Ploppy Problems...


The 2 deck game I play is no midshoe entry so I have to get in at the very beginning. Sometimes when the count goes negative (even if its on the first hand) I'll leave the table or wait until the next shoe. There are always those idiots who think you screw up their flow when you do that. Not long ago, I did it and when I came back later a woman said "are you going to play one hand and then leave"? I said I dont know. She started complaining about how table hoppers mess up her cards and I told her that the casinos allow a person to play two hands so she could play my spot when I leave if she wants to. Of course, like the typical ploppy, she was not satisfied she kept complaining. I said basically the same thing again. I'm just a bit worried about stirring up trouble with the pit. Not too worried because the games arent that great anyway. Anyway, how would you folks handle this? Play through a little longer before you drop out? Ignore the woman??? Oh and heres the thing about playing through negative counts, they complain about the way you play too. If you have to hit 12v6 you can be sure you'll hear about it. But I'm not worried about that so much. The pit isnt going to care about someone's play of cards so much as they would care if youre upsetting a ploppy by getting in and out. The casino I play at, they can force you to flat bet but its never happened to me. Theyre 2 deck is already 50% penetration so I doubt they would make that worse to get rid of me.



rounder21 said:
I'm just a bit worried about stirring up trouble with the pit. Not too worried because the games arent that great anyway. Anyway, how would you folks handle this? Play through a little longer before you drop out? Ignore the woman???
Exactly the way you did it. Sometimes I can get them to pay me to stay. zg


Well-Known Member
rounder21 said:
The 2 deck game I play is no midshoe entry so I have to get in at the very beginning. Sometimes when the count goes negative (even if its on the first hand) I'll leave the table or wait until the next shoe. There are always those idiots who think you screw up their flow when you do that. Not long ago, I did it and when I came back later a woman said "are you going to play one hand and then leave"? I said I dont know. She started complaining about how table hoppers mess up her cards and I told her that the casinos allow a person to play two hands so she could play my spot when I leave if she wants to. Of course, like the typical ploppy, she was not satisfied she kept complaining. I said basically the same thing again. I'm just a bit worried about stirring up trouble with the pit. Not too worried because the games arent that great anyway. Anyway, how would you folks handle this? Play through a little longer before you drop out? Ignore the woman??? Oh and heres the thing about playing through negative counts, they complain about the way you play too. If you have to hit 12v6 you can be sure you'll hear about it. But I'm not worried about that so much. The pit isnt going to care about someone's play of cards so much as they would care if youre upsetting a ploppy by getting in and out. The casino I play at, they can force you to flat bet but its never happened to me. Theyre 2 deck is already 50% penetration so I doubt they would make that worse to get rid of me.

I would start talking to myself.. And then say, You have nice glasses.


Well-Known Member
My fuse for ploppies is getting shorter and shorter. Especially the ones that BLAME me because they suck and are playing a losing game. My usual response when someone bitchs about me "messing up the order of the cards" is to say "shut up and go play pai gow"

It doesn't really do much, but they seem to quiet down after a ncie retort.


Hahaha thanks...

All great suggestions. Preston I know what you mean about the fuse getting shorter. My co-worker went to a casino the other day with a bunch of her friends (none of them APs) and her friend was going to sit down to play and said innocently stting down "I dont really know what I'm doing". A ploppie at the table very rudely told her to get her f*ing a* up from the table if she didnt know what she was doing. The ploppie got the girls chips thrown in her face and it was an all out catfight that ended with the blackjack table being flipped over. The funny part is they got out of the casino before security even stopped it. Of course everyone has to go to court now and all that, but you dont know how many times I've wanted to hoist my chips in someone's face but didn't have to gonads to do it... hahaha.

Anyway, ZG, I've never thought of you suggestion but I like it. How much is a fair rate to ask someone? I figure if I'm playing a $15 minimum table (2D, DAS, H17) it would cost me no more than about 1/2 of a min. bet per hour to play through all the garbage? Am I right in my estimate? The next time someone wants me to stay I will tell them give me $7 and I will not move for an hour.

Thanks again,

ps Grifter: I used to post on CCC as blackjackking_99, thanks for all your help there especially turning me on to Zen...


Well-Known Member
I've never thought to actually throw my chips at a ploppy. That's awesome!

Now I guess I may do that in the future.. and how much I hate their guts will determine what color chips get thrown..

If they're just annoying -- white chips

Pissing me off -- red chips

Complete asshole - green chips

Justifiable homicide -- Black chips



Active Member
Hmm, can't say I've ever had the urge to throw my chips at a ploppy. However, I do get a great deal of enjoyment out of having a ploppy sitting directly to my left-- that way, you're paid in their personal chips when they lose a hand and you win. That's the sweetest form of revenge-- especially since it happens so frequently!


Well-Known Member
Since blowing smoke in their faces is not considered PC, just eat beans before you play. I'll leave the rest to you. :eek: I've never considered throwing chips...unless they are someone elses!


Well-Known Member
I've never seen it done,but is it legal to bring an ipod to the table. Just listen to music and give a thumbs up to anyone who appears to be talking to you.


Well-Known Member
If ploppies start throwing chips at AP's, is there a mathematical way to figure out HOW mad you have to get them before it becomes positive income? Would this be considered AP play, or voodoo? Maybe someone could run sims?:laugh:


Well-Known Member
I like that idea, and i'm damn good at pissing people off. I'll give that some thought, try at out and let you know the results. Even if you could just get one or two units thrown at you an hour that would up you EV substancially :D
On a serious note, i go for the point blank ignoring them. Recently when playing i had a rather inebriated gentleman place a substancially wager behind my own fairly small bet (playing in Europe where you are allowed to bet on other player's boxes). When i pulled a 16vsA and proceeded to hit, he got fairly irrate telling every player at the table what an idiot i am in a voice just loud enough that he knew i could hear, but quiet enough that he could deny it if i confronted him.
I just ignored him and played on. Soon enough he was removed for his behaviour (he got so irrate later on that he got abusive to several members of staff).
While outside of the casino his mouth would have got him a smack, inside the casino he is my best friend. These abusive idiots who mouth off at other players are generally not very nice to the staff either. When i sit down i'm ALWAY polite and friendly to everyone, making eye contact with the dealer and often rolling my eyes in sympathy when there's a particularly nasty customer.
The point is these people provide great cover. While the staff are all getting wound up over the fact that they have to deal with these degenearates, i can do whatever i like and recieve smile and a warm welcome (not much in the ways of comps where i play, but on the flip side we're not allow to tip....), because by comparison i'm a pleasure to have at the tables.



rounder21 said:
Anyway, ZG, I've never thought of you suggestion but I like it. How much is a fair rate to ask someone? I figure if I'm playing a $15 minimum table (2D, DAS, H17) it would cost me no more than about 1/2 of a min. bet per hour to play through all the garbage? Am I right in my estimate? The next time someone wants me to stay I will tell them give me $7 and I will not move for an hour.
Just collect a $5 chip a few times... OR get a few partner-doubles or splits in. zg


Mikeaber said:
Since blowing smoke in their faces is not considered PC, ...
I've done that many times - first I'll ask them in mock earnest if the smoke will bother them, even the slightest, and then when they indicate affirmatively I quickly light up and blow smoke in their direction and tell the dealer, "Sally, please tell them where the non-smoking table is." zg


Well-Known Member
I agree about haveing a ploppy to your left. Every time they cringe at me hitting A7 against a ten it sweet when you get there chips from them standing on 15.


Active Member
Though amusing...most of the suggestions I have read in this thread does nothing to help you (ZG's pay-off idea excluded).

The best response I've seen to this question, and the one I would recommend is to just ignore them. Remember what you are there for. Not a popularity contest...though I do suggest always being polite, as you want to keep the staff of your side (at least not against you).

Treat your sessions as a business. Where you work, I am sure there are people that irritate you....but you wouldn't do anything to get you fired would you? Throwing a pop-can (ie:chips) at them wouldn't be a good idea.

Just stick to your strategy; be polite; ignore rude people. You'll be the one with the last laugh...even if they don't see it. ;)


Thanks for the great responses...

The one that made me most mad was when I was wonging and got in in the middle of a shoe. a guy to my left is playing 2 hands at over 100 each. I wonged in with a 15 dollar bet. It so happens when I got in, he was turning to tip the waitress bringing his drink. After he lost both hands, he started complaining. I politely ignored it. We then had to wait for the dealer to get the floor person (it was busy so it took about 5 minutes) so that he could tell the floor person that it was inconsiderate of the dealer not to tell him when there was a new hand in the shoe when he had so much money on the table. He started wining about "I didnt see it because I was turned to the waitress" "she should have warned me" wah wah wah. When they got the floor person, he said in a nice way the dealer isnt required to do that, but they agreed that she would and the other ploppy next to him had to throw in his 2 cents that he agrees with the guy. The whole ordeal took way too long and I bet the guy wouldnt have said a word had he won the hands. Ya think???

Its all my fault
wahwah wah waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
zengrifter said:
I've done that many times - first I'll ask them in mock earnest if the smoke will bother them, even the slightest, and then when they indicate affirmatively I quickly light up and blow smoke in their direction and tell the dealer, "Sally, please tell them where the non-smoking table is." zg
Dude, you smoke... tobacco? I thought tobacco was the drug of choice of the capitalist imperialist militarist industrialist complex, or something like that.

Seriously though, you might want to be careful with that. There are some guys who consider intentional blowing of smoke in the face to be just like spitting in the face and they will respond accordingly. You don't need to be dodging punches at the table. Especially in a good count.


Well-Known Member
I pissed off a couple people this weekend. Was playing for a while sitting next to a guy on my right, who was a good guy, and always betting bigger than me. Well, I did a goofy double-on-soft-20 play (wasn't even indicated by the count, I was just fucking around), and it ended up costing the hand, and he lost about 10 times what I had bet. He was annoyed, but brushed it off, because he wasn't a jerk.

But then the middle-aged asian guy on my left (who was losing, I guess), seemed to be annoyed by everything I did. Sit out a hand, play two hands, hit or stand differently than his perception of reality, even a little "good luck" rub on the felt when he was dealt an ace for his first card pissed him off. I wasn't even trying to run him off, so at first my feelings were hurt when I did, but then I got over it, quickly.

And then today, at a sparse table with basically one other guy, he got all ticked at a lady when she sat out a hand. And to be honest, I liked having him around to eat bad cards, so in the interest of charity and goodwill, I began announcing to him when I was playing two hands or one hand. He still griped about it: "why would you want to mess things up when they're going well?" but I think we had an understanding that I didn't give a damn.


Well-Known Member
In defense of The Ploppies!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen! Please:a little respect for ploppydom! The simple truth is that without the ploppies the casinos we make $$$ at would not exist!

A moment of silence please (all heads bowed) for the ploppies!


Well-Known Member
Being relatively new to the game (and this forum) I may have a different view of "ploppies" and their various issues.

I've read where the definition of a ploppy varies, depending on who you ask. I think there must be several categories of people who aren't Ace-Fighter-Pilot/Card Counters and not all of them are just plain fools or jackasses. Some are people struggling in one way or another. Maybe they're learning to count... maybe they're just losing more then they would wish. Maybe they're not sophisticated or they lack the deep understanding others might possess. Maybe they're just trying to have fun, and something or someone, is interfering with that. Maybe, like me, it's just all new to them.

Sometimes when I read some of the postings and replies here, I'm reminded of a bunch of honchos... banditos riding into town hooping and hollering, shooting their pistols in the air and trying to frighten innocent bystanders with displays of their machismo and blatant bravado. "If you don't like it, get out of our way, peasants." And then, they ride off across the cornfield, trampling plants already stunted because of the lack of rain. Boy, what fun it is kicking around the little people, and then laughing about it.

I enjoy reading this thread because I've learned what kinds of problems to expect and various ways of dealing with them. I'm just put off by the "I know more than you, so I'm better" attitude displayed by some.