What's the best way to get my bankroll to Vegas?


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UncrownedKing said:
Not where I'm from. You can be underage and buy one from a gun show. That's just how we do things around here. :cool2:
So if you gamble wherever you are from, thats fine. Cross into NJ or Conn and who knows where else and you have a whole lot of trouble. Next time you fly, carry one on board with you.
Most police departments mandate an officer be tasered before he is issued one for official use. I'd like to see that as a requirement for every purchaser.
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Speaking of taking money through airports...

There was recently an interesting interaction between a political campaign worker that had $4700 of campaign contributions in his carry-on luggage and the TSA.

The guy didn't want to tell the TSA where the money came from, unless answering that question was required by law. The entire conversation was recorded by the guy's iPhone, unbeknownst to the TSA officials.

The mp3 of the recording is (Dead link: http://video1.washingtontimes.com/video/tsabierfeldt.mp3) _here_.


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Automatic Monkey said:
You can open a Bank of America or Wells Fargo account, any bank that has branches in both LV and where you live. Let the bank shuttle your money around for you.

The disadvantage is you can only get your money when the bank is open. The advantage is you can deposit your money in LV when you are done playing and it will be waiting for you at home.
OK, this seems practical, and the traveler's check option also seems to be reasonable. One thing I've realized in this thread is that the bigger issue is moving from casino to casino. You see, in my short gambling career, I've only played at the local joint, so I didn't move from place to place.

I guess there is no getting around the fact that I'll have to travel from casino to casino with a significant amount of cash on my person, in a money belt or the like. Any best practices I should be aware of?


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Assuming you have a Mass. carry permit, you do realize that it isn't valid out of state,yes? Use it in NY or NJ and you'll end up with legal bills in excess of twenty grand or you'll be taking an extended vacation.
I have never been one to worry to much about authority or laws im well aware of the danger in carrying it leagaly but all i have to say is better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6 my friend. I also have a few friends in high places incase of a bad situation. One of the percs of an old life and an old job with some very serious people. And if an extended vacation cannot be avoided well it wouldnt be my first. Plus blackjack and poker are wide open in the can ill come out with more then i would have made at the casinos, the way the games are these days out there.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
OK, this seems practical, and the traveler's check option also seems to be reasonable. One thing I've realized in this thread is that the bigger issue is moving from casino to casino. You see, in my short gambling career, I've only played at the local joint, so I didn't move from place to place.

I guess there is no getting around the fact that I'll have to travel from casino to casino with a significant amount of cash on my person, in a money belt or the like. Any best practices I should be aware of?
Moving from house to house is no big deal either. If you're in a group, just go together, if alone just figure how much you need to carry for your next session and just park in valet at each stop so you don't have to do any "off camera" walking. $10/20 is insignificant when talking about a significant BR, not to mention the peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
I guess there is no getting around the fact that I'll have to travel from casino to casino with a significant amount of cash on my person, in a money belt or the like. Any best practices I should be aware of?
Just be aware of your surroundings, as you would in any large city. If you think someone might be following you out of a casino, just double back, go back up an escalator you just came down, etc., and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I've done the walking CTR thing, and it's no big deal, just break it up into multiple packs. (More for comfort than security).

I haven't tried using travelers checks, but I'm not enthusiastic about them. It can be tricky to get the larger denominations, and some casinos might hassle you over a bunch TCs (almost as bad as cashier's checks). I'd clear it with your destination casino to make sure it's cool.

If you were to wire funds to a casino's cage, then I wouldn't THINK that they should give you any grief if you take the cash elsewhere. It's not a line of credit, it's YOUR money. Now, "walking a marker" with credit/check-cashing privileges would inspire more righteous indignation.

One thing that I bumped into on my last all-cash trip was when I was bumping around different shops. I'd, obviously, need to buy in at each store, then cash out when I was done. The problem is that when I incorporated the "home" casino into this loop, it led to a somewhat higher than desired level of cashier activity. I think I set off a couple of low level cashier alarms (multiple transaction register, etc). It might be worth bringing extra cash just to "park" at the home casino in the form of chips until the end of your trip, while moving cash around to other joints.


Well-Known Member
UncrownedKing said:
A 9mm is a woman's gun. Try a .45 acp or you could go for a real defender: .50 cal AE desert eagle, the military will be scared of you :cool2:
Funny you say that i Used to own a .50 DE it was a dam cannon. I loved that gun to death but ill tell you the problem with it, the barrel is to long and to stick it in ur waste its almost impossible to draw especially if you put it in your lower back like i do. Plus i carry a ruger high capasity 9mm, with a differnt barrel and chamber slide and which are a larger bore and also tighter machine spiral in the inner barrel (16 round clip+ 1 in the chamber) with goverment protection hollow points. Trust me you dont want 17 of these bad boys flying at you. They are slightly larger then a 9mm just about a 45 but much more deadly at close range because of the build of it. Its basically a gun for doing hits, its the same thing a professional assassin would use over something like the desy eagle or say a .357 magnum. But those are some fun guns you names. I am personally a fan of the hk-47 or the AR 15:eek:


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
One thing that I bumped into on my last all-cash trip was when I was bumping around different shops...The problem is that when I incorporated the "home" casino into this loop, it led to a somewhat higher than desired level of cashier activity. I think I set off a couple of low level cashier alarms (multiple transaction register, etc). It might be worth bringing extra cash just to "park" at the home casino in the form of chips until the end of your trip, while moving cash around to other joints.
Rhino, could you explain this a bit more...I don't quite understand your point, and it sounds like it may be important.


Well-Known Member
takinfromindians97 said:
Funny you say that i Used to own a .50 DE it was a dam cannon. I loved that gun to death but ill tell you the problem with it, the barrel is to long and to stick it in ur waste its almost impossible to draw especially if you put it in your lower back like i do. Plus i carry a ruger high capasity 9mm, with a differnt barrel and chamber slide and which are a larger bore and also tighter machine spiral in the inner barrel (16 round clip+ 1 in the chamber) with goverment protection hollow points. Trust me you dont want 17 of these bad boys flying at you. They are slightly larger then a 9mm just about a 45 but much more deadly at close range because of the build of it. Its basically a gun for doing hits, its the same thing a professional assassin would use over something like the desy eagle or say a .357 magnum. But those are some fun guns you names. I am personally a fan of the hk-47 or the AR 15:eek:
Actually a 9mm especially with a tighter spiral has much less stopping power than that of a slower moving round like a .45. The 9mm travels at such a high velocity that it makes small clean holes, resulting in more exit wounds that match the the diameter of the entry point. A .45 will have a small entry point and due to slower rotation will either tear up the inside of what it hits and not have an exit point, or the exit point will be massive compared to the entry point. Its like comparing a shotgun to a rifle, both are deadly, but in close range the shotgun is the better weapon. By the way its AK-47 not HK.


Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
Actually a 9mm especially with a tighter spiral has much less stopping power than that of a slower moving round like a .45. The 9mm travels at such a high velocity that it makes small clean holes, resulting in more exit wounds that match the the diameter of the entry point. A .45 will have a small entry point and due to slower rotation will either tear up the inside of what it hits and not have an exit point, or the exit point will be massive compared to the entry point. Its like comparing a shotgun to a rifle, both are deadly, but in close range the shotgun is the better weapon. By the way its AK-47 not HK.
You are correct, but using hollowpoints helps improve this a great deal. Ammo is also much cheaper to practice with, guns are smaller, lighter, and easier to shoot, etc. I own both, but carry neither, preferring a .357 magnum revolver most of the time. My gal has adopted my .45 1911.


Well-Known Member
doesnt vegas do something similar to reno where you can purchase chips at once place and use it at a few others? Could keep some higher denom. chips and move money around that way and not carry stacks of cash maybe?



Well-Known Member
ccl said:
doesnt vegas do something similar to reno where you can purchase chips at once place and use it at a few others? Could keep some higher denom. chips and move money around that way and not carry stacks of cash maybe?

Not that I'm aware of. Casinos within the same group- Harrahs or MGM or Stations perhaps but I'm not aware of Harrahs accepting multiple MGM chips or the like.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Not that I'm aware of. Casinos within the same group- Harrahs or MGM or Stations perhaps but I'm not aware of Harrahs accepting multiple MGM chips or the like.
You can trade chips at any casino. I do it all the time. Anything over $25 they usually call the casino to make sure that you don't owe money to the casino you are exchanging chips from. But I regularly pay off markers with chips from other non-associated casinos. It only makes sense, IMO, if you are dealing with amounts $5K+ (the point being to avoid CTR hassles, which start at $10k cumulative for the day).


Well-Known Member
Frankie, you've really been able to use high-denom chips at unaffiliated casinos? Is there a trick to it? Because the first time I went to vegas, I had a single black chip from Monte Carlo that I wasn't able to cash at 3 different MGM Mirage properties.

And I guess the key to reducing cash activity is that you have a marker in the new place? Do cashier cages ever exchange chips from one joint with their own chips?


Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
Actually a 9mm especially with a tighter spiral has much less stopping power than that of a slower moving round like a .45. The 9mm travels at such a high velocity that it makes small clean holes, resulting in more exit wounds that match the the diameter of the entry point. A .45 will have a small entry point and due to slower rotation will either tear up the inside of what it hits and not have an exit point, or the exit point will be massive compared to the entry point. Its like comparing a shotgun to a rifle, both are deadly, but in close range the shotgun is the better weapon. By the way its AK-47 not HK.
actually thats what i said its not stopping power i want its ment to make the bullet go in and not come out for a head shot at close range so it will rattle around in there. APerently you werent reading what i wrote andi know an ak-47 i ment hk-17 its a heckler and kench alot of navy seals carry them when doing like an oil rig raid or something of that nature. My father is a highly decorated army ranger sniper with many many confirmed kills, I grew up with guns and trust me my friend have quite the collection and know my **** pretty well. I however have ZERO knowledge compared to that of my father who is like a weapons and exsplosives encyclopedia and he is the ones who made the mods to my ruger so im sure they are correct for what i am looking for.A close range assassin type weapon


Well-Known Member
Frankie said:
You can trade chips at any casino. I do it all the time. Anything over $25 they usually call the casino to make sure that you don't owe money to the casino you are exchanging chips from. But I regularly pay off markers with chips from other non-associated casinos. It only makes sense, IMO, if you are dealing with amounts $5K+ (the point being to avoid CTR hassles, which start at $10k cumulative for the day).
Anyone want to confirm this? This hasn't been my experiance, and I sure as hell don't want Harrahs discussing my markers with another casino group. Nor have I had an success cashing in green chips from Stations at Harrahs.

UncrownedKing said:
Just buy a $50 taser or stun gun and call it a day. You can bring down a 300 pound nfl player in a split second, plus you wont have much trouble at an airport or any where else as you would with a gun.
Come on that's crazy. The $50 ones are BDSM paraphernalia and aren't going to be effective against a dangerous person like the kind corrections officers use. When you are dealing with a criminally insane person you don't know how they are going to react to pain. They might like it. They don't have the same reactions to anything that a normal person does.

Also carrying any kind of an exotic weapon opens you up to investigation. Stun guns are associated with torture and it's like driving around with a bag with duct tape and lube. If you get caught with it, you become a "person of interest" and they are going to go through all the possibilities before they let you go.

If you want to carry a weapon and have basic physical skills, I'd recommend a kubotan.