LeonShuffle said:
I know exactly what Oscar's Grind is. I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense when someone says that a betting progression works every time. And then they say just do it once a day or a week or whatever, as if something magically gets "reset".
I don't think Oscar ever claimed that it won every time - he only claimed that he had never lost in years of weekend play.
I believe it was later borne out in computer simulations by Braun and Wilson that he very well could have been telling the truth.
I think he did a pass-line bet, always brought a large bankroll, and won a couple hundred bucks every weekend kind of thing - hey this was back in the early 60's (I think).
I believe his sequence had a goal of winning $1 at a table with a max of maybe $500. I think the simulations revealed that the goal of winning $1 using his system only failed 1 time out of like 4200 or so before table max defined the loss.
I don't think anyone would disagree the system mathematically proves that many people, exactly how many not sure, but maybe 50-100?, would win at least a few hundred if that was their only goal compared to the one loser.
But, yeah, that one theoretical loser pretty much pays for everbody else's winnings lol.
So a classic example, maybe even one of the first, of how a betting system can greatly increase the probability of winning a certain goal offset by infrequent large losses.
And here we are, 40+ years later, still talking about it lol.
And that's with a craps game HA 3+ times worse than blackjack!