Respectful constructive criticism is always taken to heart. Attacks cause me to defend myself which requires more posts. So because of my nature if your post is perceive as an attack it WILL cause me to post more and that is the definition of trolling. If your post is made respectfully and constructively it will be thoughtfully considered and likely be acted upon. You can't change someone's nature. If you are working toward a desired result you must consider the nature of those that can give it to you.
I did give the EV gain, probably in this thread, from what I was doing a long time ago and people are still asking for it. How is that not trolling. Granted the EV gain would be higher now, with the pretty major improvements I have made since then, but I like what I do and don't care what the gain is, and nobody else can do what I do so what difference does it make if I did post it. I see marked improvements in both hourly and how steady my BR increases. That is all that matters to me. Many increases in hourly cause BR growth to become less steady.
More accurate decisions across the board would increase EV while making BR growth more steady as long as bets are kept the same. Any AP that understands BJ should know this is a fact and asking for proof of what they know to be true would therefore be trolling. Likewise with the effects of risk aversion. The gain would be different for every system. If you want to know the gain for your system run your own sims. What difference does the gain for a system nobody else can use make? It is irrelevant. I post them and people won't believe them or the gain for me makes people think there is more gain than there is for their system. Nothing good comes out of any of that, nor is anyone helped.
In case you missed it my gain over Hiopt2/ASC for the way I played a couple years ago before some major improvements was about 5%. I am guessing it would be closer to double that now. But I am still waiting for the software to catch up with the techniques. The current software gives me enough information to make most of the most important improvements but still can't sim the complete system. Simming the components wouldn't help get an idea of what to expect using them as a unit. Sim results don't tell you anything about the short term. It jut gives long term stats. Steady BR growth is slightly different than CE. If you really understand what is going on and how stats are computed you should know that. There are ways to make BR growth more steady independent of how CE is effected. Think about what happens when you use RA indices for doubles and splits. You turn a higher percentage of losses at twice the bet out for little EV gain to a higher percentage of wins for both your double/split decisions and your hit/stand decisions while cutting the variance for the altered decisions drastically. SD is squared to get variance. SD would be cut almost in half.
Look, it is obvious many of you don't understand the subtleties of why things work. You just look at sim results and see what those long term stats say. That works fine so there is nothing wrong with that. That is all you need to do to make money. But it is clear talking about the nuts and bolts of the game is not something you understand. If it were all this wouldn't be going on. You would understand the gain is there and be simming to see how much gain is there for your system to see if it is worth it for that system. You might even look at more powerful systems to see if the extra gain there makes changing systems something you would consider a bit more. You wouldn't be asking for the gain that mean nothing to anyone but people using my system, which was already provided. I have now given that gain twice in this thread. I bet people will continue asking for the irrelevant number for them as some did after the first time I posted the gain in this thread. If I posted the gain in another thread I apologize, but if so, it is in this thread now. I am pretty sure it was already posted in this thread.
So if you want me to stop answering attacks stop making posts that are taken that way.