will mostly focus on Red 7 and Zen (as well as some material on Hilo Lite). Bluebook II will focus mostly on KISS, which is essentially a copy of Red 7 but you count the black 2s instead of the red 7s. And Blueprint will be your HiLo text.
SPX said:
Blackbelt will mostly focus on Red 7 and Zen (as well as some material on Hilo Lite). Bluebook II will focus mostly on KISS, which is essentially a copy of Red 7 but you count the black 2s instead of the red 7s. And Blueprint will be your HiLo text.
Meh, blackbelt had a pretty good section on hilo imo. Also it sort of gets away from card counting systems and explains how to evaluate games, advanced techniques, and casino's in general. My favorite part was the camouflage section, made me feel like a rebel :devil:


Well-Known Member
calisurfer619 said:
Meh, blackbelt had a pretty good section on hilo imo. Also it sort of gets away from card counting systems and explains how to evaluate games, advanced techniques, and casino's in general. My favorite part was the camouflage section, made me feel like a rebel :devil:

Absolutely true. Blackbelt is much more than just a card counting manual. Even if it is the only blackjack book you EVER owned it would have more than enough information for you to beat the casinos.


Well-Known Member

this post is getting long. I think it's a good post for all newbies to read. Warlord is learning blackjack perfectly. I should note that he has ONE-UP on most of us--He lives in close proximity to good games. Not all of us can be so lucky. Although, I don't know if I'd be a better CC today if I was playing good games instead the crappy ones that were available to me? I do know that I would have been better if I at least lived closer to the crappy games. So, I stand corrected, Warlord, I think you have TWO-UPS on most of us--distance and rules!


Well-Known Member
EyeHeartHalves said:
this post is getting long. I think it's a good post for all newbies to read. Warlord is learning blackjack perfectly. I should note that he has ONE-UP on most of us--He lives in close proximity to good games. Not all of us can be so lucky. Although, I don't know if I'd be a better CC today if I was playing good games instead the crappy ones that were available to me? I do know that I would have been better if I at least lived closer to the crappy games. So, I stand corrected, Warlord, I think you have TWO-UPS on most of us--distance and rules!


I will take that with a grain of salt and just not even think about letting it go to my head. I will never think I am doing anything right (maybe better than most) and will always try to do it better.I am sure living where I do can be seen as a bonus or even a negative (if used wrongly)

I am tempted to start playing but I am far from ready to go and think I am advantage playing and not gambling; and I cannot afford that. I want to spend time at the tables, but like I said, I do not want to wear out my welcome. Maybe in Reno I will be a smaller fish in the pond than my neighborhood Biltmore and CBClub.

My other three books should be here hopefully Monday and I will devour them quickly.

I have BS down solid for a few variations on SD and am getting good at keeping a count.

My biggest worry is going to be my camo. I am hoping to glean some more info on this in some of the next books I am getting ???(blueprint,blackbelt and blubkII)

I suppose every type of persona has a best fit camo. I just need to find mine. I would discuss more here but am extremely cautious about giving any personal details away which may expose me.

Anyhow, I truly appreciate the positive feedback and suggestions from all here and will guarantee you that I will not let any of it go to waste.



Well-Known Member
Warlord said:
My biggest worry is going to be my camo. I am hoping to glean some more info on this in some of the next books I am getting ???(blueprint,blackbelt and blubkII)
Tons of camo discussion in both Blackbelt and Bluebook. I think you're going to be really impressed with Blackbelt; it's full of all kinds of advanced information. It was designed to be a complete course on the art and science of advantage play and it is in fact exactly that. I had read several books before I bought Blackbelt, but when I found that book it became my primary text and I now consider myself a true Snyder devotee. I consider Blackbelt and Big Book to be my primary texts and everything else, while valuable, is secondary.

Warlord said:
I would discuss more here but am extremely cautious about giving any personal details away which may expose me.
I could be wrong, but I honestly don't think boards like this are crawling with casino personnel who are working fervently to "make" the people who post here. I know that for me at least I haven't once been paranoid about it.


Well-Known Member

Thought I would give an update.

As far as books go, I have read (and reread some of):
"Professional BJ" Wong
"BJ Bluebook II" Renzey
"BJ Blueprint" Blaine
"Blackjack for Blood" Carlson
"Big Book of BJ" Snyder
"Blackbelt in BJ" Snyder
"Blackjack Attack" Schlesinger

They are all great in different ways. One thing to keep in mind is they each (some) promote different systems. It is good to get familiar with the different systems and keep an open mind. I started with HiLo and after all my readings I may start with Mentor as it looks like a good trade off for increased EV with minimal effort. (Renzey does a good mentor intro in Bluebook)

For a noob I would recommend the reading in this order:
1) Big Book of BJ - it gives a great overview of the game and its history
2) BJ Bluebook II- It is very simple and makes the theory of advantage play easy to understand, and a good basis for basic strategy.
3) Blackjack for Blood- very easy to read and informative
4) Blackjack Blueprint - I read this one 2x's. it has a lot of great learning drills and is full of practical info.
5) Blackbelt in BJ- another great Snyder book
6) Professional BJ- a must have. I constantly refer to it when drilling
7) BJ Attack- wow, some heavy reading. All the math u could want to explain it all/everything BJ

I would also read the sticky info here and here.

I have played a ton (~25 days) since I started this thread. At first I just played BS and got familiar with the casino environment. I then started working on counting while talking to dealers and PB's and watching tv. (good camo) whenever I am about to see a PB look my way I look up at the TV to look into the game etc. I now can play perfect BS and keep a count and use at least 20 indices for HiLo. At first I lost money playing at a Dis.Adv. but turned it around and am now in the black. The only drawback to all the real practice is the exposure I have gotten.

I have been playing mostly SD and It is way easier keeping a count than 6D. In 6D if you lose count it is costly waiting for a new shoe. I bought a shoe and discard tray and practice with it in anticipation of playing 6D.

My advice to others wanting to get into Counting. Don't.

The environment is deteriorating for successful counters.

I did it cuz I am single and do not party anymore, I quit daytrading, I live near casinos I go to anyway, I am a dreamer.

I will stay with it but have no illusions of being able to do it full time.

Happy counting,


Well-Known Member
Excellent recommendations on the books listed in this thread! Of those not listed, I'll also recommend "Play Blackjack Like the Pros" by Kevin Blackwood and "Burning the Tables in Las Vegas" by Ian Anderson.


Well-Known Member
You've done most of the best reading.
You're on your way at the casinos...

Have fun and good luck!

BJinNJ :cool:


Well-Known Member
Warlord said:
Thought I would give an update.

As far as books go, I have read (and reread some of):
"Professional BJ" Wong
"BJ Bluebook II" Renzey
"BJ Blueprint" Blaine
"Blackjack for Blood" Carlson
"Big Book of BJ" Snyder
"Blackbelt in BJ" Snyder
"Blackjack Attack" Schlesinger

I just got 3 new books to satisy my never ending hunger; and will report back after reading them:
"Burning The Tables in Vegas" Andersen
"Beat The Players" Nersesian
"Hollywood Blackjack" Stann


Well-Known Member
Warlord said:
I just got 3 new books to satisy my never ending hunger; and will report back after reading them:

"Burning The Tables in Vegas" Andersen
"Beat The Players" Nersesian
"Hollywood Blackjack" Stann
I read "Hollywood Blackjack" and it was a good read.

"Burning the tables in Vegas" is EXCELLENT in many respects. I will definitely reread this one.

Beat the players is a bit harder of a read with all the transcripts etc so I am taking my time with this one.

I would highly recommend Burning the tables and would place it highly in my list. My order of my recommended readings (what i would want knowing what I now know) is as follows:

"Big Book of BJ" Snyder
"BJ Bluebook II" Renzey
"Burning The Tables in Vegas" Andersen
"Blackjack for Blood" Carlson
"BJ Blueprint" Blaine
"Blackbelt in BJ" Snyder
"Professional BJ" Wong
"Hollywood Blackjack" Stann
"Blackjack Attack" Schlesinger
"Beat The Players" Nersesian


Well-Known Member
Warlord said:
I read "Hollywood Blackjack" and it was a good read.

"Burning the tables in Vegas" is EXCELLENT in many respects. I will definitely reread this one.

Beat the players is a bit harder of a read with all the transcripts etc so I am taking my time with this one.

I would highly recommend Burning the tables and would place it highly in my list. My order of my recommended readings (what i would want knowing what I now know) is as follows:

"Big Book of BJ" Snyder
"BJ Bluebook II" Renzey
"Burning The Tables in Vegas" Andersen
"Blackjack for Blood" Carlson
"BJ Blueprint" Blaine
"Blackbelt in BJ" Snyder
"Professional BJ" Wong
"Hollywood Blackjack" Stann
"Blackjack Attack" Schlesinger
"Beat The Players" Nersesian
for those of you red chipping (and probably most of you green chipping), you do not need to bother with any of anderson's playing/betting ploys. that said, i still like the book a lot, he is a good writer.


Well-Known Member
rukus said:
for those of you red chipping (and probably most of you green chipping), you do not need to bother with any of anderson's playing/betting ploys. that said, i still like the book a lot, he is a good writer.

Ian makes it clear that his "ultimate gambit" is exclusively for blackchip play.

Regardless of the multitude of "high roller" tactics etc, there is more universally usefull info for a player/counter of any level than there is a HR.

I completely concur with him on (among other things) how your relationships with personnel must be and especially so on health (which no-other book I have read touched upon).

If anyone is serious about counting with any longevity, they must also have a desire to raise there stakes at some point ( I know I do, and am) thus you might as well start realizing what it will take to play at a high level such as Ian as you strive for success.