this product is valid? advise sorry


New Member
hi my friends
this product is valid?
I must consider well I know, it are annoying, and I ask excuse, price low of book, but if to decide to purchase I to spend many money for translation. it seems that persons speak well, is indeed simple and good this product? I ask advise,
with estimate


Well-Known Member
daniele30 said:
hi my friends
this product is valid?
I must consider well I know, it are annoying, and I ask excuse, price low of book, but if to decide to purchase I to spend many money for translation. it seems that persons speak well, is indeed simple and good this product? I ask advise,
with estimate
Basta cliccare sulla scuola blackjack sulla sinistra qui. Che ti ha iniziato ed e gratuito.

È possibile fare clic su italiano dove dice altre lingue in modo da potete ottenere la scuola nella tua lingua.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
Basta cliccare sulla scuola blackjack sulla sinistra qui. Che ti ha iniziato ed e gratuito.

È possibile fare clic su italiano dove dice altre lingue in modo da potete ottenere la scuola nella tua lingua.
Here is a guy who wants to show he knows italian. wonder if he knows anything about blackjack. lol


Well-Known Member
BillytheBJkid said:
Here is a guy who wants to show he knows italian. wonder if he knows anything about blackjack. lol
Actually my Italian is pretty poor. Spanish is more my language. As far as blackjack, well I'm tryin to get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
Actually my Italian is pretty poor. Spanish is more my language. As far as blackjack, well I'm tryin to get the hang of it.
you should read the blackjack school section to the left. I found it very helpful, when I was starting out.


Well-Known Member
BillytheBJkid said:
you should read the blackjack school section to the left. I found it very helpful, when I was starting out.
Maz' Italian might be poor, but it looks like billy's sense of sarcasm is worse!


Well-Known Member
BillytheBJkid said:
Here is a guy who wants to show he knows italian. wonder if he knows anything about blackjack. lol
Maz is to blackjack what Kobe Bryant is to basketball. But if you piss him off, you'll find that his "people" skills can sometimes turn him into a Ron Artest.


Well-Known Member
Lol ok all of you guys are funny. How does it feel Maz to go from being called one of the worst blackjack players in the world to being the best bj player in the world in under a day? :laugh::laugh: The problem with the internet though is sarcasm isn't nearly as powerful when it is typed vs. when it is spoken.


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
Basta cliccare sulla scuola blackjack sulla sinistra qui. Che ti ha iniziato ed e gratuito.

È possibile fare clic su italiano dove dice altre lingue in modo da potete ottenere la scuola nella tua lingua.
Anyone care to translate ?


Well-Known Member
golfnut101 said:
Anyone care to translate ?
Just click on the blackjack school on the left. A good place to start and its free. Also where it says other languages you can click on Italiano to get it translated in your language.


Well-Known Member
In 13 responses, I don't think we've actually answered the poor gentlemen's question. BillytheBJkid (my apologies if I didn't quite get your name right) did give an answer, but it may not have been clear enough.

My answer, borrowing on Billy's, is that you can probably get at least as good advice from other sources for free, such as the Blackjack school offered on this site, and practice with the basic strategy engine, also offered on this site. While in my 30 second review of the website didn't raise any major concerns, I didn't look into detail in the strategy he was offering.

Maybe this is clearer, but then again, maybe not.


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
Wait, you're saying he likes butt-raping white women?
Hold on there christian stone thrower, Kobe was never convicted of such an offense, and in turn neither was MAZ. As a matter of fact the preponderance of the evidence was in Kobe's favor, as a civil case was not even attempted. So no you slanderous wretch, there is no evidence to warrant the claims you make of Kobe, and in turn myself. Now get on your knees and ask your invisible friend to forgive your ignorant thoughts as well as your deviant fantasy you choose to express through false accusations of others.

MAZ said:
Hold on there christian stone thrower, Kobe was never convicted of such an offense, and in turn neither was MAZ. As a matter of fact the preponderance of the evidence was in Kobe's favor, as a civil case was not even attempted. So no you slanderous wretch, there is no evidence to warrant the claims you make of Kobe, and in turn myself. Now get on your knees and ask your invisible friend to forgive your ignorant thoughts as well as your deviant fantasy you choose to express through false accusations of others.
Another classic....Maz at his best,,,,gotta love it!:grin::grin::laugh:



Well-Known Member
bjhack said:
What is with this site? A guy asks a question, and gets 90% crap.
I agree, but it ain't coming from me slick. Not only did I answer the OP's question in his own language I did so in english too. And when a rather slow wit got smart with me, I got smarter. Now tell me what good have you contributed here?