SystemsTrader said:
Well it turns out the Plaza does have a 4 deck game now. You can get there by taking the Deuce from the strip. It costs $3 each way. Its worth the trip.
Thanks for the info ST, I will definitely work the Plaza into my itinerary now. Did you play their 4D personally? How did you find the atmosphere - crowded/abandoned, black action/red heaven,
relaxed/:whip:? (I will be traveling there midweek Mon-Fri.)
shadroch said:
All the casinos you are looking at all have $10 MP coupons in ACG.
Thanks for reminding me of that book! I have the 2006 edition, but I only used it once for Foxwoods, so I forgot about them. It would certainly be of much more use with so many included casinos in such close proximity. Also, should I be searching for such coupons in local Vegas publications as well, whether they be newspapers or casino literature? If so, what is the best place to find them?
Also, two other general questions for you guys -
Is the Downtown area safe to be wandering through alone at night?
Is this "Deuce" of which you speak easy to use, with well marked pickup points and frequent and regular service times?
From the TripAdvisor website about the Deuce Bus: "If going downtown, count on a trip of up to an hour."