JStat and Richard Harvey
OOps... I don't know if the link worked. I will copy and past this:
Blackjackinfo.com silences San Francisco Blackjack Examiner
August 22, 11:32 AMSan Francisco Blackjack ExaminerJohn StathisPrevious
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AP PhotoJSTAT was barred from posting at blackjackinfo.com for having opposing views on 7/28/09. He did nothing to break the rules there. A moderator named ICountNTrack, who should be called Deputy Barney Fife (Don Knotts of the Andy Griffith Show), wrongly arrested the good guy. The charge, claiming hi-lo is not the great count it is cracked up to be . Too bad Sheriff Taylor is not to be found there.
Hi-lo can be converted from the modified Ten Count (JSTATII). Using this conversion makes the Ten Count at least equal to hi-lo. What makes it stronger is the perfect insurance and blackjack frequency ingredients. For instance, an even count with two extra aces above the average at close to 3 decks left at a 6 deck game, we will have an advantage at the .26 house edge games on the Las Vegas strip. Instead of receiving blackjacks of 4.74% off the top of the shoe, blackjacks will arrive 5.55% of the time at about 3 decks. A .81 difference! .81-.26 gives us a .55 advantage while using perfect basic strategy and surrender. JSTATII identifies the positive situation while the hi-lo player does not. JSTAT has won for 20 years using this model.
JSTAT can't believe he was barred from a blackjack message board for speaking the truth! Bad for business? He did not break any of the posting rules. JSTAT learned from blackjack guru and mentor Arnold Snyder to be polite under adversity. Snyder gave him a break by publishing some of his casino writings in his Blackjack Forum. They are both retired letter carriers and are on friendly terms. Snyder's site is to be trusted.
But writing a negative review on examiner.com about blackjackinfo.com is strong in JSTAT's heart. Major contributor on this message board Zen Grifter, is a convicted $80 million swindler. "The Zen Zone" is dedicated to him on the site. Dalton also replies on the other sections of the board. If Dalton can wipe out "little old ladies" bank accounts, why would this site care about newbies seeking advice? Bjinfo's administrator Ken Smith's association with Dalton is disturbing for new card counters . Which leads me to this confession. This article will affect all blackjack message boards, including Snyder's. Can JSTAT have his forgiveness when published?
Pancho Villa says:
Richard, I read your links... thoroughly even. If you deviate from the mathemathics of it and use nebulous, unsubstantiated trains of thought bordering on "magical mystical" notions or "gamblers fallacy", you can expect some criticisms from these devout "by the book and by the math" sort of guys. It was wrong for them to bar you though, not giving you a chance to make your point(s). Several people on the site HAVE read your books as it turns out though. From what I saw of your initial posts you were vicious and outwardly hostile. In your links, you crack on people that put together some of the building blocks of modern blackjack... do present day physics professors bust on Isaac Newton and call him an idiot that rode the "short bus"?
March 6, 8:44 PM
Richard Harvey says:
I got banned from the site for objecting to libelous attacks by a competing writer whose advice I challenged and Moderator Sonny who made accusations based solely upon malice (he had not read my books nor the sites he denigrated without having visited them!). Matter of fact, none of those commenting on me had read my books - the definition of ignorance. I hold blackjackinfo.com liable not for the libelous remarks and for supporting the libeler and banning me (effectively preventing me from defending myself). They should really be called blackjackDISinfo.com.
March 3, 9:06 AM
Jstat is apparently upset that nobody at bjinfo would agree that he is quite the grand wazoo of blackjack with his "10count". Richard Harvey chimed right in with his grievances against all those that oppose him and not give him sufficient credit where credit is due for his "circle of 13" and other various "innovative" blackjack theories.
With both of these guys, I think it's a matter of capitalizing on pushing their system, after all, many blackjack authors of any true notoriety have made more money hawking their books than they have made playing the game.
I prefer laying low and NOT teaching my system or techniques. Why do I want the world at large to know exactly what I do and how I do it and let the cat out of the bag? It's a complex deviation from the Gordon/DHME count anyway, little known and even less understood. I have no need of celebrity or notoriety status and for darn sure don't wish to do anything to jeopardize the longevity of what I do. Neither of their systems hold a candle to Gordon/DHME style counts but I won't be writing any books soon and have no need to prove any points about it, no need to beef myself up to the public in order to push a product on them... I only wish to be able to quietly continue to do my thing unencumbered in any way. Should I ever want to publish something or feel some need to divulge sensitive data to the public at large, I hope I can at least do it with dignity and not go batsh*t cujo f*cktard at all and any that may oppose me.