rukus said:
kewl is right on the ball (comments that are sad, but true) regarding those who play this game seriously or who play blackjack more often than the occasional "warrior" weekend getaways an enthusiast decides to take.
This site has
alot of newbies that have seen some
BJ films like 21 and think it
is all glamour and easy money, I want them to think of the other flip side of the coin. I do not want them mislead to the point of quitting college or
thinking they need not a career, or a trade, or a healthy life style, a family which
they can support.
I am the advocate for the opposite thinking[/I], I want them,
newbies, to be aware of the
dark side of that life style. That is my mission when I make these posts.
You make a comment about my playing this game seriously, you do not have to be a fulltimer to play this game
seriously, or with
Skillz,,,Rukus, you should know that.

The finest players I have ever sat at the table with were Business men, Jet Pilots, or Professors,
not full time players,,,,but the way they
played was stunning,,,,they had their Priorites correct. They had the ability to
excell in both worlds, taking advantage of the best that both offered, but knowing where their
true best interest and the best interest of their loved ones truly existed. A hint,,it was not in the full time gambling world.
My suggestion to all newbies,
get an education,
a trade, work hard, and if you have the desire to
hone talent and
skillz to attack the BJ game, to do it only as a part time endeavor, always putting career and family first, and do so with caution.
Best Wishes