onebademf said:
Don't use a wheelchair. Find a table that you want to attack. Have you buddy grab the chair from spot one and take it somewhere (It dosen't matter where. People take chairs all the time from tables.) You then put your money in the spot and say "I need to go get a chair" You run over to Baccarat and grab a low chair and put it in your spot. It works.
I am so tired of hearing people coming up with these quasi-legal scams - and let's be clear about this people, they are scams - in an attempt to achieve something that you could achieve legitimately.
Why don't you just find a hand held game and start mucking? You're not really a kick in the teeth of cheating anyway and any good lawer would have a field day with this so if you are going to go down for cheating you may as well make it worth your while.
The casinos don't provide you with the lowered chairs on the blackjack tables, so engineering a situation where you get to use one will have implications.
Top this of the fact that it's not going to take them long to work out what you are doing and this is just asking for trouble.
If you are that interested in getting hole card information, how about just putting the work in and doing it by finding a weak dealer?