Tired of losing, Help please


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Oh my freaking God.
calm down mate.:)
there is always an exception to the rules.
i started my blackjack card counting mis-adventures four years and 27 days ago (232 sessions) with $300. that's all my wife would let me have.:cry::whip:
if i ever lost or lose that $300 it was or is gonna all be over.:eek:
probably i'm toast and just don't know it yet.:rolleyes:
thanks be to God for five dollar tables.
I'm not sure what happened(flash1296/Kasi) but I guess there is a history on here......;)

Kasi/Sagefr0g thanks for that, you have given me some hope :)


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
calm down mate.:) there is always an exception to the rules.
Point taken lol. I do get carried away. No animosity intended.

The underlying assumption, in my mind anyway, was flat-betting a 200 unit roll and, somehow, that being an unsuitable roll for an evening's play.

You didn't get where you are by flat-betting a 60 unit roll.

There's no history between me and FLASH. I get a perverse kick out of the guy. It is true I can't say I have ever agreed with almost anything he has ever said. So what. Hopefully FLASH understands that lol.

If he ever chooses to defend his statement, what he was assuming when he made it, etc I'm all ears.

If not, cool.

While I'm here, thank you FLASH for, perhaps, couldn't actually tell lol, agreeing on what "drop" means. Shows he has an open mind to me.

In the meantime, my offer stands to FLASH, you, or anyone, of losing 200 units flat-betting in an "evening"s" play. It's beyond ridiculous.

Perhaps it's all a matter of what one was assuming. Almost has to be. I can't imagine even THE FLASH could actually believe one could lose 200 units flat-betting in an evening's play.


Well-Known Member
I think Flash may have missed the jumping in at +3 point, and flat-betting.

Doing this for an evening requires very little $, since you're going to be playing extremely few hands anyway.

But you're not making any $ either, so I don't see the point. It's not even particularly good practice, and hanging around that long will get you noticed.


Well-Known Member

Perhaps...let it go. FLASH could be an east german, a Korean, a talking dog for all we know. I could be turing machine.

You and I and others who browse the forums can look back at posting history and as long as that is not modified, we can see that FLASH makes a number of statements that ... well ... may ... perhaps ... not be widely agreed upon.

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
chichow said:

Perhaps...let it go. FLASH could be an east german, a Korean, a talking dog for all we know. I could be turing machine.

You and I and others who browse the forums can look back at posting history and as long as that is not modified, we can see that FLASH makes a number of statements that ... well ... may ... perhaps ... not be widely agreed upon.
I would go beyond that he says things that are "disagreeable" to say he wanders in the garden of outright error and even libel and will not stand by what he says. He does give good advice as to what to read for beginners. Anything else he says should be outed and corrected (not argued) by those who know and ignored by those who don't. So don't "let it go" as then his errors will be passed on.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
I think Flash may have missed the jumping in at +3 point, and flat-betting.
Doing this for an evening requires very little $, since you're going to be playing extremely few hands anyway.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt because if he didn't, it's even more ridiculous lol.

It'd be pretty tough, but possible, for a card-counter spreading 1-16 playing all hands in a 6/8 AC game to lose 200 units in 5 hours of play. Utterly impossible for a back-counter.

You say $'s, I think in terms of units lol.


Well-Known Member
chichow said:

Perhaps...let it go. FLASH could be an east german, a Korean, a talking dog for all we know. I could be turing machine.

You and I and others who browse the forums can look back at posting history and as long as that is not modified, we can see that FLASH makes a number of statements that ... well ... may ... perhaps ... not be widely agreed upon.

An East German would know better, a Korean in 4th grade probably would understand they have so much emphasis on math, etc.

What gives you the idea he can talk? I can understand the dog part. Maybe he's a mute dog who can type lol.

I have no idea how widely agreed upon or not his statements may or not be agreed upon or not by everyone collectively.

For that matter, I have no idea how what I say may or may not be agreed upon by everyone collectively lol.

Sometimes I wonder why so few seem to actually express any disagreement, if that is indeed what they feel.

Like I don't even bother with his simple stuff of 0.2% of $100 is $2. (Thank you KewlJ for pointing that out lol).

Maybe I will let it go and just let anyone believe or not his 4 point Navy Blue Bold underlined fonts.

The sun will rise in the West tomorrow.

Dammit - can't even make a large blue font lmao.


Well-Known Member
well I did point out flash's mistake in this thread as you mentioned, kasi, but I'm not really proud of my remarks. I lashed out at flash, as his sometimes condescending remarks towards newbies got the better of me. (sorry Flash) I try to refrain from getting involved in these types of attacks (that was a weak moment by me) and use the board primarily as a learning tool. I try to give back a bit by partcipating in the discussions, especially for the benefit of new players, as being a relatively new player myself (less that 6 years) I rarely have anything groundbreaking to add. You can take great pride, kasi, that your math knowledge is far superior to mine, and that you have inspired me to learn things about my game (like RoR) that I never really understood all that well, and surely still dont, but I'm still learning. Anyway, I must say that you do have a bit of a confrontational streak in you (as I do as well). I think you made ur point. lets both cut flash a break. (deserving or not) lol
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If you are having trouble with winning at blackjack you can try Thorp's upgraded ten count. You will reach success with practice because Thorps's count is reliable, the other counts aren't, like in the movie 21 the count doesn't help you much at all. Or you can try shuffle tracking.


Well-Known Member
MovieCasino$$$ said:
If you are having trouble with winning at blackjack you can try Thorp's upgraded ten count. You will reach success with practice because Thorps's count is reliable, the other counts aren't, like in the movie 21 the count doesn't help you much at all. Or you can try shuffle tracking.
Nonsense. You and JSTAT are flatly wrong about hi-lo. Enough with the misinformation already. Newcomers should not be deceived.

Hi-lo is easily the most popular and one of the most effective count systems, particularly for shoe games, for good reason. It's efficacy cannot be debated.

My recommendation is that (new) shoe-game players should stick to getting hi-lo perfectly; the differences with more advanced counts are small, and with them you are much more susceptible to error.

Here is an excellent summary of systems, and how to choose them:


Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
MovieCasino$$$ said:
If you are having trouble with winning at blackjack you can try Thorp's upgraded ten count. You will reach success with practice because Thorps's count is reliable, the other counts aren't, like in the movie 21 the count doesn't help you much at all. Or you can try shuffle tracking.
I highly doubt it in regards to the count. Newbies shouldn't be turned on to shuffle tracking until they master counting.

Changing to a level 2 or 3 count isn't going to change a negative flux of the cards.


johndoe said:
Nonsense. You and JSTAT are flatly wrong about hi-lo. Enough with the misinformation already. Newcomers should not be deceived.

Hi-lo is easily the most popular and one of the most effective count systems, particularly for shoe games, for good reason. It's efficacy cannot be debated.

My recommendation is that (new) shoe-game players should stick to getting hi-lo perfectly; the differences with more advanced counts are small, and with them you are much more susceptible to error.

Here is an excellent summary of systems, and how to choose them:

Stop using the words "nonsense", "misinformation", and "deceived" in your false attacks against me. Let the viewers decide without your malicious words. The High-Low myth is addressed in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLtT8fzQsTc&feature=channel_page. It shows the mistakes of Julian Braun when he analyzed Harvey Dubner's High-Low from Edward O. Thorp's "Beat The Dealer." People are entitled to their own views without flame throwing from an alias named "John Doe" and other made up names. Let's debate without adhominem attacks. We are better than this. OK?

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Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
Stop using the words "nonsense", "misinformation", and "deceived" in your false attacks against me. Let the viewers decide without your malicious words. The High-Low myth is addressed in this video []. It shows the mistakes of Julian Braun when he analyzed Harvey Dubner's High-Low from Edward O. Thorp's "Beat The Dealer." People are entitled to their own views without flame throwing from an alias named "John Doe" and other made up names. Let's debate without adhominem attacks.
If you are going to post flagrantly wrong information, such as your continuous (and still entirely unsupported) claims that hi-lo is ineffective, you should expect it to be called "nonsense", or worse.

Your claims have been debunked time and time again, your argumentative posts have been deleted, but yet you still return, again and again, making false statements and spreading misinformation. Why?

You can deceive yourself (and your nephew) all you want, but when you post bad information that is to the detriment of new players who may not know better, especially on a site like this, expect others to respond with the real facts.

But it's getting quite tiresome having to see you repeat your nonsense again and again. Enough already.


dj56 said:
what would be a good counting strategy? im sort of familar with the hi-lo where you count A's and 10's as +1 and 2,3,4,5,6 as -1. is there any others that you would recommend to gain an advantage?
I guess you saw that movie, aye? zg


johndoe said:
If you are going to post flagrantly wrong information, such as your continuous (and still entirely unsupported) claims that hi-lo is ineffective, you should expect it to be called "nonsense", or worse.

Your claims have been debunked time and time again, your argumentative posts have been deleted, but yet you still return, again and again, making false statements and spreading misinformation. Why?

You can deceive yourself (and your nephew) all you want, but when you post bad information that is to the detriment of new players who may not know better, especially on a site like this, expect others to respond with the real facts.

But it's getting quite tiresome having to see you repeat your nonsense again and again. Enough already.
Arnold Snyder said Ten Counts are used by many pros. JohnDoe has debunked Snyder.Snyder apparently gave bad information and now is debunked by this alias. I won money in the long run over 20 years. What do I do? Give it back to the casinos I torched. Let the viewers decided to use hi-lo without insulting the Bishop.
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Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
Arnold Snyder said Ten Counts are used by many pros. JohnDoe has debunked Snyder.Snyder gave bad information and now is debunked by this alias. I won money in the long run over 20 years. What do I do? Give it back to the casinos I torched. Let the viewers decided to use hi-lo without insulting the Bishop.
I can't tell if you simply have trouble understanding what I write, or if you're just being intentionally argumentative.

I never claimed that ten-counts were ineffective (just about all count systems are effective to some degree), I claimed you are wrong when you say that hi-lo is ineffective and for "suckers".

Now, if you would like to discuss whether or not a specific "10-count" is more effective than hi-lo, and do so rationally, I would welcome that discussion, as long as you are willing to provide some objective evidence to support your claims.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking one for the team, johndoe. We should put up a signup list so that only one person has to suffer at a time.


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
well I did point out flash's mistake in this thread as you mentioned, kasi, but I'm not really proud of my remarks. I lashed out at flash, as his sometimes condescending remarks towards newbies got the better of me. (sorry Flash) I try to refrain from getting involved in these types of attacks (that was a weak moment by me) and use the board primarily as a learning tool. I try to give back a bit by partcipating in the discussions, especially for the benefit of new players, as being a relatively new player myself (less that 6 years) I rarely have anything groundbreaking to add. You can take great pride, kasi, that your math knowledge is far superior to mine, and that you have inspired me to learn things about my game (like RoR) that I never really understood all that well, and surely still dont, but I'm still learning. Anyway, I must say that you do have a bit of a confrontational streak in you (as I do as well). I think you made ur point. lets both cut flash a break. (deserving or not) lol
Thanks for your words of moderation.

I do have a confrontational streak, Shakespeare might call it my "tragic flaw" lol. As I recall, you experienced my confrontational streak way back when lol.
You deservedly reamed me a new one lol, and, eventually, I think we have come to understand each other.

So, sometimes, good things happen out of bad beginnings. I once, 21 years ago, made fun of the neckiline and hemline of a fellow employee at a bar after work. The damn boring dress was down to her ankles and up to her neck. Her roommate had a red hat, a low-cut red dress and red 4-inch heels. Stupid me, I thought I liked the red dress.

Thank the Good Lord she stuck up for herself, told me in spades just what she thought, that's when I got hooked lol, and, eventually, came around to thinking I wasn't that bad of a guy. It only took, like, about 7 years before she said "yes". She said "no" twice before that lol.

I lost a job in my 20's, as a stockbroker of all things, because they asked what qualities I most admired in a woman. The choices were Independence, Intelligence, Something Else, and Beauty. I actually remember spending alot of time between Intelligence and Independence.

Several years later Merrill Lynch was actually successfully sued for asking that question since one got the max 2 points for answering Beauty to that question. The Something Else got 1 point. Intelligence and Independence, shouldn't have wasted my time after all, since both got zero points lol.

KewlJ, if I have more math skills than you do, I feel sorry for you. All I can do is add, subtract, multiply and divide. That's it. Maybe apply a formula I've read about in a sheet. If you think I have the slightest clue what a hyperbolic sine function does or means, or what "logarythmic" means you are sadly mistaken. Yet, I put in "@sinh", or @LN, in a sheet, and, eventually, thru trial and error, get a result that agrees with something I read.

You think you have nothing to add? Are you kidding me? All I can do is copy and regurgitate. I am OK at that. I may, not sure, have actually had one original thought in 1999.

You are (maybe almost) the only guy I know here who has been able to play the AC game for 6 years which, personally, in my own weird way, I find utterly fascinating.

Mostly, I thank you for saying, if, in any way, my confrontational ways have eventually inspired you to go further, in some small way, be it ROR or whatever, of pursuing your understanding of BJ.

I'm absolutlely humbled by that statement.

To your point, I'll try to be more neutral in any disagreements of opinion I may have from time to time with FLASH lol.

I kind of secretly enjoy his opinions since, so often, they are so radicallly different than the ones I have and that's how I potentially learn stuff too.


Well-Known Member

Hey Kasi and KJason, You guys might have a similar Flash-point. :cat:
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