Want to get back into countin..... the right way


Well-Known Member
la_dee_daa said:
I count them in pairs so most of them cancel out it easier.

actually its not, other people seem to do it to who are just watching the table to see if its lucky or not. Well standing behind one table for 40 mins might be a little obviouse. You go around backcounting other tables not just one. watching other games next ot the blackjack tables such as craps, roulette, talk on a cell phone. stuff like that
Only zg can count two or three tables at once and he's not telling anyone how he does it. :grin:


Well-Known Member
So after a weekend of harcore practice in coutning down a deck, i decided to time myself this morning. I almost fainted. 25 Seconds!!! I am sooo proud. Out of 10 runs i averaged 28 seconds. So i have a solid counting speed, and BS memorized. Can anyone provide me with an article about betting according to the TC, or a chart or something. My goal is to be prepared by April 18th to try it out at a casino. Now i did not learn this all over the week/weekend, a few years ago i was into it and memorized BS and generally learned the HI/LO count. I am getting confident though and just need to learn how to incorporate betting. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, im still having trouble finding a specific article regarding betting. Can anyone provide a direct link?