Geoff Hall said:
I'm not familiar with this machine but there are some machines that allocate a 6-deck shoe to EACH player. In other words, if there are 5 players playing then each player has his/her own shoe in which the cards are drawn from...
That would be in Pennsylvania where some law says one's results are not allowed to be effected by the cards dealt to some other player.
Allegedly it was 6D DOA DAS LS (if I recall) with a $1min and $200 (or more, can't remember max) with a 2/3 shuffle point. Maybe a 2/3 shuffle point after a round was completed. Pretty sure it was a Shufflemaster.
Went down one day to either "voodoo" it to death with a roll I deemed adequate or, even possibly, God forbid, count it on the faith what they said was true.
Looked all around. The guy told me the machine had been removed the day before lol. Went home. Picked up +EV on the way back by buying cigs in WV lol.
My only question here is, I think it's been touched on earlier, if one KNEW the darn machine would immediately re-shuffle after every 208th card (to make it simple for starters) , whether the dealer ever changed or not, whether one could "see" or not (assume not) a re-shuffle point by the machine, would it matter when I entered a shoe what the count may actually be when I entered it based on last "actual" shuffle-point, it might be +20 or -20R RC but I wouldn't know it, if I assumed a RC=0 at that point, the point I entered, and re-set it every 208th card dealt?
Basically, I've thought if I "know" a re-shuffle occurs every 208th card, say by rule, that's all I really need to know?
Auto Monk seems to want adjust RC by something to compensate for original RC entry point without knowing "actual" shuffle point or "actual "RC". As if one will never overcome the "actual" RC at the point when one entered, if I understood right.
Do I really care if I know I will always see 208 cards before they are "re-shuffled for me"?
Oh yeah - assume I could exactly count when 208 cards had been dealt.
Really, I'm just asking, it's obviously, probably, theoretical anyway, since, these assumptions may or may not actually exist lol. Just asking becasue I don't know what to think lol.
Regardless, the $mins are so small, the $range (and unit range) so large, the rules so good, never (maybe if I 'm guessing right lol) any worries about "back-counting", 5 spots available, not even including comp-stuff, these machines really appeal to me from both a "voodoo" and "AP" poiint of view.
From a "pure entertainment" point of view, I can't think of anything that would cost less and entertain me for as long lol.
I think I saw a similarish machine in Tahoe a couple years back. At Bill's. Me and my wife's friend each bought in for $20. She just did, having faith in me, what I told her lol. She has an $1100 vaccuum sweeper, if you can believe it, and was scared to death about losing her $20. Hours later she had $24 and I had, loser that I am, $16. But I maintain I drank more at $1 tip for a drink and actually won lol.
Meanwhile, my wife played the other side of this machine which was a 3-card poker machine, with a paytable that doesn't exist on "real" tables, it was that much better, with a $1min and won her ass off so we had to listen to crap like "another 3-of-a-kind" etc. Go figure, get a little ahead, increase $unit and the next thing you know she's broke lol.
If I'm guessing wrong about entering at any point with an assumed RC=0 regardless of "actual RC" based on "actual" shuffle point with a say "fixed # of cards dealt" re-shuffle point, OK then, stuff changes lol.
Any thoughts appreciated on my "main" question, if anyone can even understand what it is lol.