I think I played with him a week ago.
dacium said:
Just saw someone stand on A5 versus 10, even after it was explained to them that they can only improve.
Yes they won the hand.
Run into these players quite often. Nothing really that rare about them, even found on high limit tables. Not long ago I was playing a double deck game where I could read the dealers hole card about 3/4 of the time. I am stuck, going to take my loss because I have an 18 against the dealer's 9 up and ace in the hole, but the other player on the table has a pair of 4's and a $500 bet. So he splits them and gets a 7 on the first and doubles, gets a 9 and the second 4 and proceeds to bust. Double card turned out to be a 10, so he lands up ahead on the hand and announces for the world, "that's how you play blackjack!"
For anyone here who has holecarded and tried to look like that stupid player who takes some crazy hits or stands at times when bs says not too, you can understand how nice it might be to have a player like this guy on your table. So I double my nine against the dealer 10 (he had a 6 in the hole) but only after asking this guy for advice and telling him that I had a strong feeling I would hit an ace. He tells me to go for it. I win, dealer busts and a few minutes later a regular at this casino takes a seat. Dealer gives him a look at me and the other guy and shakes his head as a warning to the regular that we are crazy players. We had the table to ourselves and while the other guy did take a beating, I had a great session and stayed perhaps twice as long as usual for a hole card session because I think this guy helped create some decent cover. If wrong, I will find out in a month or so when I return.