Ploppy Problems...

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Putting Ploppies in Plopper Perspective

TW, I think you've taken a far too exaggerated negative opinion of most AP's view on ploppies. When you've been around this forum for a while, you will come to find out that there is one hell of a lot of tounge-in-cheek humor* among our esteemed collegues and a lot of hyperbole as well. (makes for good read!) Just chill a little!!.That being said,most APs here know that there are going to be Ploppies at almost every table they play on, just as they know that there's always going to be the "eye" and the PCs watching them. It's part of the game and (as stated before), they can be used to an advantage in some situations. The "harsh" remarks towards them come mainly from the experiences APs have had with the OBNOXIOUS, RUDE and AGGRESSIVE Ploppies who have the gall to tell you how tp play your hand and then tell the whole pit what an idiot you are.
All of us, as APs, were Ploppies at one time(except Zg*-who was born with a hybrid BS memory chip implanted in his neck, complete with full indeces). So we mostly look at them with with some frustration(if they only knew how to play BJ better, they wouldn't be getting their clock cleaned so bad) and sometimes with humor. The seasoned AP just tends to ignore their play completely. So, for what it's worth, just take our remarks in that context i.e. with a grain of salt and just for the humorous entertainment we like to share with each other.


Well-Known Member
ThunderWalk said:
I'm just put off by the "I know more than you, so I'm better" attitude displayed by some.
I think a lot of it is not so much “I’m better than you” as “What you’re saying is just plain wrong and people will lose money of they listen to you.” We get posts from all sorts of people with all sorts of systems. I don’t think we look down on people who are just playing for fun as long as they understand the game (which most here do). There are all levels of players here and we usually get along just fine. Most of the hostility happens when people talk about techniques or systems that do not work or are dangerous.

Browse through Voodoo forum and see all of the posts from people who have created “amazing new” progression systems that are “guaranteed” to win every time. I don’t have anything against people who use progression systems, but when they claim that they are winning systems and urge other players to use them I have a huge problem. This website is dedicated to providing accurate and useful information. I don’t want anyone on this website to go broke unexpectedly. If they decide to use a progression system then they should understand what sort of results they will get. As long as their expectations are realistic, let them have all the fun they want. We even discuss how they can get an advantage without counting (comps, coupons, tournaments, promotions, etc.).



Well-Known Member
ThunderWalk said:
I enjoy reading this thread because I've learned what kinds of problems to expect and various ways of dealing with them. I'm just put off by the "I know more than you, so I'm better" attitude displayed by some.
While I kinda agree, unfortunately, with Blackjack, it truely does come down to "if you know more, you are better". The numbers will prove time and time again that the more you know about Blackjack, the better you will do. A 100% BS player will always do better than a Never Doube, or a Never Bust, or a Always 10, or a Mimick Dealer, or a Do Something Random With < 16, or anyone.

Sometimes I don't think the attidute is condensending, but rather sympathetic. In most cases, people don't like to see other people doing themselves harm, especially if they have the knowledge to prevent it. It's why they have colon-inspection commercials even on SpikeTV! =) So when a ploppy plops down and starts plopping it up, we know they are doing themselves harm. There's nothing we can do about it, since a true ploppy, by definition, won't take advice because they "know" what they're doing. So we complain and rant (and secretly thank them for giving their money to the casinos so the casinos can then pass that money on to us ;) ).


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
(except Zg*-who was born with a hybrid BS memory chip implanted in his neck, complete with full indeces).
Are these chips only factory installed or can I get one now? :)


Well-Known Member
amusement at ploppies

I have sat at many a table with loads of so called ploppies and really had a good time. I don't really care if there is one or five at the table and I'm winning. It becomes annoying when they win hand after hand with some of the stupidiest plays and sayings I have ever heard. I wanted to scream a few times when they corrected me with some half cocked logic and I had a big bet out and got some crap cards. I just move if it gets too bad and I'm losing my shirt with bad karma at the table it's not enjoyable to me. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
I only tend to get annoyed if the ploppy is a jerk (which, let's face it, the problem is the jerkness, not the ploppiness), or if they are dispensing bad advice from a position of "authority".

Incidentally, on the flip side of that, a couple weeks ago, me and a few ploppies were at a table, complaining about ploppies, and I was recounting the story of a high roller who was telling everyone at the $10 table how to play. The dealer paused briefly and said "he was telling you how to play?!" Well, so much for my act. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think one can be a ploppie without being a jerk.I play with plenty of new players that aren't ploppies.


New Member
shadroch said:
I've never seen it done,but is it legal to bring an ipod to the table. Just listen to music and give a thumbs up to anyone who appears to be talking to you.
They don't allow you to use any electronic device at the table (that's why you gotta get up from the table to use your cell phone). There are a several electronic devices out there that assist the player counting. These devices are illegal in Nevada and I would assume on other jurisdictions as well:

NRS 465.075 Use of device for calculating probabilities.
It is unlawful for any person at a licensed gaming establishment to use, or possess with the intent to use, any device to assist:

1. In projecting the outcome of the game;

2. In keeping track of the cards played;

3. In analyzing the probability of the occurrence of an event relating to the game; or

4. In analyzing the strategy for playing or betting to be used in the game,

Ê except as permitted by the Commission.

(Added to NRS by 1985, 970)


Well-Known Member
Message received.

bj bob said:
So, for what it's worth, just take our remarks in that context i.e. with a grain of salt and just for the humorous entertainment we like to share with each other.
I agree with everything you've said... and I understand. But, earlier in the thread I saw where there were remarks such as... "I like that idea, and I'm damn good at pissing people off."

Then I've seen advice where a variety of techniques from passing gas to not bathing can be employed to "clear the table," so a counter can go heads-up against the dealer, or just to get rid of ploppies.

Instead of blowing smoke in someone's face, or flinging a handful of chips at them, when something they've done or said displeases me (I've read those suggestions, too) I'd just rather try being more friendly, or as a last resort, just move to another table. I've never felt that acting worse than someone else was a way of dealing them.


Well-Known Member
Hoods and others.

rogue1 said:
I like the purple hood look! way cool!
If you really like it, I can get you one real cheep. Seriously, I just figured there were already lots of "21" or Blackjack Avatars.


Well-Known Member
If the ploppy is extremely rude, you may have to leave. But never leave if you are winning...LOL.

The ploppy can be your friend. For examply, one or two ploppies are great on a two-deck game to eat a bad shoe while you go to the bathroom. You can time your return to coincide with the start of the next shoe, or simply sit the next one out without much of a time penalty. Being able to wong out of a 2 deck game without creating suspicion is HUGE.

Bottom line: manage the ploppy, keep a positive attitude and try to build a rapport. Then they are less likely to gripe no matter what you do, even when they are losing. The ploppy can be a great asset to you.

Regarding the index plays on negative counts, I am not a fan of those. Who cares that you hit 12 when you were supposed to against a 6? You should have had a minimum bet out anyway! First I would refine any positive count indexes that are rounded under your system, and learn the full system to include additional indices at extreme positive counts. That is where you will have the big bets out that make or break your sessions.


Well-Known Member
I've made some good friends out of BS players.. :)

There was a time a couple months ago I was playing at a 2 deck table. I was having a good run and the BS player was getting killed. Mostly because he was flat betting and I'd min bet or wong out of the neg counts. I managed to wong out with only two hands left in the shuffle to the restroom. The guy came in there too and asked me how I was winning. Especially since I would hit a 12 against a 6 and miraculously take away the dealer's draw out. I didn't flat out say I was a counter, but I told him to follow my lead on the betting... When I raise my bet, to raise his.

I ended up breaking him even.

I didn't really consider him a ploppy because:

a) he didn't have an attitude
b) He did play PERFECT basic strategy
c) He wondered how I was winning instead of just getting pissed off. He was willing to learn.
d) He didn't coach others how to play their hands... unless asked. But once he figured out what I was doing if another player asked for help he'd defer him onto me.


Well-Known Member
Preston said:
I've made some good friends out of BS players.. :)
There was a time a couple months ago I was playing at a 2 deck table. I was having a good run and the BS player was getting killed. Mostly because he was flat betting and I'd min bet or wong out of the neg counts. I managed to wong out with only two hands left in the shuffle to the restroom. The guy came in there too and asked me how I was winning. Especially since I would hit a 12 against a 6 and miraculously take away the dealer's draw out. I didn't flat out say I was a counter, but I told him to follow my lead on the betting... When I raise my bet, to raise his.

I ended up breaking him even.

I didn't really consider him a ploppy because:

a) he didn't have an attitude
b) He did play PERFECT basic strategy
c) He wondered how I was winning instead of just getting pissed off. He was willing to learn.
d) He didn't coach others how to play their hands... unless asked. But once he figured out what I was doing if another player asked for help he'd defer him onto me.
Damn, Preston! Why can't I meet someone like you in the casino? :)

Have tried to take note of possible counters to follow their lead, but can't tell them from the guys with strange betting progressions.



Well-Known Member
Risky thing to do, Preston. You never know who you might be talking to.

I would have said just a feeling.

A few months ago I was at a table and stood on a 16 vs 10. One of the other guys at the table said something like "you shouldn't stand on that, unless you're a card counter." The urge was there to talk to him later, but I resisted.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when people bring attention to counting in any way shape or form. Especially ploppy's!
Good Patience 21forme!


Well-Known Member
jetace said:
I hate it when people bring attention to counting in any way shape or form. Especially ploppy's!
Good Patience 21forme!
Just use it the other way around. Next time a ploppy wins and you lose, get on their case. Accuse them of card counting like in that f'n movie, I betcha that's what you're doing, lucky sob.


Well-Known Member
I was third base at a crowded table, I raise my bet for the first time from $5 to about $30, hit a natural, and guy next to me (friendly ploppy) says "oh man he's cheating!".

I just played it up, said I'd share the cheating with whole table, and every time the dealer busted, I took credit. The players also started blaming me for everything, stiff hands, dealer drawing 21, violence in Sudan... everything.