worst player ever...


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Well there actually are index numbers for that play, even the 5 vs 3 avs mentioned earlier.
I have never heard of a index play saying double down on a 5 vs 3?:confused:


Well-Known Member
avs21 said:
I have never heard of a index play saying double down on a 5 vs 3?:confused:
TC+20 in a 4D S17 game. OK, none in a 1D S17 game.

For 7 vs 3, TC+16 in 4D S17, maybe +17 in 1D.

Silly stuff I realize lol.

In Hi-lo anyway. Don't ask me, ask Wong lol.

Unfortunately, I wasted alot of time memorizing useless index numbers until I learned they don't matter :)


Well-Known Member
I have seen the 7 vs 3 before. I guess on the 5 vs 3 you are hoping the dealer busts. You must learned a couple hundred indexes to know that play! :eek:


Well-Known Member
avs21 said:
You must learned a couple hundred indexes to know that play! :eek:
Shamefully, when young, dumb, and full of ***, I confess :grin:

But, on the bright side, it usually pisses alot of people off when I have a 2-unit, $10 bet out lol.

Well, the 2 times I did it, it did LMAO


An elderly Asian women (she is always there) doubled hard 12 against dealer's 7. The dealer just said: OK, and proceeded to bust her.

Another time, lady losing at the table; she hits a hard 18. Bust.

I rarely encounter one who plays well, maybe a handful over the years.


Well-Known Member
picasso said:
An elderly Asian women (she is always there) doubled hard 12 against dealer's 7. The dealer just said: OK, and proceeded to bust her.

Another time, lady losing at the table; she hits a hard 18. Bust.

I rarely encounter one who plays well, maybe a handful over the years.
Many people are extremely superstitious. Even though they know they should not double down on a hard 12, they feel they must play their hunch. If it works for them, I would not be surprised to see them hit a hard 18 next. rotflmao It's like they think the gods have finally come to their aid and from here on it's easy street just like they dreamed it! Where do people get these ideas!!!! lol In my own experience, if there is such a thing as spiritual intervention, I think it must be in the house's favor, because I've seen a whole lot more cases of gamblers going bust than I have of them getting lucky.


Well-Known Member
ihate17: "For anyone here who has holecarded"

Yes, I'm listening.

ihate17: "and tried to look like that stupid player who takes some crazy hits or stands at times when bs says not too, you can understand how nice it might be to have a player like this guy on your table."

He doesn't need to be at the table. He exists. Dealers have seen him play. Dealers have seen a world full of idiots. Dealers are idiots. Dealers don't know BS. Dealers who give up their hole card are even less aware, and unlikely to know BS. Guys who play as crazy as you describe tend to be attention seekers; they take too long to play their hands because they want the whole world to watch their show as if we care. They also tend to talk too much and attract attention. Personally, I hate guys like this at the table.

ihate17: "So I double my nine against the dealer 10 (he had a 6 in the hole) but only after asking this guy for advice and telling him that I had a strong feeling I would hit an ace. He tells me to go for it."

I strongly believe that many players overact, overjustify every play they make. I don't make the 9 v T double, but if I were to do so, I would just go ahead and make the double and get it over as quickly as possible, moving on to the next hand.

I have seen more games played and killed over the years than most players would even believe existed, and in my opinion, the top four (not necessarily ordered) killers of games are:

1. Known players
2. Weak players sitting ridiculously low, reclining, etc.
3. Huge wins on the same dealer, oftentimes repeated hits by multiple crews
4. Flash too blatant

The actual play of hands is actually not a big factor, provided you don't make the giveaway plays like surrendering 19, hitting hard 18, etc.

My point is just that when it comes to acting, less is more. Get the suspicious plays over with, with little fanfare. As the dealer is paying, say nothing to interrupt her. You want her to finish and sweep up the cards quickly before a boss strolls over to see anything strange on the layout (like a double on 9 v T).

Oops, I didn't mean to take the thread on a tangent. My testimonial regarding the Worst Player Ever is that I have many times seen players hit (soft) 21, which in one sense is the worst play possible, in that it is a reverse freeroll on improving the hand (a guy who doubles hard 20 at least has a chance to improve the hand!).
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Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Ah, so you have watched me holecard!
I still like zg's wheelchair ploy. Is that why so many casinos now offer a low table that is wheel chair friendly?


Well-Known Member
picasso said:
An elderly Asian women (she is always there) doubled hard 12 against dealer's 7. The dealer just said: OK, and proceeded to bust her.

Another time, lady losing at the table; she hits a hard 18. Bust.
just real quick, why is it that on this forum you all mention when someone is asian, but not anything else? what was the race of the lady of the "another time?" there are too many posts where I have seen this, not necessarily racist but why is it important to mention? I'm asian, I'm not offended, but it does get a little annoying. Anyways, on to my story.

Last night, a 30 something WHITE dude who came in thinking he was hot stuff, plopped next to me and bought 4 $1k chips. he stood 12vA, 15v7, hit 13v5 and 13v6. 4 hands all played wrong at $1k each. I felt bad for him for a second, then I left the session up $4500.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Jack, here's one for you:

A middle-aged white women sitting next to me stood on 4-4 last week.
Perfectly logical. She was shuffle tracking and knew the dealer's bust card was next.

Either that or she had a strong hunch that the dealer had a six underneath his up-card ten, and a six was probably next in the shoe because it had been a long time since she saw one and she had a strong feeling it was coming up. :laugh:

I was at a table where this guy repeated hit hard seventeens and caught fours. He quit up thousands. Go figure. The dealer said he was a mathematical genius. I figured he was a certified lunatic. Is it possible he knew something the rest of us didn't?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Let me give you my opinion!

There's no such thing as a worse player - you can ask Zengrifer. Sometimes, to get rid of excess ploppy players, you have to make funny decisions (such as standing on a total of 6 against the dealer's five). Just tell the table I dont want to take the dealer's bust card.

If the table loses, the ploppies (BS players who find an excuse to whine about) will curse you - but dont worry just chuckle at them. It also serves as a camouflage purpose to the steering eyes of the pitbosses. Remember with camouflage purposes, it will cost you money - but its better to get rid of excess players so you can boost your earnings. If you make funny decisions, the pitbosses will have a laugh at you especially if you stand on totals of under 9.

Read Zengrifer's interview where he mentions that he splits tens to get rid of the ploppies on the table. Its quiet an amusing interview.


Well-Known Member
Getting rid of other players by making bad plays often doesn't work as new players will come to the table.


Well-Known Member
New players do come in but after a lag time especially on a quiet night / day (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). I have gotten rid of some players by making funny decisions that the dealer even laughed at me. If you are betting the table minimum, and the other ploppy is betting a huge money, a bad playing decision could cost him a fair bit - who knows what the next card is anyways. I have gotten rid of the players that they curse at me and I just reinforce the message that this is a democracy and I can do anything as a I see fit.


Jack_Black said:
just real quick, why is it that on this forum you all mention when someone is asian, but not anything else? what was the race of the lady of the "another time?" there are too many posts where I have seen this, not necessarily racist but why is it important to mention? I'm asian, I'm not offended, but it does get a little annoying.
I think it has to do with stereotypes. Most of the time Asian players I have seen tend to be impulsive or simply play by intuition. I know other people do just the same, but it appears to be familiar with Asians. I think it has to do with culture, maybe they are more culturally superstitious than other people (like the waving cat we often see in Chinese store/restaurants to bring forth wealth, fortune cookies, etc). Maybe you can clarify for us; are the Chinese culturally more superstitious and thus they could be prone to play by gut feelings?


Well-Known Member
picasso said:
I think it has to do with stereotypes. Most of the time Asian players I have seen tend to be impulsive or simply play by intuition. I know other people do just the same, but it appears to be familiar with Asians. I think it has to do with culture, maybe they are more culturally superstitious than other people (like the waving cat we often see in Chinese store/restaurants to bring forth wealth, fortune cookies, etc). Maybe you can clarify for us; are the Chinese culturally more superstitious and thus they could be prone to play by gut feelings?
One thind I see is that many Asians love gambling. The rest I don/t know. I have seen many good Asian BJ players. I doubt there are any more poor gamblers among Asians than among any other ethnic group. Because their IQs are higher than most other racial and ethnic groups, I would think there would be more good gamblers among Asians. Among Filopino friends of mine, the love of gambling is obvious. But I don't know whether to attribute this to the culture or to the lure of fast money for people who have been raised in poverty.


Well-Known Member
Aslan or Asian,

You are wrong - most BJ books are written by Caucasian American authors - like Julian Braun, Peter Griffin, Katarina Walker, Don Schlesinger, Rick Blaine.
Stanford Wong is Caucasian by the way - its just a pseudonym but hes Caucasian by the way.

Asians tend to believe in luck and divine spirits but most of them dont understand the maths behind the game - they are very superstituous to say the least - if you come in and add a extra betting box/spot, they will get upset - if you stand on 16 vs 10 and the dealer gets a 20, they will get upset - if you hit 13 vs 3, and you bust and instead of the dealer busting, the dealer lands, they will get upset.

Another thing - why do Asians love baccarat so much more than any other game?


Well-Known Member
picasso said:
I think it has to do with stereotypes. Most of the time Asian players I have seen tend to be impulsive or simply play by intuition. I know other people do just the same, but it appears to be familiar with Asians. I think it has to do with culture, maybe they are more culturally superstitious than other people (like the waving cat we often see in Chinese store/restaurants to bring forth wealth, fortune cookies, etc). Maybe you can clarify for us; are the Chinese culturally more superstitious and thus they could be prone to play by gut feelings?
See all these Asian you seen spoke about. Are these only in America?

Oh and all time i lived in hong kong and visited china regularly, i have not seen fortune cookies. As for the waving cats, it is nothing more than a decorative piece.

Have you been to asia and seen "asian" gambling? Or are you making statements from a small sample size which you seen in america?

"I think it has to do with stereotypes". Nope you are sterotyping.



This afternoon, player has 2-2 against dealer 7 and he asks 'should I split? Pit boss comes over and says 'you only splits 2's against 4-5 or 6. Even pit bosses don't know how to play.