The Hi-Rollers vs The Weekend Warriors...


Well-Known Member

Damn frog, you went from about 500$ to 4500$ in about 2500 hands. Way to stay patient, not lose your head, and wait for the kill.


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Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
jack said:
Who knows? It could be a complete flop, or it could be pretty entertaining and eventful, ...and I'll end up looking really stupid...again
You want a team competition? Let me be the 3rd team - I'll use same $roll, same min-max, same game, let me re-shuffle after every round and bet any way I want whenever I want. I don't want a cut-card. If you're kind, let me use twice your roll since after all, it's -EV for me. Limit me or force me to play the same number of rounds as the teams if that's your thought.

Voodoo vs the world :grin:

At least that way I'll likely end up looking stupider than you! :grin:

It's not like I can win. If I do, I'm lucky. If I don't, well, what'd u expect from voodoo anyway lol.

Just a thought to market it for prime-time lol.
You've got an interesting twist there. Might be fun. But wait. How can we do that without putting fuzzy counting up against BOTH real counting and voodoo!! We do have to give the Green Bouncer a chance to chime in!


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Kasi said:
jack said:
Who knows? It could be a complete flop, or it could be pretty entertaining and eventful, ...and I'll end up looking really stupid...again

You've got an interesting twist there. Might be fun. But wait. How can we do that without putting fuzzy counting up against BOTH real counting and voodoo!! We do have to give the Green Bouncer a chance to chime in!
hmm, i've been already just using sometimes fuzzy counting, sometimes orthodox (very little) and some fuzzy betting ever since jj's and mine second battle of the millenium. after that first one with jj i don't think i could ever bring myself to count orthodox for more than a hour or so for any stretch of play. i'm just not able to deal with the stress and reward to level of work output as it is. not meaning to be a charlatan or nay-sayer because i truly have the utmost respect for anyone who can do it and i think i understand that the maths say it should work out ok. just, not for me. i just get a bang out of learning as much as i can from those who know and can do. then i take and mangle the hell out of it and do it my own way. :devil::whip:
hey at least i'm betting within the spread (except for a few times or so i parlayed without realizing it and miscounted how much i bet a few times).
by the way fuzzy counting works pretty darn good with double deck, way much better than six or eight deck.:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
aslan said:
Kasi said:
hmm, i've been already just using sometimes fuzzy counting, sometimes orthodox (very little) and some fuzzy betting ever since jj's and mine second battle of the millenium. after that first one with jj i don't think i could ever bring myself to count orthodox for more than a hour or so for any stretch of play. i'm just not able to deal with the stress and reward to level of work output as it is. not meaning to be a charlatan or nay-sayer because i truly have the utmost respect for anyone who can do it and i think i understand that the maths say it should work out ok. just, not for me. i just get a bang out of learning as much as i can from those who know and can do. then i take and mangle the hell out of it and do it my own way. :devil::whip:
hey at least i'm betting within the spread (except for a few times or so i parlayed without realizing it and miscounted how much i bet a few times).
by the way fuzzy counting works pretty darn good with double deck, way much better than six or eight deck.:rolleyes:
And just when I thought, you were kickin ass, and takin names later. I dont understand, because your over 4K up.:confused: That, more than likely, wont happen with fuzzy betting. 10K hands into the game; you must be doing something right.;)

Have you manually set you table min and max bet? (just click on the sign and set it). Also, you can manually input your exact bets into the right-click option, through "betting strategies simple" to help avoid betting the wrong amount.

Yep, DD is the bomb. Once you clock your count and can use it effortlessly, you can start watching the cards in great detail. For example, if I notice 4 nines come into play in the first 1/2 deck, I can enhance my insurance bet and those always very close call plays of H12. Another technique i use, is to subconcioulsy watch 3 groups of cards. (2345)(6789)(X) to slighty enhance betting and playing efficiency.

I experimented with VAPC for awhile(2223220-1-3)

Not only was I SC aces,(1/4deck) and using MP, I kept a secondary count of 4vs7 (+1vs-1)to enhance playing and betting efficieny

Using the VAPC indices if there was a close call decision to hit 16vX, but my secondary(4v7) was +2, you therefore might want to consider standing.

I use 3v6 for the ao2.(.5v-.5)

Start the Secondary at 5, to keep it a single digit and avoid negative #s

It turned out to be a little too much overall for me, but it was fun while I, at least tried it, for the time that i did. Ya, DD is fun as hell:p
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Well-Known Member
Over NINE-THOUSAND flatt bets,:eek: out of 10K hands :mad: -94.5 units

Won 100Maxbets, which is equilivant 100 unit flat-bets. I think!+1

Which puts me at +6.5 units flat-betting $+65.00


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Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Leapin' lizards!!!
You didn't!!??
View attachment 1661
yeah i did :eek:
and just like ziggity doodah said i would.
essentially i got po'd one night when a favorable situation didn't pan out, then i was steam betting max like a stubborn fool getting more and more po'd as i went down the tubes. lost it all.:joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
yeah i did :eek:
and just like ziggity doodah said i would.
essentially i got po'd one night when a favorable situation didn't pan out, then i was steam betting max like a stubborn fool getting more and more po'd as i went down the tubes. lost it all.:joker::whip:
Hey! We're all human! Sounds like something I would do, only I thought I was the only one who might do it...if you get my drift. Good to know I'm not alone in the universe! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Hey! We're all human! Sounds like something I would do, only I thought I was the only one who might do it...if you get my drift. Good to know I'm not alone in the universe! :laugh:
i liked jj's response but then he musta had pause for greater sensibilities or something cause it looks like he wacked his post. :)


Well-Known Member
Come here, boy!
It's okay!
It was just a recording!
Nothing to be afraid of!
Easy, boy!
It's okay!