when I hit my A,17 against a dealer (9,10,A) I seem to either get stuck with a stiff or get a hard 18. Never a 21, that's really lucky.
Most dealers tell me to always stand on soft 18, but of course I politely follow basic strategy and hit it when I should. I piss off a lot of other players following basic strategy because they don't and they accuse me of messing up the cards. Like I hit 16 (when count was -3) against dealer 9. I busted of course and dealer somehow gets 21 and this guy accused me of taking the dealer's bust card and left the table angry.
I get in trouble with others for playing two hands when the count is high. They tell me it messes up their cards and that I need to either always play two hands or stick to one hand and stop playing two hands sometimes and not other times. Of course I can't explain to them that I play two hands only when the count is high, so I just leave the table if they don't leave the table to avoid the negative energy.