Never the end
I really liked what you guys did and especially Froggy's comparison to something.
I forgot what a great tool that CVBJ is to help measure one's progress and mistakes. I think it helped The Wise One realize, if he chose to, he has the skill to accurately count and be a good little robot. Not easy, methinks lol.
I know JJ knows what he's doing but but I always found it difficult to know with physical cards if I was accurate or not (blowing the count, estimating remaining decks wrong, flooring or not, etc) so it's nice CVBJ let's you know that while you're trying to not be an idiot, you still are lol.
But think, Wise One, if you had 9 more like you with $5k, you could expect 5 times your earnings with a low risk, reach the long run just as quickly since that wouldn't change with a larger roll and a larger unit size, I think, and double your every 50 hours. All a larger roll does is lower ROR - you still make the same amount of money per hand - if you had had a $100K roll you still would have finished down $2600 or whatever it was and your EV and stan dev wouldn't change either.
While that amount might seem devastating, it's completely to be expected. I know you know that. It's even something you/anyone knew or could have known before you played a single hand to help you decide if it's worth it or not.
And, to depress you further, I think your sim was at 70/hands/hr so your 5300hands would be alot more hours than 53 in a casino lol.
Not sure I completely understand the "competition" part. If both you played the same way with the same system with the same skill only "luck" separates any results and you are 2 guys on a team betting to a $10K roll.
If one was free to pretty much bet anything between $10-$100 anytime to any number of hands using different counts and side counts from time to time, I may as well have employed my various voo-doo money-management betting systems while counting but you guys wouldn't let me lol.
Is it only me who sees the craziest stuff in "Card-Counting" or "General" sections while thinking if ever a thread least belonged in "Voodoo", this is it?
Which brings me to the next "competition".
What I still like best is that every member here be potentially part of a team against The Evil Casino lol. We publish a simmed game, not a "canned" one like the last one maybe, at least I wasn't clear on exactly what it was based on, defined spread, enough roll to make ROR meaningless, make all underlying assumptions clear, and anybody post results (number of hands played - best guess if no CVBJ) maybe with a few comments but only whenever they tried to follow the plan. If a KO guy wants to post, that's cool, maybe just say so, but I don't think results would be greatly effected since I don't think they are that much different. Maybe make life easy and not use indexes so BS counting players could join. Maybe post 2 simmed games for KO and Hi-Lo. I don't know. Make it heads-up play-all to make life easy. Maybe just with the goal of finding out eventually, since it would be open-ended, if a "plan" might actually work eventually. Doesn't matter what the "plan" is but maybe just a simpler one so more people could do it. Maybe only 4 decks for those that use cards.
Results could always anytime be figured on both an individual and team basis.
I know, Ghost-Rider, you hate it lol. Too simple. Too restrictive. Maybe somebody here that has CV whatever it is you need, could sim you one of your "wild" counting strategies. Then maybe you can find out what The Wise One has been going thru lol. But at least you won't have to ask 5000 hands later what your EV and win rate is lol.
Otherwise, Froggy has me psyched up and I want to be on his team if he'll have me and we'll try our best on some plan we decide on. Our only competion though, really, is The Evil Empire. Don't know about anyone else but that's the only person I want to beat.