Refresh of this topic!
Bottom line -- this stuff takes a
lot of practice and determination and concentration. Sound like something else we know?
I was just reading about the Professional Roulette Prediction system. I did some further research and have found quite a lot of information on the subject, something I never took into consideration before. In the past I had always used 'James Bond' outside bets (dozens and let it ride the whole way) or progressive betting systems like LaBouchere (spelling?) and the simple add-one-on-less-and-remove-on-win that pays well in the short term, and that's exactly what I did; played it shortly!
I digress. The information I've dug up regarding "Professional Roulette Prediction" seems very promising. Essentially there are three schools to this advantage play.
Bottom line -- this stuff takes a
lot of practice and determination and concentration. Sound like something else we know?
1) The most obvious, and the one I guess assumed by default early in this thread, was
biased wheels. These are understandably hard to find and take a lot of data. There are multiple ways to determine bias (if there is one to be found), of which only a few are used by casinos so you can get that edge. But once again it's very tough.
2) Computers. These things are elite and basically make #3 an more of an exact science and less of an art. However most of the people who produce these are, understandably, skiddish. I saw one with a price tag of $15,000 (with unlimited usage, no commission to the developer necessary) that has all kinds of gizmos wiring you up the wazoo to be the Inspector Gadget of roulette 'cheating' (although it is legal in some jurisdictions). There was another with half the price tag but a percentage of wins were due to the developer, and he has to provide you codes to continue using it. If you're still using it it's obvious it's working for you and thus you must pay the piper. I have no doubt that these are intricate and complex and work, but take a lot of work to get input and comprehension of output right. Similar to #3 ...
3) Visual Prediction / 'Ballistics' (Get it,
ballistics). This is a system comprised of detecting numerous sensory input regarding the wheel. The velocity of the ball, the speed of the wheel, the sound the ball makes when it's ready to drop, average 'bounce' of the ball, detecting a favored deflection point, and playing neighbors of the possible landing all before the croupier says 'no more bets!'. In the Professional Roulette Prediction system, they use and include software developed by the elite Norm Wattenberger (alias 'QFIT' here on the BJInfo forums) along with the book. If QFIT has anything to do with it, I'm sure it's legit. I have sexual fantasies about Casino Verite suite. I'm sure he's seen proof or indication that an advantage and EV is gained. And to me it sounds very legitimate and sound in it's science.
Bottom line -- this stuff takes a lot of practice and determination and concentration. Sound like something else we know?
Now the Professional Roulette Prediction isn't the only game out there. There are also other systems, including some free information I came across describing the visual ballistics a little bit more so you can get an idea for how it works on a certain type of wheel, a slanted wheel. Videos and more information located here,868.0.html. Modifications and different methods are used for other kinds of wheels including the most common and 'unbiased' wheel used by casinos (although the name escapes me at the moment). Casinos are paranoid about their wheels. They use software to determine if the wheel shows bias; they dismantle the wheel and calibrate it; they even switch wheels around the casino floor during downtime (I've seen it in Vegas and I'm sure anyone spending time on the floor has at one point!) Point being the house knows that a very positive advantage play can be achieved. Even if it were strictly by computer with input from an extremely well trained operator, that would be enough to convince me. But the fact that it is seemingly done by a well trained eye and ear is even more amazing.
Needless to say, I am researching more into this and will update periodically to the thread. There seem to be some changes casinos can make that make all of this much harder including these low-profile wheels that improve the 'scatter' (or the jumpiness of the ball after dropping) but who knows if it can be defeated or not.
Bottom line -- this stuff takes a lot of practice and determination and concentration. Sound like something else we know?