Offering advice

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I was at the Sands today trying out my new-found knowledge of BS when a player asked advice. She had two 10's and wanted to know if she should split them. Nobody said anything. Finally, I blurted out that I would never split a hand of 20.

Immediately I thought that maybe I shouldn't had said anything, especially if she lost (she did win the hand). So, what's the thought here? Should I have kept my mouth shut?

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
devils4ever said:
So, what's the thought here? Should I have kept my mouth shut?

Nothing to be gained by professing any knowledge of the game. In fact, APs want to show the opposite.;)




Well-Known Member
Everyone likes to say to keep your mouth shut, but I like to help people when they ask. They are openly asking for assistance and letting them know the correct play seems decent!

It's gunna be pretty obvious you know BS from your play so I think its okay to help someone out! Especially on a play like 10v10. The pit isn't going to be like "Holy **** this guy knows you shouldn't split tens!! BOOT HIM!!!"
Yeah, I really hate to see stupid play. The casinos have enough of an advantage. ;)

I was on a table before this one where I had conversation with another player about this very situation. This guy was telling me how he just witnessed a guy splitting 10's. Even I knew before studying BS that splitting 10's is bad.

In just a few hours of play, I saw someone stand on a hard 7 and then, I saw another hit a hard 18. :joker:

In the future, maybe I'll weigh the hand before commenting. If it's a no-brainer, I'll give advice. If it's a hard hand, I'll remain silent.

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I like to help people when they ask. They are openly asking for assistance and letting them know the correct play seems decent!
This is true--and in fact a very noble gesture; however, Devils4ever, the other side of the debate is it's not a team sport.

Dyepaintball12 said:
...I think its okay to help someone out! Especially on a play like 10v10. The pit isn't going to be like "Holy **** this guy knows you shouldn't split tens!! BOOT HIM!!!"
True again; however, but as you continue to give verbal assistance on more knowledgeable plays, such as A7 vs. 10 or 4,4 vs. 5 or 6, keep in mind you reveal just a little more about yourself (especially if you haven't hit those plays yourself).

Yes, it goes against human nature to not help someone under such circumstances; I just remember Ian Andersen specialized in appearing dumb his whole pro career.

You might say his mantra was if something couldn't help you, avoid it (which is why he never revealed himself as an AP/pro to any counter who asked if he was--the most famous incident being when cornered by Ken Uston in an elevator when he asked him to join his team).

Regards to you both,

I just wanted to mention that there is no pit boss or dealer. This is on a video BJ table. So, giving advice would not be noticed by anyone. Only the other players would take note.

Real BJ tables are coming next month. This gives me more time to learn BS better and start learning counting. ;)
Knowledge, Ian

As to Ian, there is alot more to this guy than what was ever written by him as far as his playing style.

Knowledge, I am often asked for advice,,I usually never give it, just tell them to do as they like as "I am not that experienced". Best to keep your mouth shut.

There is an exception, given the case of splitting tens, in a negative count I may say to them if asked, or maybe even not asked, "why not, it is just entertainment...have fun!" Now if I am to play my hand after them and I have a double or maybe 2 of them with a + I will chime in with, "that is an unwise move, far better to stay with 20".

So in the end it is all about me and my hand, my selfish interest.

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Well-Known Member
I was playing a 6D game and the player before me had a pair of 10 value cards and splits. I groan and say please don't do that. (the deck didn't justify it either) He did anyway, and received a 10 on each. Yea for him. So now I'm looking at two hands of my own with a double down opportunity on each. Of course, I end up with two crappy stiffs. My point is I usually give advice only when it helps me and doesn't hurt the other player. Otherwise I keep my mouth shut. As someone said earlier.. it is not a team sport. Contrary to what some say on this board.. there are times when other people's play affect your hand. (or at least decrease/increase the likely hood of your outcome being favorable). In the above instance he was eating cards that I needed in a modest positive count when it wasn't necessary.


Well-Known Member

You aren't implying that you would suggest that a ploppy split his face cards if the count is negative enough, are you?

Incidentally, [while it is fairly insignificant to our win rate], ploppies tend toward the opposite of being "card eaters".
They are "card recyclers" - with almost all of their playing errors having them stand, as opposed to splitting, doubling, or hitting.
e.g. standing on soft 17, soft 18m pairs of 9's, and 12 vs. 2 and 3. Their errors rarely have them depleting cards. N'est pas ?
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Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
There is an exception, given the case of splitting tens, in a negative count I may say to them if asked, or maybe even not asked, "why not, it is just entertainment...have fun!" Now if I am to play my hand after them and I have a double or maybe 2 of them with a + I will chime in with, "that is an unwise move, far better to stay with 20".

So in the end it is all about me and my hand, my selfish interest.


I have to say I am surprised you would do that. I understand some people prefer giving no advice. But intentionally giving bad advice especially when asked is just mean. I guess I am slowly seeing the true character of some APs. What does "Strength and Honor" mean?
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psyduck said:
I have to say I am surprised you would do that. I understand some people prefer giving no advice. But intentionally giving bad advice especially when asked is just mean. I guess I am slowly seeing the true character of some APs. What does "Strength and Honor" mean?

I admit, I am guilty as charged.:devil:

On a BJ table with true "BJ Warrior", no man is his friend, with the exception of a teammate, and I can and will be pure evil. I think many sense that at the table and prefer not to give me trouble.

An example, recently I was playing with a teammate from this site, we spied a table that looked interesting, there were 2 men on the table, one had a huge stack of chips piled ever so high, when my teammate went to sit down at third this guy gave him some lip,,,I didn't like that, so I resolved to make him a loser and to see his stack dwindle greatly. I took my spot at the table and did my thing and in a short while my teammate was saying to the guy, "things are going bad for you, you should leave before you lose all that money", he agreed and left.

"Strength And Honor" in this case was for my teammate who was disrespected by this man, and that man paid a price. The "Strength" corrected a wrong,,,,the "Honor" was for my friend and teammate.

May you have such friends, psyduck.:)

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Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
I didn't like that, so I resolved to make him a loser and to see his stack dwindle greatly. I took my spot at the table and did my thing

Personally I do not know what play you can do to make other players lose. You may end up helping them win sometimes.

creeping panther said:
May you have such friends, psyduck.:)

I can handle it myself and do not need such friends.


Well-Known Member
Issues of conscious ...

If you think that a stranger’s (seeming) “disrespect“ is justification for your bullying him
in order for him to “pay a price“ is “honorable“ then you need to note that your behavior
is akin to that of an adolescent schoolyard bully, and has resulted in your losing the
respect of some of the denizens of this forum.

There are numerous urban neighborhoods in this country where one can get themselves
violently assaulted by a person who imagines that you had merely “looked at them”
with disrespect. At least you have not sunk to that savage sociopathic level, have you ?

If the above isn’t crystal clear to you, there is probably little that I, or anyone else,
can say that will enlighten you.


Well-Known Member
psyduck said:
I have to say I am surprised you would do that. I understand some people prefer giving no advice. But intentionally giving bad advice especially when asked is just mean. I guess I am slowly seeing the true character of some APs. What does "Strength and Honor" mean?
Honestly, I'll do the same thing. If the counts low all my advice leads to taking cards. If it's high I may have a bad feeling the next card could bust them so I recommend them to stand.

I'm not their parents. If they can't even be smart to learn basic strategy then they'll get no sympathy from me.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:

I admit, I am guilty as charged.:devil:

On a BJ table with true "BJ Warrior", no man is his friend, with the exception of a teammate, and I can and will be pure evil. I think many sense that at the table and prefer not to give me trouble.

An example, recently I was playing with a teammate from this site, we spied a table that looked interesting, there were 2 men on the table, one had a huge stack of chips piled ever so high, when my teammate went to sit down at third this guy gave him some lip,,,I didn't like that, so I resolved to make him a loser and to see his stack dwindle greatly. I took my spot at the table and did my thing and in a short while my teammate was saying to the guy, "things are going bad for you, you should leave before you lose all that money", he agreed and left.

"Strength And Honor" in this case was for my teammate who was disrespected by this man, and that man paid a price. The "Strength" corrected a wrong,,,,the "Honor" was for my friend and teammate.

May you have such friends, psyduck.:)


Utter fn bullshit. Strength and Honor, my ass.


Well-Known Member
Deathclutch said:
Honestly, I'll do the same thing. If the counts low all my advice leads to taking cards. If it's high I may have a bad feeling the next card could bust them so I recommend them to stand.

I'm not their parents. If they can't even be smart to learn basic strategy then they'll get no sympathy from me.
I was talking about intentionally giving bad advice, not how a ploppy plays his hand without your advice. I either give the right advice or just say I do not know. I will never tell someone to make a play that I know is bad.

FLASH1296 said:

If you think that a stranger’s (seeming) “disrespect“ is justification for your bullying him
in order for him to “pay a price“ is “honorable“ then you need to note that your behavior
is akin to that of an adolescent schoolyard bully, and has resulted in your losing the
respect of some of the denizens of this forum.

There are numerous urban neighborhoods in this country where one can get themselves
violently assaulted by a person who imagines that you had merely “looked at them”
with disrespect. At least you have not sunk to that savage sociopathic level, have you ?

If the above isn’t crystal clear to you, there is probably little that I, or anyone else,
can say that will enlighten you.
Flash, thank you,,,you are indeed a kind man.:)

"Issues Of Conscious"-Having an awarness of ones environment and ones own existence, sensations and thoughts. From the Free



Well-Known Member
Deathclutch basically states that his advise to other players is predicated on what is best for him, not the player. Basically I see nothing wrong with that approach. Other players are playing at their own risk. At least Deathclutch is upfront and honest with his intention.

Creepy panther on the other hand, often chastises me for what he calls sugar coating and glorifying the game in my posts. His rational is that this will lead to new players losing money that they probably can't afford to lose. He expressed this nobel desire to look out for the less informed. But as we see from his hypocritical post, this nobility ends when his has a chance to profit by misleading them, at which point he will stab them in the back for his own profit. I must agree with Shadrock and psyduck. I don't see a lot of honor here.


Well-Known Member
Back to the question

All drama answer your question. The Sands have video BJ, you and others were asked for advise.....nothing wrong with telling them the truth. The objective of this game is to get as close to 21 as you can.....with a 20, your pretty much there. If it were my money, I'd stand.

Now, if it were real BJ and a dealer etc....I would tend to look at her and money would stay, but it's your call.

Now the important stuff.....please pm me when you have a date of the real games starting and what they will be.

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