Thrashed again!


EasyRhino said:
Running out of cash on hand for a session, or even a trip, sure. But losing a total bankroll? It depends a lot on the game, but if you take the subset of players with a winning game and appropriately conservative BR management (admittedly, a small subset), then a higher percentage of them have never busted their entire bankroll.

No one has a endless bankroll. If your playing a appropriately conservative BR management why even play?


No i do agree. You may have an advantage over the dealer but you never know what cards are going to come, say you are on a TC of +6 (like i was when just playing by my self yesterday).

I put a nice stack of chips down, i get a 4 and a 5, dealer gets king. I obviously hit, i get a jack, stick, dealer gets another king!

Next hand i stick another nice stack of chips down, i get 17 dealer gets 20 again.

It basicly went on like that all night, i just couldn't win.


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
If your playing a appropriately conservative BR management why even play?
It's a really great option for people who don't want to lose all their money, you should look into it.

It can even work for civilian gamblers, you know, those guys who want to just go out, kill some time, and have some fun gambling. If they bet small enough and play for short enough time, they're never going to run out of money either, despite playing at a disadvantage the whole time. Like if Warren Buffet was a red-chip player once a year.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
In everyone's carear as an ap they get the tar beat out of them. Well it finally happend with the biggest one day loss of my playing bj. I lost one hundred units in one day and couldn't recover but a small amount at the bitter end. The bj gods were mad at me and was cursed shoe after shoe and it never changed. I had to reasses bankrolls a few times throughout the day just to keep within my limits. I personally hate days like this because it makes you wonder what in the heck you walked into. The worst part of the ordeal was it didn't matter the table or dealer I was destined to never get a hand above 16 and loss every double or split. I'll be numb for a good long while and shall not harken on the door of destiny for a while. blackchipjim:cry:
Can I buy you a drink? I walked into that same buzzsaw on Memorial Day weekend.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
It's a really great option for people who don't want to lose all their money, you should look into it.

It can even work for civilian gamblers, you know, those guys who want to just go out, kill some time, and have some fun gambling. If they bet small enough and play for short enough time, they're never going to run out of money either, despite playing at a disadvantage the whole time. Like if Warren Buffet was a red-chip player once a year.
lol Warren Buffet probably would be....
some documentary was saying thats as high as Bill Gates goes lol.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Is there any chance at all that you've been "fortunate" to never lose 50% of roll because you know you are playing at a pretty low ROR to begin with when you play and you know the chances of losing 50% of your roll before you play? :)
I wish it were that simple. The swings are going to be big no matter how conservatively you play. Even a small RoR carries a fairly high probability of losing half of the bankroll. For example, a 5% RoR has a 22% chance of losing half. Even a meager 0.1% RoR carries a 3% chance of losing half. I wish I could say that my results are due to careful planning and intelligent bankroll leveraging, but in reality I just haven’t played enough hands to see much of the really bad stuff. Even the best laid plans are subject to Lady Luck's mood swings.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I wish it were that simple. The swings are going to be big no matter how conservatively you play ....................................................................................

Even the best laid plans are subject to Lady Luck's mood swings.

what the heck causes swings? :confused:
just plain ole Lady Luck?
any studies as to what drives it?
is Lady Luck a good thing for AP's?


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
what the heck causes swings? :confused:
just plain ole Lady Luck?
Yup. A card counter has such a small advantage that almost anything can happen in the short run. The only way to avoid that is to find bigger advantages or less variance (or both).

sagefr0g said:
is Lady Luck a good thing for AP's?
It is when the luck is good! :) Although if I could get rid of the luck completely I would be much happier. If I always earned my EV at the end of every hour of play this game would be much more tolerable. That’s another reason why it’s important to play with the biggest advantage you can get. The bigger your advantage (relative to the variance) the sooner you can expect to earn your paycheck. For example, I once found a game with a N0 of 50 hours. Unfortunately it was burned out by the time I got back to play it, but there are times when the long run is only a few days away. If you can get a big enough advantage, the variance can become insignificant. The goal of any serious player should be to minimize luck and maximize skill.



Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
How many AP players play the lottery?
None. How many lottery players win money? Less than 1% maybe? How many APs win money? More than 90% maybe? I much prefer those odds. Also, just because you get lucky and win millions of dollars doesn't mean you won't go broke. There have been many lucky lottery winners who blew their money on useless things. A smart person can make that money last forever. I would much rather be smart than lucky. The risk of ruin is much lower.



Sonny said:
None. How many lottery players win money? Less than 1% maybe? How many APs win money? More than 90% maybe? I much prefer those odds. Also, just because you get lucky and win millions of dollars doesn't mean you won't go broke. There have been many lucky lottery winners who blew their money on useless things. A smart person can make that money last forever. I would much rather be smart than lucky. The risk of ruin is much lower.


It only takes one winning lottery ticket to hit the home run. How many session does an AP player need to hit a home run. By the way I don't play the lottery I consider it a sucker's bet!


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
It only takes one winning lottery ticket to hit the home run.
And it only takes one bad bet to blow it all. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but teach him some skills and he'll never go hungry again. I'd still rather be smart than lucky. Today's lucky man is tomorrow's unlucky man. A smart man can create his own luck.

InPlay said:
How many session does an AP player need to hit a home run.
It depends on how good he is. The more skillful he is, the sooner he'll get that home run. Also, an AP doesn't need to hit a home run the way a gambler does. For an AP, just a little extra income is often enough to nurture into a very healthy nest egg. It's like I say in every single post I've ever made, "It's not the size of your bankrol..." well you know the rest.



Sonny said:
And it only takes one bad bet to blow it all. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but teach him some skills and he'll never go hungry again. I'd still rather be smart than lucky. Today's lucky man is tomorrow's unlucky man. A smart man can create his own luck.

It depends on how good he is. The more skillful he is, the sooner he'll get that home run. Also, an AP doesn't need to hit a home run the way a gambler does. For an AP, just a little extra income is often enough to nurture into a very healthy nest egg. It's like I say in every single post I've ever made, "It's not the size of your bankrol..." well you know the rest.


Lot of


Pronunciation: \ˈprä-ˌvərbz\

Function: noun plural but singular in construction : a collection of moral sayings and counsels forming a book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture — see bible table


Well-Known Member
"A proverb (from the Latin proverbium) is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind."

I prefer the above definition since I'm neither Jewish nor Christian.

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Sonny said:
"A proverb (from the Latin proverbium) is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind."

I prefer the above definition since I'm neither Jewish nor Christian.


Well who was that man who first said "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but teach him to fish and he'll never go hungry again. Pretty close to your saying. You must of had that in your mind.
Black chipper

Shoe, like 6 or 8 decks? Did they offer surrender? Great rules?

Do you play to win with discipline or just *need* to play.

When I read a post such as yours I think there is more to it, that maybe you brought it on by your personal choices in regards to choice of games, mental, physical condition etc.

What is missing here?

Sonny said:
None. How many lottery players win money? Less than 1% maybe? How many APs win money? More than 90% maybe? I much prefer those odds. Also, just because you get lucky and win millions of dollars doesn't mean you won't go broke. There have been many lucky lottery winners who blew their money on useless things. A smart person can make that money last forever. I would much rather be smart than lucky. The risk of ruin is much lower.

Technically, lottery AP is possible. Some state lotteries have records of when the top instant lottery prizes are claimed and in situations where there is a high density of big prizes left among the remaining unsold tickets you could have +EV.

It also may be possible to play progressive jackpot games like Powerball for +EV. First you have to wait for the jackpot to be high enough such that the game is +EV for a single jackpot winner. Then you have to make an estimate of how many tickets will be sold to calculate the chances of you having one or more partners if you do win the jackpot. You can tweak this by buying your tickets during conditions that are likely to depress the sales of lottery tickets e.g. hurricanes, major blackouts. I believe lottery sales data (as a function of jackpot value) is available as public record.

Disclaimer: I have never actually tried any of this!

Richard Pugh

Active Member
Richard Pugh said:
I do the same - I was beaten all ends up in one casino a while ago, so I opened a new account somewhere else and made it all back plus more over a couple of sessions.

It doesn't make it any easier for you today but just remember if the bad shoes are in front of you, then someone else somewhere else is having the session of a lifetime as the ying/yang overall variance thing happens.

...and sooner or later you'll be ying and not yang - now can someone tell me where to play today? ;)
Today I was yang so if I was you go and try ur luck (AP) again!!

I got roasted - from a starting point of £400 I got to £475 (+19%) and all the way back to £0 (-100%) in about 120 hands

Variance, Voodoo and SD seemed to be with me winning an average of 1 out of every 2 hands. I was drawing some nice naturals and collecting my doubles which helped me get ahead. Then all of a sudden (I tried for too long to reach 25%) harmony was restored and the tide turned. Nothing went right and the dealer even started pushing my BJ's

Still £500 up for May/June tho' - I'm sure some of that will get invested another day ;)

Quick question - I can't count and I was online anyway (CSM, so call me a BS Ploppy as I can't get an advantgage even if I knew how) - but I just wondered do the AP players out there always play BS like a robot or are there times when you duck out on a hunch - like standing on a 12 vs 2 because a big bet is out, you have a 'feeling' it's a 10 at the top and you'd prefer him to win it (hole of 5,6,7,8,9) than to bust it yourself.

Taking the 12v2 situation (and without teaching anyone to suck eggs) can I check my maths? I'm not talking about making a hit or stand decision in accordance with the count which is an obvious AP play (although after 3 cards the count must be weak anyway and that in itself weakens my theory as an 'AP' player wouldn't have that big bet out unless steaming) but I'm talking about purely going against BS for the 'heck' of it or is that impossible once you can count?

Assuming your playing heads up from a fresh 6 deck shoe (and ignoring your hand composition as it's neglible in the 309:312 'up-card' scheme of things), there's an 8:5 chance (62.5%) chance the dealer will lose? Either he won't be able to stand after one more card i.e hole card of A,2,3,4 or will bust after one more 10,J,Q,K). You could argue that 62.5% of the time you'll catch a low one from the shoe so I suppose you have a 12.5% advantage by hitting but you can choose and he can't?

And if he's stiff already his chances of winning reduce with every additional hit he has to make

I know in theory every time you go against BS you surrender a bit to the house but in one round it can't be a huge amount (?) and there were a few times today when I played a marginal hunch (e.g. standing on a 14/15/16 vs a Dealer 10) and as if I was 'in sync' with the shoe (RNG) most of them worked ?

Didn't last long tho' and when the tide turned I played pure BS but nothing was gonna stop that rollercoaster today
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