First of all, those people handing out flyers all have faces?

2 eyes, nose, mouth, chin. The whole works. (maybe not all their teeth) :laugh:
I don't feel guilty that I have my legs.

That doesn't make sense to me. You are correct that you can't fake no legs, but you can take advantage of it. There is a guy (or was) in AC, younger guy, mid 30's I would say. Sits on the ground on the boardwalk, in army fatigues, with one leg pant rolled up exposing his missing leg. He actually never asks people for money, just sits there with a bucket in front of him. Now here's the thing. I don't know if this gentleman lost his leg in the service of his country or not. That seems to be what he is trying to portray. But I do know this. I have seen him walking down the boardwalk and on the street when his prosthetic leg is attached and he barely walks with a limp. Unless you are looking, you wouldn't even notice. I have also seem him drinking in the Irish pub. I have watched him walk to his spot on the boardwalk, sit down, wait until not many folks are nearby and remove his leg, place it behind where he sits and cover it with jacket or cloth and roll up his pants leg.

Now again, I don't know how the fellow lost his leg and it really doesn't matter, except again, without saying so, he is portraying it as war related, IMO. But the fact is, whether or not he lost his leg as he is portraying or not, he most assuredly is on disability. I understand that disability may be minimal, but he has the ability to supplement that by working. The loss of his leg below the knee doesn't disqualify him from doing many jobs. Many people with far greater disabilities hold jobs. In Philadelphia I would frequently see a bicycle messenger who lost his leg above the knee. No prosthetic. Most astonishing thing I have seen. Anyway, back to the AC guy. He chooses to supplement his income and/or get drinking money by preying on the guilt of people. I am sorry that he lost his leg, however it happened, but I don't feel sorry for him.