jack said:
This chart assumes, Bkackjacks pay even money, and is an automatic winner, so its fair to say, that it becomes better ev to double S21, opposed to standing at around +12 with hi-lo
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jj, I can see that the rules for your image were set to blackjack pays 1 to 1 so it is showing EVs for a player hand of A-T v 5 given player automatically wins due to BJ and is paid even money. That's not right because a split hand of A-T is not an automatic winner.
In order to display the EVs for split hand(s) manually -
0) Set rules to DAS to display EV when doubling after splitting is allowed
1) Input the original hand (e.g. T-T v 5)
2) In the Strategy/Game section the 'P' button will be enabled; click 'P' or press p on keyboard to split
3) Hand 1 of the split is displayed
4) Deal cards to hand 1; in this case the interest is in if an ace is drawn
5) Click 'Calc' to display EVs for hand 1 given all info known at that point
6) After 1 or more cards are dealt to hand 1, an 'S' button is enabled in Strategy/Game section
7) Click 'S' or press 's' on keyboard to stand on hand 1 and move to hand 2
8) Deal cards to hand 2 as desired; click 'Calc' any time 2 or more cards are in a hand for that hand's EV given all info known
9) There are radio buttons in 'Player' section when a hand has been split; when 0 is selected the original hand is displayed; whan 1 is selected hand 1 is displayed; when 2 is selected hand 2 is displayed
10) If more splits are allowed more radio buttons will appear if a resplit is chosen; (the 'P' button will be enabled if another pair card is dealt and 1 or more splits allowed remain)
11) To move to forward from original hand 'space bar' can be pressed
12) To move backward toward original hand 'shift' can be pressed
13) Split hands can be edited and recalculated at any point if they have a min of 2 cards
14) To remove all split hands from player and restore player to "empty" click the 'R' button in the player section
15) Keyboard shortcuts generally work the same in game mode but you can't edit the contents of player's cards since that is determined randomly
I tried explaining this in the Help file. It's not that easy to explain but it's really not hard once you know it.
The image I have attached matches your composition except I started by inputting T-T v 5, splitting by clicking 'P', dealing an ace to the first split hand, and clicking 'Calc'. Second hand is still pending and can be accessed by clicking 'S'.