What about combining Oscar's grind with some tweaks based on sound card counting techniques? Let's say you only play quality low stakes DD games, $5-$10 min, with great conditions such as S17, DAS, DOA, house advantage 0.20%, or at worst 0.40% due to H17. Also add in about the first 30 most common index plays. I thought it was was possible to grind out a very small positive EV using just index plays and flat betting, at least on the 0.20% game I described. One last twist is that you never increase your bet unless the TC is +1 or greater.
What say ye? Would the betting restriction defeat the purpose of the progression? I'm still trying to figure out the progression itself, so I can't grasp the impact of my counting enhancements until I get a better handle on that. My gut says that you would have a positive long-term EV, but possibly much lower than using a straight counting system based on Kelly betting.