I always find the "worth it" discussions interesting. Almost as interesting as the count discussions.

I look at myself with only a high school education, no special skills or practical work experience to speak of. I left a low end retail job to pursue my card counting interests. Since I moved to Vegas 9 years ago, I have averaged just over 70k a year in earnings from card counting blackjack. (we will forget a small amount of supplemental AP stuff for now and just go with BJ figures). I don't see any way I would be earning 70k, had I stayed on the path I was on in 2004, when I began my blackjack career. I figure at best I might be some low level manager at a retail establishment like Lowes or Target, making whatever they make 35-40k. That was my best case scenario.
And worse yet if my AP opportunities dried up today and I had to go find employment in the private work force, I would be lucky if someone offered me 20k, with no experience and a 14 year gap in my work history. So yeah, I can definitely say this option is worth it to me.
Now take someone like SmallCapGrowth and I am only using him as an example because many in the community are familiar with his history. If Smallcap or someone with his earning potential suddenly was forced to play my level of play (green to mid black) and had potential annual earnings in the 70k range, No, I think we can all agree it would not be worth it to him.
Second thing is that I think some of our more experienced players in the community (that is a kind way of saying older) are a bit tainted because they had access to much better conditions 20-30 years ago. Some of them, I think are no so much answering is it worth it, as they are comparing today's conditions to what they once enjoyed and looking down on that.