Hey everyone

As posted in a previous post, I have moved to LV to try out the pro AP lifestyle. Today marks my time here for 1 and a half months. Since then, I have logged 280 hours of actual gambling time with a profit of a little more than $10k, which isn't too bad.
Things have certainly changed since I first moved here. My first few weeks here consisted of me playing almost only blackjack spreading 10/15 - 200 (I found an obvious OCP game which I played for an hour, which I haven't seen since). During the weekends, I would also play a little poker during the busier hours, as the tables were too busy for me to consider worth my exposure. Unfortunately, I had an early downswing with no profit for the next few weeks. In the meantime, I was getting to know the regulars at the poker tables better and started getting friendly with them (made my lifestyle a lot easier too, as CC can be very lonely, as you cant really talk about it openly). I met up with a pro from outside the States and he has really been helping me with my game, as well as giving me confidence that I am a much stronger player than I originally considered myself. In the meantime, I started experiencing a very nice upswing which pushed me back to EV for the month. This allowed me to increase my game to a 25-300 spread.
Interestingly enough, I found that the 25 min game was VASTLY superior to that of the 10 min game, for a few reasons. Firstly, the tables are a lot less crowded, which innately increases improves your EV. Also, I found that the heat is actually LESS common when spreading 25-300 than 10/15-200. Sure, the spread is not as wide, but from I suspect, seeing a player spread in a 25 min game is a lot less suspicious than a 10 min game. Players at the lowest min tables are gamblers who are there more for the entertainment of gambling in LV. They don't want to gamble a lot of money and are just hoping to get lucky. Players at the 25 min, more often than not, have money to gamble with and are more likely to bet big when they feel a good hand is coming (or something).
Anyway, spending more time with the pro, and talking about what kind of win rates he was experiencing playing poker, I realized that the EV of poker and my current BJ game was quite similar, except with the caveat of having less variance. Well, thats an obvious decision to make. Since then, I haven't played any BJ and have been working on improving my poker game.
Here is my updated log...