Well-Known Member
Oh, they're based on 1D.zengrifter said:No, I mean what are your indices based on 1D or 1/2D? zg
Oh, they're based on 1D.zengrifter said:No, I mean what are your indices based on 1D or 1/2D? zg
Thats not, I beleive, what Sage means by FUZZY - I think he means fuzy on the indices. zgKasi said:Well if they miss a card or 2, who cares. Probably not much difference. Better than no count at all.
But counting round by round with some "feel" as to how the last 6 rounds went, not sure I get that.
Kasi said:That's cool and I have absolutely no problem u betting any darn way u want.
Especially since that's what I do lol.
nearly two years at a relatively high pitch i might add. three or four days a week of play (but often only an hour long session). i believe i actually came pretty close to my N0 .Kasi said:But, for the life of me, I don't see why if u can count one round, you just don't count them all.
Especially, if as I think u said, u had 2 years of success doing Hi-Lo.
no i'm referring to virtually the whole ball of wax.zengrifter said:Thats not, I beleive, what Sage means by FUZZY - I think he means fuzy on the indices. zg
I was playing HO2 until coming to this site. Upon your advice I started trying Zen using my HO2 indices, and low and behold I started to hit more of the positive side of variance. I'm positive my errors with the ace side count caused me to bet inaccurately, so I have no second thoughts about switching.zengrifter said:Coincidence - I also played Ho2 for 6-years before switching. Do you feel compromised in the least with the simpler ZEN? zg
about this some "feel" as to how the last 6 rounds went thing, let me try and explain somewhat.Kasi said:Well if they miss a card or 2, who cares. Probably not much difference. Better than no count at all.
But counting round by round with some "feel" as to how the last 6 rounds went, not sure I get that.
Just a matter of degree I guess.
BJ is a very forgiving game after all.
Ok - so u r saying pros will make an index play once in a while that might be off by a count of 1 one way or the other.zengrifter said:Fuzzy counting is fine, many/most pros do it though not admit to it, so long as you know which side your fuzz is on. zg
Yeah counting does take it out of u. Especially the boring 8D's I'm usually playing.sagefr0g said:about this some "feel" as to how the last 6 rounds went thing, let me try and explain somewhat.
have you ever play all and counted very many shoes?
well if you have then while playing through those negative portions of the shoe i doubt if you could have escaped the thoughtful realization of just how stacked against the player the game of blackjack is, especially when the true count is negative. you sit there playing basic strategy against the dealer as she pulls off one mindless winning hand after another just by hitting till she gets at least seventeen. the more you play under these conditions while counting (orthodox) the more you get a feel for how it is your going to lose![]()
but this same phenomenon of feeling/understanding is true for the orthodox counter while they are playing during positive counts. you get a sense a feeling and understanding in an experiential sense that hey i got a half ass chance of comming out ahead here.
and yes i believe there is this feeling/understanding by degree as an experienced counter watches the rounds of a shoe.
blackjack is about as forgiving a game as ladyluck would have it be![]()
you have a relatively conservative betting scheme. i can definately see where counting and employing a conservative bet ramp against an eight deck game would really take it out of you. i employed a 1:8 spread (mostly six deck) for most of my two years of play. the overall results came out around $30 per hour for me. so ovbiously i experienced a great deal of luck. but even so i came to the point that the degree of effort i was putting in relative to the actual EV realized was becomming frustrating and scary for me. scary because i realized the luck part could easily swing the other way and put me where i should be EV-wise or worse. when i did hit a significant negative fluctuation is when i decided something had to give. so thats where i come up with this fuzzy count thing.Kasi said:Yeah counting does take it out of u. Especially the boring 8D's I'm usually playing.
yeah i've experienced those types of feeling also. the only time (hopefully) that i would act on such intuits would be marginal siutations. feelings with respect to the game is really not a good desciption for what i'm trying to do with this fuzzy counting thing. a qualitative understanding of the value (EV) of the shoe at any given round of that shoe would be a better description.Kasi said:Sometimes I'm amazed how much I win, or my wife next to me does, during negative counts and vice-versa for positive counts. And sometimes it works out like u say. Sometimes I get mad because I feel a winning streak coming, and it does, but I'm still betting min lol. There I am getting all pissed and I just won 5 hands in a row lol. Othertimes I feel it, bet a little bigger, and get quashed lol.
speaking of modest goals, well i've never really achieved any of the big scores that we all dream about and a few achieve but my enjoyment of the game has always been dependent upon getting those benjamins. but i believe if this fuzzy counting thing works out for me i'd be happy more often to just finish some play with my shirt on my back when i was ready to leave. but the gal over at third i guess i'd be hoping she'd lose her shirtKasi said:I usually have an idea of how many extra units I've picked up on bigger bets and use that as a guide to achieve my incredibly modest goals.
But I'm glad ur trying stuff out and having fun with it. So keep it up!
But if she's cute over at 3rd, time to fuzzy count lol.
I wouldn't even call it a scheme lol.sagefr0g said:you have a relatively conservative betting scheme. i can definately see where counting and employing a conservative bet ramp against an eight deck game would really take it out of you. i employed a 1:8 spread (mostly six deck) for most of my two years of play. the overall results came out around $30 per hour for me.
Been using Wong Halves since long before they discovered that "much bigger" isn't "much better". I'm a dinosuar. Occasionally when with friends, I'll use upgraded KISS III so as to trade off backcounting information. A breeze in comparison.BlackjackDan said:It would be interesting to know what counting strategies most people actually use. I'll be the first to start. I use KO
zengrifter said:Thats stated incorrectly. What are the indices based on? 1D? zg
this on a eight deck game right? are you playing all? i'd expect overall loss at that rate.Kasi said:I wouldn't even call it a scheme lol.
I just use the count to make a 2-3 unit bet once in a while and have some fun with index plays and piss a few players off at the table.
depending on how you look at it it's an average of six units/hour. but i considered my unit my minimum bet which was also the table minimum ($5). so i guess i wasn't properly interpreting what my true unit was. from the proper orthodox perspective i think my unit would have actually been $10 which i'd of been normally betting at tc=2 in play (ie. that's just how i did it) so if you look at it like that yeah about 3 units/hour. so looking at it like that i suppose my results were pretty close to expectation.Kasi said:$30/hour sounds pretty good to me - what was that 2-3 units/hr? Isn't that about right what u would expect?
i'd very much enjoy giving Reno and Vegas a shot especially the DDgames.Kasi said:With the counting skills u have - take a flier at Vegas or Reno. Maybe some DD games - they are so easy to count it's ridiculous. And if u blow it, thy're shuffling in 3 minutes anyway. I really enjoyed them in Tahoe. Just bone up and commit a little money.
Of course u can't sim what u're doing since u can't define it lol.
Just curious about what you mean by TKO as apposed to just KO?Brock Windsor said:Primarily backcount and use KO with full matrix from the book, But will convert to TKO with Hi-Lo indicies -4 to wong in early during a shoe or scale my bet back during high counts late in the shoe.
Seriously considering Red 7. Only play 8deck DOA, DAS, 75%pen
TKO stands for True Count Knock-Out. So it is KO with true count conversions.BlackjackDan said:Just curious about what you mean by TKO as apposed to just KO?
Yes mostly 8 deck. I think u think i want to win a couple units an hour or something. I don't. I'm strictly recreational and am happy breaking even. Pretty much for the reasons u suggested. As little as I play I just don't want the variance and have fun counting in my own way knowing it will not overcome the house edge in the long run. But I'm not going to live that long so I don't care. I just know how little it takes to break even. Sometimes I go wild on the last day usually blow the + units I've picked up by then lol.sagefr0g said:this on a eight deck game right? are you playing all? i'd expect overall loss at that rate.
depending on how you look at it it's an average of six units/hour. but i considered my unit my minimum bet which was also the table minimum ($5). so i guess i wasn't properly interpreting what my true unit was. from the proper orthodox perspective i think my unit would have actually been $10 which i'd of been normally betting at tc=2 in play (ie. that's just how i did it) so if you look at it like that yeah about 3 units/hour. so looking at it like that i suppose my results were pretty close to expectation.
i'd very much enjoy giving Reno and Vegas a shot especially the DDgames.
i'd have to practice one heck of lot though as i've only played mainly six deck games. only thing about Reno and Vegas that would put me off would be having to play at higher minimum tables. it's just against my nature to start out risking what to me is a relatively large amount of money.
yeah i need to work on defining the fuzzy count better. perhaps it would help it's performance.