worst player ever...


Well-Known Member
ycming said:
See all these Asian you seen spoke about. Are these only in America?

Oh and all time i lived in hong kong and visited china regularly, i have not seen fortune cookies. As for the waving cats, it is nothing more than a decorative piece.

Have you been to asia and seen "asian" gambling? Or are you making statements from a small sample size which you seen in america?

"I think it has to do with stereotypes". Nope you are sterotyping.

I know you're not talking to me, but I am sure that I am stereotyping because all the Asian-born people I have seen gambling have been in the context of American casinos and pool rooms. I do know Asian-born men and women who never gamble to my knowledge, especially women.


Well-Known Member
The pitboss must be really ancient in age because you should split 2,2 vs 4,5,6 if DAS was not allowed - so the pitboss would be correct if the situation was 30 years ago but nowadays most BJ games allow DAS.

2,2 vs dealer's 2,3 and seven are considered defensive splits whereas 2,2 vs 4,5,6 are considered offensive splits.


Well-Known Member
Common errors

picasso said:
This afternoon, player has 2-2 against dealer 7 and he asks 'should I split? Pit boss comes over and says 'you only splits 2's against 4-5 or 6. Even pit bosses don't know how to play.

That pit, just like many players who have a basic strategy card of a certain type, might have failed to turn the thing over. There are cards where the main part is for games that do not permit DAS, and the back of the card you have the additional moves for a game where you can DAS.



The casino is DAS, so pit boss IS ANCIENT, but you should always split 2's against dealer 7, no matter what the rules are. Pit boss is just an idiot.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
From the pitboss conveyor belt...

picasso said:
This afternoon, player has 2-2 against dealer 7 and he asks 'should I split? Pit boss comes over and says 'you only splits 2's against 4-5 or 6. Even pit bosses don't know how to play.
My stereotype of an almost-perfect pitboss: Know-it-all, opinionated, arrogant, righteous, stressed-out look about him/her, impatient, tends to rudeness, abrupt, caffeine addict, tending toward obese, suspicious, hawk-eyed, can be very mean, highly career-oriented, ambitious, little sense of humor, card counting 'expert'... blah blah... sound familiar?


Well-Known Member
That dang-blasted dealer bust card...

Getting back to worst player ever... he's sitting at third base and wants to stand on A2 V 3. Box #2 says, pointing: "But that's only 3." Einstein replies: "Don't matter what I got. She gonna bust." She busts. As he triumphantly scoops up his $30 profit, he announces: "See. Told ya. NEVER take the dealer bust card!" Dang! How did he know? :grin:


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Getting back to worst player ever... he's sitting at third base and wants to stand on A2 V 3. Box #2 says, pointing: "But that's only 3." Einstein replies: "Don't matter what I got. She gonna bust." She busts. As he triumphantly scoops up his $30 profit, he announces: "See. Told ya. NEVER take the dealer bust card!" Dang! How did he know? :grin:
Man at least he has a gambler reason. This girl stood on A6 vs 10. I said to her you can't bust is good to take a card and is promptly gave me a weird look and said i do what i want.

Stupid cow, i pulled an ace from 16. Then dealer pulled another ace and she said, it wouldn't of made a difference. How daft could one be!



Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Getting back to worst player ever... he's sitting at third base and wants to stand on A2 V 3. Box #2 says, pointing: "But that's only 3." Einstein replies: "Don't matter what I got. She gonna bust." She busts. As he triumphantly scoops up his $30 profit, he announces: "See. Told ya. NEVER take the dealer bust card!" Dang! How did he know? :grin:
Sometimes it's scary to think what these people may be doing for their day jobs.


Well-Known Member
blackjackstudent: "If you make funny decisions, the pitbosses will have a laugh at you especially if you stand on totals of under 9."

Really? I disagree.


Well-Known Member
ExhibitCAA said:
blackjackstudent: "If you make funny decisions, the pitbosses will have a laugh at you especially if you stand on totals of under 9."

Really? I disagree.
What they will probably do is mosey on over to you and say,"You can stay on 9 if you want, but most people hit because they cannot bust. But if you think the dealer's bust card is next, it's a good move. You have to assume that the next card up is a ten."


Well-Known Member
Here is a good one. A guy doubled all of his 12s v 2-6. After one time he did this he began to say " One there were some math guys at an ivy league school that wrote a book". I was thinking oh no here comes the card counting talk. Then he continues " They did the math and they actually figured out that doubling on a tell you will win 74% of the time. He went on to explain that only 4 cards in the deck will bust you and if you get a 6,7 8 or 9 you have a good hand. Its awesome cause he only busted once out of 10 times probably too. He must be on to something.


Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a young Asian couple play H 17 BJ in my country (Australia). The female was watching whereas the male was betting - whenever he lost he would suddenly raise his bet - initially most of the time this would work but eventually it didn't.

Anyways, he was dealt a 5,5 vs the dealer's 7. Instead of doubling, he decided to split the 5s and to one of the split he got another 5. In Australia, we can only split three times - he landed on 15 on all three occasions - the dealer got 17 and he was betting $ 200 a hand. In all BJ texts that you read, you would never split 5s.


Well-Known Member
I rarely give others advice at the table. Recently a guy with friends also playing got 5-5. vs a dealer 6.

He kept going back and forth with friends saying "you can split them if you want" and the dealer saying "It's his money, he can do what he wants" and yadda, yadda.

Finally I said "It's a f'ing ten". Everyone was quiet for a second and I thought they were PO'ed at me. The guy doubled, caught a 10 and win. Whew!

blackjackstudent said:
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a young Asian couple play H 17 BJ in my country (Australia). The female was watching whereas the male was betting - whenever he lost he would suddenly raise his bet - initially most of the time this would work but eventually it didn't.

Anyways, he was dealt a 5,5 vs the dealer's 7. Instead of doubling, he decided to split the 5s and to one of the split he got another 5. In Australia, we can only split three times - he landed on 15 on all three occasions - the dealer got 17 and he was betting $ 200 a hand. In all BJ texts that you read, you would never split 5s.


Well-Known Member
GeorgeD said:
I rarely give others advice at the table. Recently a guy with friends also playing got 5-5. vs a dealer 6.

He kept going back and forth with friends saying "you can split them if you want" and the dealer saying "It's his money, he can do what he wants" and yadda, yadda.

Finally I said "It's a f'ing ten". Everyone was quiet for a second and I thought they were PO'ed at me. The guy doubled, caught a 10 and win. Whew!
I know. When you give someone the right advice you still have to hold your breath and hope the cards cooperate. He would have been p*ssed if the next cards happened to be 6, ten, 6, ten. That's why I hate to give advice.


Well-Known Member
You are wrong - most BJ books are written by Caucasian American authors - like Julian Braun, Peter Griffin, Katarina Walker, Don Schlesinger, Rick Blaine.
Stanford Wong is Caucasian by the way - its just a pseudonym but hes Caucasian by the way.

Right, Mike aponte, jeff ma, and the rest of the MIT team are really just white too. That pisses me off that the 21 movie turned everyone white so that white people would more likely watch it. Card counting is a very American past time considering most of these authors are American. Card counting is a problem for mostly American casinos. And what is America primarily made up of? Whiteys. There is your reason why Asians or any other nationality haven’t written books.

Asians tend to believe in luck and divine spirits but most of them don’t understand the maths behind the game - they are very superstituous to say the least -

Right again! ONLY Asians believe in luck. There is absolutely no other race that would believe in such stupid things.

Another thing - why do Asians love baccarat so much more than any other game?

What the hell kind of question is that? Why do aussies like shrimp on the barbee and foster’s beer so much? Why do blacks like playing craps? Why do the French like eating animal organs?

Maybe you can clarify for us; are the Chinese culturally more superstitious and thus they could be prone to play by gut feelings?

As I am not Chinese, I have no F’in clue. This kind of logic would be the same as me asking you (a Canadian) to clarify for me why german women have so much facial hair.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a young Asian couple play H 17 BJ in my country (Australia).

Did I not just go over this, and did you not just take part in the conversation earlier? From now on, I’ll mention the races of stupid people and their plays. Considering I play in the US with mostly white people, can you guess what race I will see that will play the stupidest? You and everyone here only mentions how Asians play because asians look different and are not the majority of players out there, so you want to make a judgement call as to how they act and play. I will say that gambling is popular in certain asian societies, not all. But it is not more or less popular in any other race.

I can’t believe the amount of intelligence here on this forum that is mixed with pure ignorance. I am a grad school dropout and I enjoyed keeping company with gifted people who at least knew enough to not say such asinine statements. I expect to find plenty of ignorance in the real world, but I was hoping that card counters and advantage players would be better than that, perhaps be in the same company as my grad school colleagues. I guess not.

A few days ago, because of this post, I asked some white dealers the stupid plays they’ve seen. The common one they see is hit on 18. Common, as in at least once a day per dealer. For all you math geeks, what is the probability if I asked them what race usually does that stupid play, in a mostly white state, with 90% white casino patrons, would the answer be white?


Well-Known Member

Jack_Black said:
You are wrong - most BJ books are written by Caucasian American authors - like Julian Braun, Peter Griffin, Katarina Walker, Don Schlesinger, Rick Blaine.
Stanford Wong is Caucasian by the way - its just a pseudonym but hes Caucasian by the way.

Right, Mike aponte, jeff ma, and the rest of the MIT team are really just white too. That pisses me off that the 21 movie turned everyone white so that white people would more likely watch it. Card counting is a very American past time considering most of these authors are American. Card counting is a problem for mostly American casinos. And what is America primarily made up of? Whiteys. There is your reason why Asians or any other nationality haven’t written books.

Asians tend to believe in luck and divine spirits but most of them don’t understand the maths behind the game - they are very superstituous to say the least -

Right again! ONLY Asians believe in luck. There is absolutely no other race that would believe in such stupid things.

Another thing - why do Asians love baccarat so much more than any other game?

What the hell kind of question is that? Why do aussies like shrimp on the barbee and foster’s beer so much? Why do blacks like playing craps? Why do the French like eating animal organs?

Maybe you can clarify for us; are the Chinese culturally more superstitious and thus they could be prone to play by gut feelings?

As I am not Chinese, I have no F’in clue. This kind of logic would be the same as me asking you (a Canadian) to clarify for me why german women have so much facial hair.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a young Asian couple play H 17 BJ in my country (Australia).

Did I not just go over this, and did you not just take part in the conversation earlier? From now on, I’ll mention the races of stupid people and their plays. Considering I play in the US with mostly white people, can you guess what race I will see that will play the stupidest? You and everyone here only mentions how Asians play because asians look different and are not the majority of players out there, so you want to make a judgement call as to how they act and play. I will say that gambling is popular in certain asian societies, not all. But it is not more or less popular in any other race.

I can’t believe the amount of intelligence here on this forum that is mixed with pure ignorance. I am a grad school dropout and I enjoyed keeping company with gifted people who at least knew enough to not say such asinine statements. I expect to find plenty of ignorance in the real world, but I was hoping that card counters and advantage players would be better than that, perhaps be in the same company as my grad school colleagues. I guess not.

A few days ago, because of this post, I asked some white dealers the stupid plays they’ve seen. The common one they see is hit on 18. Common, as in at least once a day per dealer. For all you math geeks, what is the probability if I asked them what race usually does that stupid play, in a mostly white state, with 90% white casino patrons, would the answer be white?
I've seen plenty of superstitious players (of all races) in Australia; most of whom believe in luck. Gee, some have even got lucky... I believe racial issues are best left off this board and the discussions best focus on the game and the people who play it rather than discussing personal racial beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Jack Black,

I am pure Asian - I was born and raised in Australia and have lots of white friends - nevertheless I maintain a high Asian tradition at home - study hard, earn money and look after parents.

I consider myself Australian nevertheless - but in Australia, theres only ONE casino per state (yes you read correctly - one casino per state) and the casino often shares the same interest as the state govt.

I dont mean to offend you in any way shape or form - but most Asian players get upset when a new player comes in and add a box or two and destroy the "magical" flow of cards - no one can predict the next card.

Australian BJ is played via the NHC and often the last base is blamed - It's people's money and they can do whatever they want - say the last base stand on seven and the dealer gets blackjack - theres no reason for anyone to get upset. I dont get upset if the person makes a funny decision - remember its the person's money and they can do whatever they want. If you gamble, then be prepared to lose.
No reason for anyone to get upset. Omens, luck and numerology have a larger role in East Asian culture than in most others. It's a tradition that dates back to Confucius, and even older with the I Ching and the games played with paper money which was invented by the Chinese.

You may have noticed that most of the East Asian people you see in a casino are not sophisticated and not educated. The ones I see come on the bus dressed in rags, bad teeth, bad hygiene. Absolutely nothing like the kind of people who become AP's, right? So if you're an Asian AP, don't worry, the stereotypes we have of them do not at all apply to you.

So I'll see you all on August 8th! :devil: