Automatic Monkey said:
I am 100% sure it's not legal. When you get a drivers license you are required to surrender any other drivers licenses you have. In recent years the US Federal government has been taking this very seriously. BTLV was written at a time in the US when truckers had a drivers license from every state and when they had one revoked for a violation, simply drove using another one. Those days are long over.
Not to say you are wrong on this - i simply don't know - but if the US system is anything like the UK system, your driving license is attached to a driving license number. The number remains the same even if you change the details on the card (aka address or legally change your name). Your driving license number remains attached to you no matter what you do.
If you were to "lose" your license, phone up and buy a replacement - at the same time informing them of a legal name change the new card comes out and you still have the old card. As long as you don't use the old card to do anything illegal - any driving violations would come up on both licenses anyway - i don't see it being a major issue. You found the old license a few months after and never thought to send it back - in fact it's in your wallet by mistake, you must have put the wrong one in.
This is very much dependant on the US system running on a centralized database - and at the moment i don't have the inclination to find this out if that is the case, i'll leave that to people with greater motivation in this direction than myself.
As the casinos over here don't take down your driving license number, simply the address and name - they only use it for proof of age and address - a change of name on the license would be enough to pull the wool over their eye's so to speak.
Just as a cautious disclaimer - i am in no way implying that i know whether this would be legal. If you want to know that, consult an expert on identity law.