First of all, I just have to say, what drama about KJ!
Honestly, I don't really have much to say, except that moving here has been a blast. I am living about 20 minutes away from the strip, which I feel is a perfect situation. Not too close to the casinos where I am getting bombarded with gambling signs and tourists, but not so far that I can't go play when I want to. I have met some very interesting people at the tables, some funny tourists, some regulars that have come to be good friends, as well as actual APs.
After about 3 months of live play (and approx 6 months of online play and study), I feel like I have finally reached the point where I have a good, solid understanding of the game. I still have the occasional leak (I'm a little bit of a calling station

), but I know my game is better than 97% of the players I meet (at least at the level I play at). Maybe its ego, but I say its justified :laugh:

I am actually surprised how much my game has changed in the last 3 months. My first 1-2 months were full of leaks (which still yielded around $25/hr) but something clicked in my head and my entire view on the game changed, fixing tons of leaks and exploiting new ones, which pushed my WR to $50/hr in my $1000 deep 2/5 NL game.
The games have definitely died down after the WSOP ended, the quality of the games are not nearly as good either. However, the games are still very juicy and the solid player will be able to make easy money.
I don't know how many people play poker in this forum, but I would love to see some hand histories to see if I can help other APs find and improve their leaks
PS: Around the 675 hr mark, I decided to CC with a poker friend to show how it works, as the tables were extremely nitty at the time. I haven't played BJ for a month and a half since then, but backcounting, I can tell that I could still do my zen count will all my indices as easily as I stopped. In 30 minutes, I lost 4k :laugh: :cry: Thats what the poker gods punish me with for betraying them :laugh: