What did you do to get banned ,trespassed and flyered?


After hearing a few stories about being banned and flyered. I am curious what it took to end up in that situation. I have only been backed of once. I fly under the radar more because of my bankroll dictates than anything else.

What kind of spread did you use and how much did you win at a pop to get flyered, banned or trespassed? How about play modifications for hand match ups? What do you think was the straw that broke the camel's back?


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
After hearing a few stories about being banned and flyered. I am curious what it took to end up in that situation. I have only been backed of once. I fly under the radar more because of my bankroll dictates than anything else.

What kind of spread did you use and how much did you win at a pop to get flyered, banned or trespassed? How about play modifications for hand match ups? What do you think was the straw that broke the camel's back?
I think it depends on the size of the casino. At large casinos in LV and AC, I have seen APs got away with 40 to 1 spread and $10,000 winnings. But in small casinos, it is likely they back you off when you win over $3,000.

I think $3,000 is the threshold for most casinos. Don't try to win more than $3,000 at the same place in one day. Or come again the next day to face the same crew. Then you will be OK. I won most of the time. But using the discipline, I have never been backed off.

The Suburbs

Active Member
My first back-off happened not too long ago at a big store on the east coast. Was a regular (once a week or so) there for the past year or so playing pretty chunky green action ($25-500 spread) with very little cover. After taking ~$50,000 off them on my player's card (plus thousands in comps), I think ultimately they had to review my play based on pretty consistent winning (generally under $3k per visit) over a longer term.

I figured it was only a matter of time, seeing as how I was playing rated. In fact, I was surprised at how long it ultimately took them.

For now, I'm taking a break from BJ there for a bit and will play poker when I go there. I will ultimately play smaller stakes unrated in the future.

That being said, I have a weeklong Vegas trip planned for July and will be playing very aggressively. I am expecting multiple back-offs during the trip.


Well-Known Member
The Suburbs said:
My first back-off happened not too long ago at a big store on the east coast. Was a regular (once a week or so) there for the past year or so playing pretty chunky green action ($25-500 spread) with very little cover. After taking ~$50,000 off them on my player's card (plus thousands in comps), I think ultimately they had to review my play based on pretty consistent winning (generally under $3k per visit) over a longer term.

I figured it was only a matter of time, seeing as how I was playing rated. In fact, I was surprised at how long it ultimately took them.

For now, I'm taking a break from BJ there for a bit and will play poker when I go there. I will ultimately play smaller stakes unrated in the future.

That being said, I have a weeklong Vegas trip planned for July and will be playing very aggressively. I am expecting multiple back-offs during the trip.
Please make a visit to El Cortez when you go to vegas:laugh:


BJgenius007 said:
I think $3,000 is the threshold for most casinos. Don't try to win more than $3,000 at the same place in one day. Or come again the next day to face the same crew. Then you will be OK. I won most of the time. But using the discipline, I have never been backed off.
Wow! I got backed off LOSING $3000! (must have been all those off the top big bets!) zg
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Well-Known Member
The Suburbs said:
... I am expecting multiple back-offs during the trip.
now that's what i like to hear, especially as a part-time player, spread ridiculously aggressive (min 40)...don't fret getting backed off, leave the cover plays for the pros

The Suburbs

Active Member
Lonesome Gambler said:
:confused: You almost say this like it's a goal/achievement.

It's not my goal to be backed off, but I'm realistic. My goal is to make as much money as possible in a week in Vegas. Since I only go once a year at most, there's very little value in putting much effort into not being backed off. Am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Wow! I got backed off LOSING $3000! (must have been all those off the top big bets!) zg
They were feeling sorry for you and didn't want to see you lose anymore.
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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Wow! I got backed off LOSING $3000! (must have been all those off the top big bets!) zg
21gunsalute said:
They were feeling sorry for you and didn't want to see you lose anymore.
That is exactly what I though. Either that, or you have an ultra ugly face, the pit boss is tired of looking at you.


Active Member
Out of the few backoffs I have had, most have been when I was losing. One time, I didn't know surveillance was watching (but should have known for reasons I shouldn't mention), and was busted, even after being down a fair amount during that session. Another time, I played way too long trying to get back to even.

Other backoffs occurred within 20 minutes, so they were watching my play right away. I had no chance of lasting long (unless I only played 15-minute sessions).


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
That is exactly what I though. Either that, or you have an ultra ugly face, the pit boss is tired of looking at you.
There you go thinking again! I know I've warned you about that before. Don't think-you get yourself in trouble that way.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes no logic for a backoff.

I got 86'd in a state where its illlegal to get kicked out of a casino. I'd been playing there for a year 25 to 2 x 300, but i started pushing it. One night, after many beers and routinely going 3 x 500 to 1 x 10, security booted me out.
Bellagio flat bet me, for playing a 6 to 1 spread with a max bet of 2 x 300. I still dont know why they were watching me, betting that little. On a busy weekend night too.
Halfshoes are a diff matter altogether, and i get many of those.


Well-Known Member
MeWin$ said:
I got 86'd in a state where its illlegal to get kicked out of a casino. I'd been playing there for a year 25 to 2 x 300, but i started pushing it. One night, after many beers and routinely going 3 x 500 to 1 x 10, security booted me out.
Bellagio flat bet me, for playing a 6 to 1 spread with a max bet of 2 x 300. I still dont know why they were watching me, betting that little. On a busy weekend night too.
Halfshoes are a diff matter altogether, and i get many of those.
The Springsteen State? Garden State?


Well-Known Member
The Suburbs said:
That being said, I have a weeklong Vegas trip planned for July and will be playing very aggressively. I am expecting multiple back-offs during the trip.
please write a trip report!


Well-Known Member
I got half shoed last week.

I wasn't counting, and was flat betting table minimum the whole time. Was actually the first time I got half shoed ever.


Well-Known Member
pit15 said:
I got half shoed last week.

I wasn't counting, and was flat betting table minimum the whole time. Was actually the first time I got half shoed ever.
Obviously it was due to your sweet personality. Is this the place you insult
old women?


Well-Known Member
pit15 said:
I got half shoed last week.

I wasn't counting, and was flat betting table minimum the whole time. Was actually the first time I got half shoed ever.
What? What the heck triggered it? Past performance?