surrendering away the ploppies
One of two things happen when I surrender a hand. I get the usual comments or looks or someone else on the table will begin to also surrender but with no idea of when they should.
You can not concern yourself with the comments or looks made by other players. You know what you are doing but you can not tell them, but it is your money and just as you let them play anyway they want, they should allow you the same.
Though this has nothing to do with surrender, the comments about surrender killing the mythical sacred flow of the all knowing cards, also goes for other very elementary basic strategy plays. Do one of the typical soft 18 plays of hitting vs 9,10,A or doubling vs 3-6, and you get the comments and looks. Recently, I doubled a soft18, lost, most of the table lost and one guy started telling me what an idiot I was. Gave hime the "its my money line" hoping he would leave but he did not. Next hand he gets blackjack and I can not resist. I say, "your welcome", goes over his head but the dealer at least had a laugh.