
creeping panther said:

Get a real job that takes skills and has real responsibility, then you won't have to threaten others for tips since your employer clearly does not value you enough to pay you a decent salary!:laugh::rolleyes:

Since you are such a tough guy, why not tell us where you deal at, I am sure some AP's are very interested in testing your varied claimed prowess;):laugh::devil:

just courious what you do that takes so much responsiblity that makes your job so much more honorable then mine. i am assuming since u are so honorable u must be military, police, fireman or doctor since u are so quick to judge me. U must be somthing great and verry verry speacial.

But not to insult, since my speeling has been judged, i must mention a few of you have very poor comprehension skills.
I noted what a tip was and you try to repeat to me the same definition, for people who use logic this is a bad form of logic.

why would I tell u where I work, so u can avoid me. No, if you a sorry selfish human being u should get your just desert.

I think yall have portrayed me in the wrong picture. I am a very greatful person I thank God for my job, and never even wanted to snitch on a counter untill I read on line and not just on this site but many sites, counters almost bragging about how they dont tip.

u must take a moment and understand dealing is a real job, (yes there is more honorable jobs ex military, police docs ect.. (which I have served my country)), and i would never dare go into your place of work and insult you, or lie to u and say your product was no good so that I would not have to pay for it.
Just try to put your self in my shoes.
And yes I can put my self in yours cuz I have been there, on the othere side of the table.

Sorry If to many ideas all at once for u to comprehend. But please try to read and not only see what u want to see, but look for the whole pics.

last thought reitturated. Y dont you tell me where you work so i can go there and see if I can use your services and not pay u. and no i do not


Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
just courious what you do that takes so much responsiblity that makes your job so much more honorable then mine. I am assuming since u are so honorable u must be military, police, fireman or doctor since u are so quick to judge me. U must be somthing great and verry verry speacial.

But not to insult, since my speeling has been judged, i must mention a few of you have very poor comprehension skills.
I noted what a tip was and you try to repeat to me the same definition, for people who use logic this is a bad form of logic.

Why would i tell u where i work, so u can avoid me. No, if you a sorry selfish human being u should get your just desert.

I think yall have portrayed me in the wrong picture. I am a very greatful person i thank god for my job, and never even wanted to snitch on a counter untill i read on line and not just on this site but many sites, counters almost bragging about how they dont tip.

U must take a moment and understand dealing is a real job, (yes there is more honorable jobs ex military, police docs ect.. (which i have served my country)), and i would never dare go into your place of work and insult you, or lie to u and say your product was no good so that i would not have to pay for it.
Just try to put your self in my shoes.
And yes i can put my self in yours cuz i have been there, on the othere side of the table.

Sorry if to many ideas all at once for u to comprehend. But please try to read and not only see what u want to see, but look for the whole pics.

Last thought reitturated. Y dont you tell me where you work so i can go there and see if i can use your services and not pay u. And no i do not
pogo always tip!;)
since were on the subject let me ask you a moral question.

If I have a strong feeling that you are counting. What should I do? Turn a blind eye, or bring it to the attention of my floorman?

Should I always alert the casino of what I believe you are doing? Or should I make exceptions?

If there are any noncounters reading this I would really like to know your opinion, so if you just gamble for fun and respond to this please let me know if u just gamble for fun knowing the casino has the advantage.


Well-Known Member
Just deal the cards as fast as you can. Be the best dealer you can be. Be friendly. Root for the table. Forget this nonsense about turning in the counters.

That's my advice. You'll get more tips one way or another. Ploppies will love you and the AP's that appreciate what you do will tip you too. I tip when I believe I should tip. Many losers don't tip dealers either. In fact, I'd say the majority of all players do not tip the dealer. So get that burr out of your arse and do your job well. It'll pay off in the end (so to speak).


Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
dont get me twisted I never claimed i gave anyone money
Um... yes you did.

young gutter said:
... and I give you a decent amount of money
young gutter said:
...makes me wonder how i graduated the university with honors
Not me. All the cum laude grads at the university I went to immediately enrolled in dealer school after graduation. :laugh::laugh::laugh:



Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
since were on the subject let me ask you a moral question.

If I have a strong feeling that you are counting. What should I do? Turn a blind eye, or bring it to the attention of my floorman?

Should I always alert the casino of what I believe you are doing? Or should I make exceptions?
If turning in counters is going to benefit your career or make you feel good then do what you have to do.

Now let me ask you a moral question?
How many addicts and degenerates have you stopped from playing at your table? Like a bartender have you ever denied them service because you feel they've lost enough of the rent money and should go home.
How many of them have you turned into your floorperson because you felt they shouldn't gamble anymore and should seek counseling?
Does your casino ply its customers with free alcohol to try and lower their inhibitions?


Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
No, if you a sorry selfish human being u should get your just desert.
Don't tell me. You're a far left liberal!
young gutter said:
Y dont you tell me where you work so i can go there and see if I can use your services and not pay u. and no i do not
What services does a dealer provide?

Do you tip your plumber?
Do you tip your air conditioning man?
Do you tip the car dealer when you buy a new car?
Do you tip the salesman when you buy a new suit?
Do you tip the man at seven-eleven when you but a coffee and a newspaper?
Do you tip your insurance salesman?
Do you tip the rental car counter man when he rents you a car?
Do you tip the subway driver when you ride the subway?
Do you tip the bank teller when you withdraw money?
Do you tip the comedian when he puts on a good show?
Do you tip the pilot when you fly to Vegas?

The point is, only a very few occupations exist where a tip is expected, and is in fact considered part of the bill, although even there the amount is left to your discretion within limits. Those jobs are few: waiter, cab driver, luggage handler, bell boy, room service, parking valet, bartender, delivery man, car washer. For these, the tip is part and parcel of the bill.

For other occupations, tips are sometimes given, more often hoped for, and this category includes dealers, casino cashiers, and handymen for hire. Casinos know that they can get dealers to work for minimum wage because of their hope for big tips from big winners, and small tips from average ploppies who either feel the dealer caused them to win or the correct protocol is to tip. What dealer takes the job with the notion that he will deal faster and give good pen in order to get nice tips? For most, it never crossed their mind until far later in the process and they came to know what actions might encourage tipping.

The bottom line is, just because some do it, does not mean that it is the proper thing to do.
Casinos of course want tipping to become obligatory. That is so they will never have to pay their employees a living wage. If everyone would hold out and not tip dealers, the casinos might then be forced to pay a decent wage. So contrary to popular belief, the moral thing to do may in fact be not to tip, but I still do so modestly for for the sake of cover and also I feel a bit sorry for the poor chumps (the nice ones anyway) who thought they might make up for their poor wages through tips.
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Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
since were on the subject let me ask you a moral question.

If I have a strong feeling that you are counting. What should I do? Turn a blind eye, or bring it to the attention of my floorman?

Should I always alert the casino of what I believe you are doing? Or should I make exceptions?

If there are any noncounters reading this I would really like to know your opinion, so if you just gamble for fun and respond to this please let me know if u just gamble for fun knowing the casino has the advantage.
Make exceptions ,but only with Pogo;)
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Well-Known Member
I don't get this steaming pile of dookie about me owing you because i won some money. So I win $800 at your table. Big deal, last time i lost $1200 . So Ive wasted 16 hours of my life just to lose $400. But I'm a schmuck cus i'm not donating $ to your kids' G.I. Joe with the kung foo grip fund?
And the whole time I've been forced to stare at you and your freakish co-workers. One dealer at my favorite store has a claw- no ****- looks like the dood in "The Thing" albeit he is very dexterous for a crab-man. Another dealer on her best day resembles an african ewok with a mohawk who must stand on a chair to see the cards. If these people are conspiring against me well I've got no chance.
Panther hit the nail on the head. Your employer doesnt value you or the crab man.They are evil scum.You remind me of them. Since you claim to 'fight for fun' I must conclude you are a monstrous ugly meathead with small beady eyes. A pox on your newborn. I hope you are poor and stay that way.
And don't mess with the panther even if you are a mindless brute- I have the opinion that he would be willing and able to choke you out with an extension cord in some seedy lot if he could.
Zero said:
Um... yes you did.

Not me. All the cum laude grads at the university I went to immediately enrolled in dealer school after graduation. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

technically I do give you money i pull it out of the tray and give it to u
I think you know what i mean, but some of you do have comprehension problems so I under stand.

no im no liberal, never new that if you were conserned about human deciencey u must be a liberal. Way to promote conservatism.

Yeah pretty funny huh graduate with honors and become a dealer, it is what it is. But fortunatley I like dealing so be it.
aslan said:
Don't tell me. You're a far left liberal!

What services does a dealer provide?

Do you tip your plumber?
Do you tip your air conditioning man?
Do you tip the car dealer when you buy a new car?
Do you tip the salesman when you buy a new suit?
Do you tip the man at seven-eleven when you but a coffee and a newspaper?
Do you tip your insurance salesman?
Do you tip the rental car counter man when he rents you a car?
Do you tip the subway driver when you ride the subway?
Do you tip the bank teller when you withdraw money?
Do you tip the comedian when he puts on a good show?
Do you tip the pilot when you fly to Vegas?

The point is, only a very few occupations exist where a tip is expected, and is in fact considered part of the bill, although even there the amount is left to your discretion within limits. Those jobs are few: waiter, cab driver, luggage handler, bell boy, room service, parking valet, bartender, delivery man, car washer. For these, the tip is part and parcel of the bill.

For other occupations, tips are sometimes given, more often hoped for, and this category includes dealers, casino cashiers, and handymen for hire. Casinos know that they can get dealers to work for minimum wage because of their hope for big tips from big winners, and small tips from average ploppies who either feel the dealer caused them to win or the correct protocol is to tip. What dealer takes the job with the notion that he will deal faster and give good pen in order to get nice tips? For most, it never crossed their mind until far later in the process and they came to know what actions might encourage tipping.

The bottom line is, just because some do it, does not mean that it is the proper thing to do.
Casinos of course want tipping to become obligatory. That is so they will never have to pay their employees a living wage. If everyone would hold out and not tip dealers, the casinos might then be forced to pay a decent wage. So contrary to popular belief, the moral thing to do may in fact be not to tip, but I still do so modestly for for the sake of cover and also I feel a bit sorry for the poor chumps (the nice ones anyway) who thought they might make up for their poor wages through tips.
a black jack dealer provides the service of entertainment.
and no u dont have to tip, that is your decision, but their is benifits to tipping which I will touch on in a minute. And yes I did take the job knowing I will have to make tips to compensate for my income, and u seem to know this as well.

Those jobs you listed were taken knowing that they do not work for tips, where as other jobs it is known that they work for tips that is the difference.

no im not a liberal, good job promoting conservatism.

another added benift of tipping.
Probably about a third of dealers are what we call dual rates, which means sometimes we deal and sometimes we floor. so if you are a regular customer and never tip and a dual rate is flooring in your section and has to make a judgement call, whose side do you think they are more likley to side on yours or the house?
Yes in a perfect world they would make the perfect just decision, but lets be honest its not a perfect world and we are human, so we are persuaded. Im not saying they will cheat for you but might favor on your side if you have created a good relation ship with them, might turn a misdeal into a live hand if it favors, or a lost into a push.
Plus if you try to get compt guess who rates you, at my place of work it is a judgement call to the floor about what your average bet is, which is then used with amount of play to determine your comp.

There are many more advantages which I will not speak on.
SystemsTrader said:
If turning in counters is going to benefit your career or make you feel good then do what you have to do.

Now let me ask you a moral question?
How many addicts and degenerates have you stopped from playing at your table? Like a bartender have you ever denied them service because you feel they've lost enough of the rent money and should go home.
How many of them have you turned into your floorperson because you felt they shouldn't gamble anymore and should seek counseling?
Does your casino ply its customers with free alcohol to try and lower their inhibitions?
Me personally I do not know if you are betting your rent money, and truthfully in my opinion that is your business, even if you are. If you are and you tell me I will tell you. u should only gambel what u are willing to lose, after that it is your choice.
On the alchol point that is for you to decide if you want to drink or not, sorry in life we have to make judgement calls, like my choice in becoming a dealer and your choice of tipping or not, some choices benifit us and some may harm us.
pogostick said:
Make exceptions ,but only with Pogo;)
I bet pogo gets good comps, good judgement calls, and good penitration, and when he wins that is one lucky son of a $$$$$, how he bet table max and catch aces and faces, U lucky dog.


Well-Known Member
What can we say young gutter? You seem to have it all figured out. Must be all those degrees were worth something after all.

You'll have to just bear with us, the slow ones here, as we try to enlighten ourselves via your vast knowledge and incredible social skills.


Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
a black jack dealer provides the service of entertainment.
and no u dont have to tip, that is your decision, but their is benifits to tipping which I will touch on in a minute. And yes I did take the job knowing I will have to make tips to compensate for my income, and u seem to know this as well.

Those jobs you listed were taken knowing that they do not work for tips, where as other jobs it is known that they work for tips that is the difference.

no im not a liberal, good job promoting conservatism.

another added benift of tipping.
Probably about a third of dealers are what we call dual rates, which means sometimes we deal and sometimes we floor. so if you are a regular customer and never tip and a dual rate is flooring in your section and has to make a judgement call, whose side do you think they are more likley to side on yours or the house?
Yes in a perfect world they would make the perfect just decision, but lets be honest its not a perfect world and we are human, so we are persuaded. Im not saying they will cheat for you but might favor on your side if you have created a good relation ship with them, might turn a misdeal into a live hand if it favors, or a lost into a push.
Plus if you try to get compt guess who rates you, at my place of work it is a judgement call to the floor about what your average bet is, which is then used with amount of play to determine your comp.

There are many more advantages which I will not speak on.
Well I'll tell you what...I do not go to the bj table for entertainment so you offer me nothing other than the typical dealer bad playing advice and incessant whining about tips. I don't care if you're an honors grad or a street urchin, just flip the cards. I don't care what bad career decisions a person has made to make them a dealer, or if it may be their best choice. I want the casino's money and a dealer is nothing but a tool to get it. There may be a chance that a dealer gets a tip, but more than likely if Im at your table you're gonna want to tip me. Yeah I'm just that cool :cool:. And to make something perfectly clear, yes I tip in all other facets in life where tipping is the social norm....well I might add. But in none of those situations am I trying to beat them for money to pay my own bills. Get this straight son, I have nothing personal against a dealer, but I don't care one bit about you or your back story. I am very good at separating the casino from their money, but as good as I am there are others equally bad at losing money. Let them handout employee paychecks, thats not my concern.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
bra if you read my post that is what i have been saying, yeah ebonics kinda mest me up on the whole spelling thing, makes me wonder how i graduated the university with honors, play wit it.
I am not a bra. That is a woman's undergarment, not how you address somebody.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
young gutter said:
technically I do give you money i pull it out of the tray and give it to u
I think you know what i mean, but some of you do have comprehension problems so I under stand.

no im no liberal, never new that if you were conserned about human deciencey u must be a liberal. Way to promote conservatism.

Yeah pretty funny huh graduate with honors and become a dealer, it is what it is. But fortunatley I like dealing so be it.
Well, many (not all) conservatives don't want people (such as dealers) to have health care, so what does that tell you about the decency thing?

Also aslan, a number of those occupations you listed you DO INDEED tip indirectly. It is called a commission. It's the exact same thing as when they add 18% to the bill for a large party at a restaurant. A tip, built into the price of the product.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
Well, many (not all) conservatives don't want people (such as dealers) to have health care, so what does that tell you about the decency thing?
This is a ridiculous statement. I have never met a person, whether a conservative or otherwise; who was so evil that he didn't want someone else to have health care. And I seriously doubt that YOU have either.

As a matter of fact; the only time I've EVER heard of someone trying to deny health care to someone was in the case of Terry Schievo, and when Congress got involved in THAT case, it turned out to be the LIBERAL members of Congress that took the side of wanting her dead!

(Now that we've injected politics into this, maybe we can finally get this ridiculous thread closed!) :grin:
Blue Efficacy said:
Well, many (not all) conservatives don't want people (such as dealers) to have health care, so what does that tell you about the decency thing?

Also aslan, a number of those occupations you listed you DO INDEED tip indirectly. It is called a commission. It's the exact same thing as when they add 18% to the bill for a large party at a restaurant. A tip, built into the price of the product.
wow and yall think im ignorant.
MAZ said:
Well I'll tell you what...I do not go to the bj table for entertainment so you offer me nothing other than the typical dealer bad playing advice and incessant whining about tips. I don't care if you're an honors grad or a street urchin, just flip the cards. I don't care what bad career decisions a person has made to make them a dealer, or if it may be their best choice. I want the casino's money and a dealer is nothing but a tool to get it. There may be a chance that a dealer gets a tip, but more than likely if Im at your table you're gonna want to tip me. Yeah I'm just that cool :cool:. And to make something perfectly clear, yes I tip in all other facets in life where tipping is the social norm....well I might add. But in none of those situations am I trying to beat them for money to pay my own bills. Get this straight son, I have nothing personal against a dealer, but I don't care one bit about you or your back story. I am very good at separating the casino from their money, but as good as I am there are others equally bad at losing money. Let them handout employee paychecks, thats not my concern.
Do what u do, but as the saying goes one hand washes the other.
Since I see my 2 cents is unwanted here, this will most likley be my last post, will probably continue to read cus im am not ignorant of new ideas and different views but will probably not post again except on maybee a vary rare occasion.

so my last statement, it is good to have freinds in all places, espeically in your place of work, what ever it may be and on what ever side of the table