Feel The table
Yeah, that works great... What I usually do is feel the table with my hand, if the table is cool to the touch I sit down, if on the other hand I feel a burning sensation when I touch the table, or if the table is steaming, or even worse, smoking... Well in these cases, I move away from the table, quickly.blackchipjim said:The best way to explain the phenom that happens at various times in a casino is aura. Instead of focusing on the game redirect your mind to table energy is it good or bad. I find it difficult to do this when the place is crowded it's easier when the place is calmer. First thing in the morning but not too early because you may be in a fog from sleeping. It has hit at night when the crowds have died down early in the morining. I use to do it with slots on my last night in vegas with an all nighter called my 20/20 roll,20minutes or 20 bucks and leave. I have adapted this to bj with wonging out at neg counts and not staying long in one place. If I ever trully understand how this works I'll write a book about it. blackchipjim