Well-Known Member
Things have been going well living in Vegas. I got a house about 20 minutes west of the strip and I play mostly at MGM, although I have been frequenting Red Rock more, due to the recent lack of games at MGM. I have to say, that I am absolutely loving this lifestyle; playing poker, hanging out with friends, no schedule, and no running around. One thing I love about poker is that it can be a very social game and once you start knowing who the regulars are, the whole environment becomes that much more friendly, compared to CC or the small time "advanced" AP plays I have made where I have been constantly playing a facade trying not to get caught. And I'm not gonna lie, knowing that I'm one of the feared players on the table strokes my ego ever so gently
I had an absolutely horrid June, where I lost 9 out of 11 all-in coinflip situations (we play 200 blinds deep at MGM), which hurt, but I am marching on! So far, I have been averaging $31/hr playing 2/5 NL (including June), but I expect that it's closer to $40+. Although it's not a whole lot of money, especially compared to what advanced AP's can return with the same amount of money, I am living a very comfortable and happy lifestyle, and couldn't really ask for much more right now. Right now, I am planning to take a run at 5/10 in a month or so, once my bankroll gets a little bigger and I feel comfortable with the swings.
Actually, since I've moved here (I just weighed myself for the first time in 4 months a few days ago), I have gained about 15 pounds. I am now on a low calorie diet (with light exercise) and plan to lose it again. I have been going to an indoor rock climbing gym about 20 minutes away, and once I get back in shape, tackle Red Rock
It's pretty easy to gain a lot of weight doing this; you are sitting in a chair all day, you eat out a lot, buffets are plentiful, as well as other good places to eat all over the place. By the way, if you are looking for a really great steakhouse for a good price, check out Bob Taylor's Original Ranch House. Choose the Ranch Style Potatoes, they are absolutely phenomenal.
Anyways, if you guys are ever in town, give me a PM
Actually, since I've moved here (I just weighed myself for the first time in 4 months a few days ago), I have gained about 15 pounds. I am now on a low calorie diet (with light exercise) and plan to lose it again. I have been going to an indoor rock climbing gym about 20 minutes away, and once I get back in shape, tackle Red Rock
Anyways, if you guys are ever in town, give me a PM