I thought that's what we've been playing :grin:jack said:Im game for a 6 decker with excellent rules.
I thought that's what we've been playing :grin:jack said:Im game for a 6 decker with excellent rules.
Originally Posted by Canceler
My thoughts:
I think the new thread should just be called Weekend Warriors II.
Or we could name it after sagefr0g: Weekend Worriers
Good thing Mr. Fr0g can take a joke!
dis plas iz infestd wit abunca formshiftin STALKOID mugs yeah.aslan said:Be careful. He may send STALKER after you! View attachment 1034
I hope nobody's playing in real-life. If they are, they're betting to a $100K roll lol.callipygian said:Wait, I'm totally confused now. Are you guys playing on a simulator or in real life?
lmao that was one hell of a summary. as good as we been doin we should all celebrate and get drunk as hell in some strip joint and throw fistfulls of dollar bills up in the air.Kasi said:......
Anything change for anybody going forward in "real-life"?
Ain't play-money in imaginary games beautiful?! :grin:
Now that thar's wot I calls real life sitchuashun. Yea, by diddy, I noes it when I sees it! Coodoes for Sagfr0g!sagefr0g said:lmao that was one hell of a summary. as good as we been doin we should all celebrate and get drunk as hell in some strip joint and throw fistfulls of dollar bills up in the air.
but real life? we sposed to do this for that to?
ok here's a real life play synopsis according to my imaginary ideal game for a real life game i used fuzzy counting for instead of orthodox hi/lo counting a couple of days ago.
uhmm instead of seven players as expected it turned out me one on one with the dealer then two other guys jumped in. i think they weren't counters but one of them could play basic strategy ok. oh and this particular joint didn't have late surrender. i got off to a poor start losing $35 almost immeadiately. then i worked my way back up to even and when i hit $7.50 above my buy in i ran for the hills.
58 hands
up $7.50
lol i told you's giz dis sh!t woiks. i tzink i'monna right a book.aslan said:Now that thar's wot I calls real life sitchuashun. Yea, by diddy, I noes it when I sees it! Coodoes for Sagfr0g!
Oh ya!:laugh:Kasi said:I thought that's what we've been playing :grin:
sagefr0g said:i'm kind of on the fence. only because we reached N0 and it would be interesting to see how it goes according to theory if we played on some.
but if we do start anew i think i'd be interested in a DD game with crappy rules and crappy pen.
like DD s17ndasnra double 10&11 only pen circa 55%
oh and weekend warriors is cool with me.
Well so far, I got Weekeend Warriors II, DD,NDASCanceler said:My thoughts:
For the new game, I think the conditions should be such that it could be played on software freely available to all. I’m thinking specifically of the BS Trainer. That way we could get more participants, without them having to buy software, or make their own.
I’d kind of like to see a DD NDAS game. I play mostly 6D. There are some DD games I could play, but between the fact that they’re DD and NDAS, I don’t know the basic strategy. If I were forced to learn the BS for the Weekend Warriors, it would help me out. Plus, we could use a smaller spread, which would make it even easier to use the BS Trainer.
I think the new thread should just be called Weekend Warriors II.
Or we could name it after sagefr0g: Weekend Worriers :joker:
Good thing Mr. Fr0g can take a joke!![]()
I vote for a game that you can find in Las Vegas or Reno, the two western meccas. Wouldn't that be DD, DAS or NDAS, Aces split to three hands, but only one card each, and DA2 (does that mean double down on any two?), with about a 70% to 75% pen and a 1 to 5 spread. I like to mimic the real games so that we can get a realistic, experiential sense of what to expect when we go prime time. We are going prime time, aren't we? We can call it the NIT Team. Instead of $100,000 bankroll, we can start with a $1, 000 on $3.00 tables. Lol Just kidding! But it is positive if what we do here does translate into experience for the real thing.jack said:Well so far, I got Weekeend Warriors II, DD,NDAS
To be honest with ya, I like DA2,(but doesnt matter) and how about unlimited Draw to split Aces, but only allowed to split once?
S17 or H17?
Whadaya guys think about spreads?
Originally Posted by jack,jackson
Well so far, I got Weekeend Warriors II, DD,NDAS
To be honest with ya, I like DA2,(but doesnt matter) and how about unlimited Draw to split Aces, but only allowed to split once?
S17 or H17?
Whadaya guys think about spreads?
hold everything! heh heh maxwell smart here lol....aslan said:I vote for a game that you can find in Las Vegas or Reno, the two western meccas. Wouldn't that be DD, DAS or NDAS, Aces split to three hands, but only one card each, and DA2 (does that mean double down on any two?), with about a 70% to 75% pen and a 1 to 5 spread. I like to mimic the real games so that we can get a realistic, experiential sense of what to expect when we go prime time. We are going prime time, aren't we? We can call it the NIT Team. Instead of $100,000 bankroll, we can start with a $1, 000 on $3.00 tables. Lol Just kidding! But it is positive if what we do here does translate into experience for the real thing.
PS - All I saw in Vegas was H-17 in the DD games, but maybe there's a S-17 somewhere out there. Maybe in Reno, where hte games seem to be a bit better than Vegas.
Stay with me.sagefr0g said:Quote:
hold everything! heh heh maxwell smart here lol....
an idea maybe so pay attention. listen up
seems like every one has thier i wanna play this or that game what ever.
so but ok why not let that be. just who ever plays what game fine. just lets all know who's doing what. sim the games, knock out some bjinfo spreadsheets for them and everyone plays what one they want. still we'd be like a team just playing differant games.
i guess the question is how we'd be able to correlate all our results as a team to expectation?
maybe second leutenate Kasi has an idea on that?
laslan said:I vote for a game that you can find in Las Vegas or Reno, the two western meccas. Wouldn't that be DD, DAS or NDAS, Aces split to three hands, but only one card each, and DA2 (does that mean double down on any two?), with about a 70% to 75% pen and a 1 to 5 spread. I like to mimic the real games so that we can get a realistic, experiential sense of what to expect when we go prime time. We are going prime time, aren't we? We can call it the NIT Team. Instead of $100,000 bankroll, we can start with a $1, 000 on $3.00 tables. Lol Just kidding! But it is positive if what we do here does translate into experience for the real thing.
PS - All I saw in Vegas was H-17 in the DD games, but maybe there's a S-17 somewhere out there. Maybe in Reno, where hte games seem to be a bit better than Vegas.
Yes a good idea but OTOH when some are playing 80% pen and others are playing 70% pen, the combined results will mean little or nothing. It surely will not give you an idea how you will do in collective real world situations because you will be hard pressed to find that 80% pen game, not that I'm not saying they aren't out there, but they are closely guarded secrets because I can't find them except by accident and then it isn't the game, it's a particular dealer. You may be able to compare different games played by different warriors, but the unequal pen will normally give high pen people better results, which is what you would expect, but it doesn't help give a sense of what to expect in real casinos. I'd rather NOT do something that is designed to give me good though unrealistic results. Everyone likes a pat on the back, but too much self-deceit is not a healthy diet for the serious counter. But then what do I know? If this is more just a fun for no reason kind of thing, then, yes, play any game you want, any rules, any pen. Those who play more realistic games will be hurting the team by all accounts and those who play easier, more desireable games will be helping the team. In that case because of my desire to replicate realistic situations I will be a drag on the team, which I guess means I'm not a team player, or maybe just that I value learning over fun in this one little case, because I don't want to turn what is to me one of the only advantaged plays I have into a fun-for-all. But I was slow to join the team in the first place and while I learned from out 80% pen games I know better than to think I can have such success in Atlantic City. I guess it's all good, so don't let my opinons stop what the team wants to do. I could well be in the minority, but you asked for my two cents worth so I gave it. Whatever you guys wnat to do I will go along with (at least as much as Hillary Clinton will help Obama win the election in November). 'cause I am a team player. Lolsagefr0g said:Quote:
hold everything! heh heh maxwell smart here lol....
an idea maybe so pay attention. listen up
seems like every one has thier i wanna play this or that game what ever.
so but ok why not let that be. just who ever plays what game fine. just lets all know who's doing what. sim the games, knock out some bjinfo spreadsheets for them and everyone plays what one they want. still we'd be like a team just playing differant games.
i guess the question is how we'd be able to correlate all our results as a team to expectation?
maybe second leutenate Kasi has an idea on that?
I like that WW2--at first glance it looks like World War II. LOL Maybe a fitting coincidence. The sly, surly German U-boat commander with his famous line, "Up periscope," is replaced by the "eye in the sky" with his instruction to pan the cameras to table number 3 where a Weekend Warrior has just spread to max bet at a +4 count. Lol Let's have at those Gestapo pit bosses with their platoon of goose-stepping dealers. Loljack said:Stay with me.
Negative on that Commander. We all play under the same conditions. If we use different rules and different conditions well have stats flying all over the place. With nothing to compare it to. Plus half the fun of it, is getting to compare your results against each other, under one sim. Now that I got everybodys input, im gonna crunch it all together, and lay it out, in WW2 tommorow. Trust me!Leiutenant kasi, is gonna be over in enginering crunching up the #s for us.
That what Im feelin. Something realistic, while still being fun and easily beatable. Yes da2=DD any 2 cards.
Sage! I got the rules and conditions clocked.
Your in charge of unit size and BR.
What counts and how much we raise our bet.
One hand or two hands.
Ill be back, with Rules,conditions and House advantage.
Ps As soon as all, is ascertained Ill crack WW2 open with an official intro and invitation.
Piece of cake
KC. Url not found
Thanks ensign gatherer/Captian, I think this is the link KC meant to post.
Ya D-Day, the Invasion of Norman. Saving private Qfit.aslan said:I like that WW2--at first glance it looks like World War II. LOL Maybe a fitting coincidence. The sly, surly German U-boat commander with his famous line, "Up periscope," is replaced by the "eye in the sky" with his instruction to pan the cameras to table number 3 where a Weekend Warrior has just spread to max bet at a +4 count. Lol Let's have at those Gestapo pit bosses with their platoon of goose-stepping dealers. Lol
Buck private for me, jj. You can't bust me! loljack said:Ya D-Day, the Invasion of Norman. Saving private Qfit.
Well Lt/Cmdr Im test runnin some index gen simms right now. As soon as thats finished Im gonna install CVBJ and get the HA on a 8 and 2 deck game with a contrast in rules.
Then Ill let the team decide on which game they prefer.
ps i hate being captain. i want demoted to Lt