Small Update


Well-Known Member
Things have been going well living in Vegas. I got a house about 20 minutes west of the strip and I play mostly at MGM, although I have been frequenting Red Rock more, due to the recent lack of games at MGM. I have to say, that I am absolutely loving this lifestyle; playing poker, hanging out with friends, no schedule, and no running around. One thing I love about poker is that it can be a very social game and once you start knowing who the regulars are, the whole environment becomes that much more friendly, compared to CC or the small time "advanced" AP plays I have made where I have been constantly playing a facade trying not to get caught. And I'm not gonna lie, knowing that I'm one of the feared players on the table strokes my ego ever so gently :p I had an absolutely horrid June, where I lost 9 out of 11 all-in coinflip situations (we play 200 blinds deep at MGM), which hurt, but I am marching on! So far, I have been averaging $31/hr playing 2/5 NL (including June), but I expect that it's closer to $40+. Although it's not a whole lot of money, especially compared to what advanced AP's can return with the same amount of money, I am living a very comfortable and happy lifestyle, and couldn't really ask for much more right now. Right now, I am planning to take a run at 5/10 in a month or so, once my bankroll gets a little bigger and I feel comfortable with the swings.

Actually, since I've moved here (I just weighed myself for the first time in 4 months a few days ago), I have gained about 15 pounds. I am now on a low calorie diet (with light exercise) and plan to lose it again. I have been going to an indoor rock climbing gym about 20 minutes away, and once I get back in shape, tackle Red Rock :) It's pretty easy to gain a lot of weight doing this; you are sitting in a chair all day, you eat out a lot, buffets are plentiful, as well as other good places to eat all over the place. By the way, if you are looking for a really great steakhouse for a good price, check out Bob Taylor's Original Ranch House. Choose the Ranch Style Potatoes, they are absolutely phenomenal.

Anyways, if you guys are ever in town, give me a PM :)


Well-Known Member
Good Deal Sleight,
Glad things r going well for ya. !!!! Careful on that moving up in stakes thingy, sometimes it can bite ya in the a$$. :) But i know you will.
Thanks for the update.



Well-Known Member
gee, Vegas sure does sound like a lot more fun. I've only made a few friendly acquaintances in my local poker rooms. everyone else is too ego or degenerate. what's odd is that most of my friendly acquaintances are almost all fish!

I gained a lot of weight too playing so much BJ and now poker. Just exercise and pick the healthy options at restaurants. calories are the most important thing to watch. and healthy eating doesn't have to mean boring. I love the **** out of sushi, fancy salads, seafood. I order a filet mignon instead of ribeye.

Are you not a tourney player? from what I've heard about how soft the cash games are out in vegas, I would assume the daily tourneys would be soft too.


Well-Known Member
Good to see things are going well for you Sleight.

Ah climbing at Red Rock that is the life! That will definitely get you back in shape. I'm hoping to make it out in the fall.



Well-Known Member
Sleight & System T....

lol, you guyz are a trip!....... rock climbing, magic, sky diving & skilled AP's,......
livin my dreams, for real.
great link on dealing with the law, ST
and magic Won, errhh just me maybe, re-read Macho's post in this thread, seems as if he's giving you something to think about.......
whatever, living the dream guy, best to yah.:)
I think I played with you when I was visiting from the UK at the beginning of June (although I didn't know about this forum then).

If it is you, good to hear you are doing well.
:toast: Glad to hear it! It's good to hear you enjoy the Vegas lifestyle more than that old East Coast grind. I'll look you up when I come out there, but I'm not being your fish, no way! :fish:
I am in my first year of life in LV as well, although I am not living the dream that you are. I am just trying to supplement my social security and retirement, with basic card counting rather than do the whole professional gambler, poker among other things gambit.

I have been training and playing with a professional player who teaches a style where you play very short sessions and move around alot. Although this style isn't ideal for me because in my early 50's, I am not as young as I used to be and have limitations, I have incorporated it into my play, just not to the extent of my partner/instructor. I will say, one of the benefits of a style such as this, is that you do get your exercise, which helps counter some of those buffet meals.

I am very happy for you,,you have come along way from that very young man sitting all alone in that airport in the middle of the wilderness, waiting to be picked up to attend one of the early Bashes. I knew then you had ballz and soon would find out you also had a great intellect.:)

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Well-Known Member
SierraSummers said:
I think I played with you when I was visiting from the UK at the beginning of June (although I didn't know about this forum then).

If it is you, good to hear you are doing well.
Perhaps :p I played a lot of Brits during that time though; lot of travelers around for the WSOP. Actually one of my closest friends here right now is a Brit that moved here just a couple months ago to play poker.


Well-Known Member
Good for you!!!

I only wish I could live like that!!! I'm a part time dreamer. If I only had the BR. Word to the wise, never get married..


Well-Known Member
blackjacktilt said:
I only wish I could live like that!!! I'm a part time dreamer. If I only had the BR. Word to the wise, never get married..

The right woman won't hold you back. If salary is the problem, it's usually lack of education that separates the good salaries from the poor ones. Just hoping you weren't casting aspersions on the wonderful institution of matrimony. It is what you make it (within limits :eek: and it does take two to tango :eek:-- -- :laugh:).


Well-Known Member
Damn you Aslan :B

aslan said:

The right woman won't hold you back. If salary is the problem, it's usually lack of education that separates the good salaries from the poor ones. Just hoping you weren't casting aspersions on the wonderful institution of matrimony. It is what you make it (within limits :eek: and it does take two to tango :eek:-- -- :laugh:).
Don't get me started Aslan, you're gonna get me banned!!!! Marriage = -EV
Before marriage or if I didn't get married I would be living the life men were supposed to live. Now I'm divorced and paying for it for another 12 years.
So now I have to be "responsible". All I'm saying, if you're single and doing what you love, don't let a relationship ruin it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sleight - I am really happy to hear that it's going well for ya! Isn't it great when you persist at something and it works out?

I wish you all the best positive variance at 2/5, 5/10 and whatever else you might play. And I will definitely come out to LV and visit you - I'll expect you to know all the best healthy eating places, and would be happy to join for a Red Rock session, though I'll be hiking rather than climbing.

All the best & take care!

Your fellow BJ-Basher,