Wow I almost let myself go lol


Active Member
I was at work dealing today practicing my hilo while dealing to other players, btw I was dealing a 6 deck shoe hit soft 17 double any 2 split 3 times 1 card for each ace, ace split once. and 85+% penetration.

Anyways I was dealing and this guy meeting his dad at my table started complaining how he couldnt win because the other players at the table werent playing right. I couldnt help it so we started arguing about the "flow of the cards", then i finally stopped myself lol


Active Member
stopgambling said:
ha , ha!!! really ,so do you hate counters ,? where do u [ state ] deal?
hate counters? obviously according to the thread I stated practicing my hilo. Also sorry I can't say which state but i'll tell u it's the midwest


Active Member
Gambler23 said:
Whats your thoughts on tips dealer?
I say if you're going to tip, put a dollar for the dealer the first hand, first impressions are always good. And another good thing is if you're going to tip, do it when the pit boss is watching for example, "thanks for busting a lot man"


Active Member
Dealer please give me some more information that you have learned after your experience working there that is benifitial to the players side of gambling?


Active Member
Gambler23 said:
Dealer please give me some more information that you have learned after your experience working there that is benifitial to the players side of gambling?
As an AP you must remember to act like a ploppy not an AP. I believe this applies to dealer AP's such as myself


Well-Known Member
If you have a known counter at the table, and he's tipping you well, will you pref. shuffle against the casino when you detect a high negative count, and try to squeeze in an extra hand past the cut when it's a high positive?
Mewtwo said:
If you have a known counter at the table, and he's tipping you well, will you pref. shuffle against the casino when you detect a high negative count, and try to squeeze in an extra hand past the cut when it's a high positive?
If a counter is tipping "well" chances are he's giving up his edge and then some, unless he's playing huge amounts. That means it's probably not ever going to happen. Also, very few counters in their right mind would play on a 6 deck, H17 game....counting alone would yield a fairly low advantage on this game. Finally, if a player is a known counter, surveillance will be watching and counting, and it wouldn't be advisable for the dealer to do anything out of the ordinary.
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shinyam said:
A six deck game with H17 and good pen, is more than beatable, especially with some heavy wonging.
I didn't say it wasn't beatable. Just said that, given any better alternative, no one would choose to play it, as your time is less valuable on a game like that than a S17 shoe game, or a double deck. Game selection is a big part of the battle.
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joeblackjack said:
I didn't say it wasn't beatable. Just said that, given any better alternative, no one would choose to play it, as your time is less valuable on a game like that than a S17 shoe game, or a double deck. Game selection is a big part of the battle.
In my opinion game selection is the most important part of the battle.


Well-Known Member
Game selection is vital, but pen is far more important than whether it's H17. A few years back one store had a bunch of tables with S17, 1.5/6, and a bunch with H17, 0.5/8 (or thinner). Guess which one I played (all day and all night)?


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
In my opinion game selection is the most important part of the battle.
I agree 100%! I found out the hard way! :eek:

The better games seem to be disappearing quickly. A lot of 8 deck H17 out there! :sad:


johndoe said:
Game selection is vital, but pen is far more important than whether it's H17. A few years back one store had a bunch of tables with S17, 1.5/6, and a bunch with H17, 0.5/8 (or thinner). Guess which one I played (all day and all night)?
Pen is part of game selection. An additional 1/2 deck of pen makes up for H17. I go for the rules but if the pen sucks I play very little.


Well-Known Member
Something to remember.... H17 isn't that big of a deal when the count is high. Also, you'd be surprised how much of a difference playing 6 decks vs. 8 decks can make because of the lessened dilution.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
Pen is part of game selection. An additional 1/2 deck of pen makes up for H17. I go for the rules but if the pen sucks I play very little.
Emphasis mine.

I've never heard that before -- is there anywhere that the amount of additional penetration needed to overcome H17 is quantified? I would think for 8 deck you would maybe need more than .5 deck additional penetration and for DD you would need much less, probably about a quarter deck...but I don't have any math to back that up and pretty much talking out of my ass :)
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Well-Known Member
AC232323 said:
Emphasis mine.

I've never heard that before -- is there anywhere that the amount of additional penetration needed to overcome H17 is quantified? I would think for 8 deck you would maybe need more than .5 deck additional penetration and for DD you would need much less, probably about a quarter deck...but I don't have any math to back that up and pretty much talking out of my ass :)
Thunder ain't lying. You can find this info if you know where to look (not a big secret). Hint, which author is foremost in pointing out that even seemingly small differences in penetration makes a huge difference.

Even for 8 decks Thunder is right more or less. Furthermore, as Thunder mentioned H17 doesn't hit you as hard at high counts, so heavy wonging helps out more.