Dummy said:
I am going stop answering the trolls, but I respect you KJ.
I’m afraid I don’t share that sentiment. I feel like you are attempting to offer an olive branch, but I will be honest, I am not accepting. There will be no kumbaya moment heading into the new year. That may seem small of me, but so be it.
The fact is for 3 and a half years now I have been banned from two sites because of you. While it wasn’t you that banned me obviously, the guy that did, did so on your behalf, protecting you. And then he went to another site that he didn’t even participate on and manipulated the owner of that site to ban me, again on your behalf, protecting you. Shackleford never even understood what it was all about. Norm just played him and then disappeared, once he got what he wanted.
And the fact is that I and others had every right (and still do) to challenge your claims, some of which were mathematically impossible. Remember 500% increase over traditional counting? And it wasn’t about just calling out someone’s false (and mathematically impossible) claims. I believed and still do that you were intentionally misleading players, especially newer players, for what reason, I have no idea, other than to build yourself up.
And a couple years later, when Don S finally started calling out and completely debunking your claims, very much the same as some of us did a couple years before, you had two explanations:
One, that you weren’t even talking about traditional blackjack, but instead a blackjack variant, SP21. I don’t think that is the case, but if it was you had a responsibility to make that clear at the time. You NEVER mentioned SP21 at the time. I don’t play SP21 and would have never gotten involved if you had.
And second, you have since stated that it was your early results that were so far above expectation that you made the 500% increase comments, and that as you went on and accumulated a larger sample size, results came back down to earth. Again, that is not an acceptable explanation. You had a responsibility to not make such statements based on a small, insignificant sample size.
Let’s remember I was banned at 2 sites and remain banned to this day, so a “I made a mistake and didn’t have a big enough sample size” doesn’t cut it for me. I am still banned. Until THAT is resolved, your little olive branch doesn’t do it for me I am afraid….small of me as that may seem.