playable Penetration percent?


Active Member
What percent of penetration would most of you consider to be playable? At least 75% ? And at what percent does it typically make card counting ineffective?



Well-Known Member
Depends on the game. 50% can be playable for single deck. 75% can be unplayable for a shoe. Also depends on the rules.


Well-Known Member
Get your hands on CVCX. It will tell you your advantage and SCORE for given conditions, or get a copy of blackjack attack.


Well-Known Member
dark_hatchling said:
is there like a guide to what would be acceptable for certain games/rules? Trying to determine whats good at some local casinos
Here is something to get you started

But as it was mentioned already it, you need to invest in CVCX, it is really an excellent investment for the amount of information it provides


Well-Known Member
Buy Blackbelt in Blackjack

by Arnold Snyder. It has a chart that balances all of the factors needed to determine if the game is playable.

Billy C1

Well-Known Member
dark_hatchling said:
What percent of penetration would most of you consider to be playable? At least 75% ? And at what percent does it typically make card counting ineffective?

When doing nothing but back counting and wonging, any percentage of pen can be played. The math IS the math.
Needless to say the higher pens are preferred for obvious reasons.



Well-Known Member
Xenophon said:
by Arnold Snyder. It has a chart that balances all of the factors needed to determine if the game is playable.
Yep, this, his book has what he considers are bad, average, good pen. If I recall correctly, 75% is decent.


Well-Known Member
Gamblor said:
Yep, this, his book has what he considers are bad, average, good pen. If I recall correctly, 75% is decent.
Right. He named his chart "The Snyder Profit Index." It takes into account:

1) number of players
2) percent dealt
3) rules
4) spread

It then defines the game as a winner, table hop only, or time waster.

I recommend first getting this, then getting CVCX.


Active Member
Xenophon said:
Right. He named his chart "The Snyder Profit Index." It takes into account:

1) number of players
2) percent dealt
3) rules
4) spread

It then defines the game as a winner, table hop only, or time waster.

I recommend first getting this, then getting CVCX.
what page is the chart on? ah i'll look harder when i get off work.


Well-Known Member
dark_hatchling said:
hmm... seems to not be there, Iv'e got the "revised and expanded" edition, reprinted in 1998
I have the 2005 edition and its where Xenophon says (p 120-121). Its in chapter 11 "Table Conditions" if that helps.


Active Member
ya mine is definitely a little different, different pages.. there is a section talking about table conditions, but there is no chart


Well-Known Member
Here's a link to the Snyder Profit Index. (The chart for calculating the game conditions on on Part II) (Dead link: